Kiev Pechersk Lavra Kiev, Ukraine

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The Holy Dormition Kievo-Pechersk Lavra (Ukrainian: Holy Dormition Kievo-Pechersk Lavra) is one of the first monasteries of Kievan Rus in the time of its foundation. One of the most important Orthodox shrines, the third Lot of the Virgin.

The Pechersk Monastery was founded in 1051 under Yaroslav the Wise by monk Anthony, originally from Lyubech, and his disciple Theodosius. Prince Svyatoslav II Yaroslavich presented the monastery with a plateau above the caves (from where, in fact, the name of the monastery came from), where beautiful stone temples decorated with paintings, cells, fortress towers and other buildings later grew up. The names of the chronicler Nestor (author of The Tale of Bygone Years) and the artist Alipiy are associated with the monastery. From 1592 to 1688 he was the Stavropol territory of the Patriarch of Constantinople. During this period, the Pechersk Monastery was one of the most important spiritual strongholds of the resistance of the Union, as well as the center of the formation of the Little Russian identity. In 1688, the monastery received the status of a lavra[1] and became the "Stavropol royal and patriarchal Moscow"; in 1786
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