What is Science?

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A brief description of the nature of science, including examples and traits of good scientists.
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Science is a method to select the best predictive theory around the competitive theories. The science is about to prediction not about to truth or right. You need to ask what is it predicts while you see a interpret to something not what is it right or is it right, because interpret is prediction for science.


Great explanation. I myself a teacher . Superb channel . I Will Recommend this channel to my students


Thank you I am writing common entrance this year and this helped me


Wonderfully presented, the excitement of teaching in beaming eyes.
its your energy and great content which make it great video !
Thank you for this amazing presentation.


Just a quick tip for your next videos: your camera is set to auto-focus, turn that off so it won't do those little "zoom-in-out" adjustments. You must set the focus before starting the recording.


Science is a knowledge that we have about our natural world


pleasant to see, eyecatching way of teaching


This video provided me with good information


My teacher said that science is everything surrounded us :)


thank you for give education about science .thank you Jennifer desrochers.


science is a practical way of understanding the world and everything!! that is what the word science means...


The examples about "opinions" like whether Shakespeare wrote great play, whether diamonds are beautiful, which shampoo makes your hair look best etc - I agree these are not scientific questions.

However, it is a common confusion, so it's worth mention that you can take surveys (opinion polls) to get statistically significant opinion stats from a particular population in a particular culture (time and place). Of course this is not the same thing as literally saying "Shakespeare wrote great plays".

For some of these questions you could also do experiments to better understand biology and human brains (neuroscience) and make generalizations about what reactions people have in their brains that might be one interpretation of the word "beauty". That's where it gets complicated, but I'd still argue this sort of thing is not scientific unless you have a big disclaimer being very specific about what you mean by "beauty" or "great" and what you don't mean.

Finally there's the issue of how we decide what is "great" or "beauty" in a more objective sense. Science can only help us so much with that, and to some extent I can see the point about it being an "opinion", and a lot of it is just a linguistic issue about the "correct" meaning of words or about a statement being ambiguous unless it is further clarified. That said, we actually can get a lot farther on questions like this with tools of science and language and finally of philosophy - by being more precise and by giving well-reasoned arguments about what we should label as "great" or "beauty" in terms of linguistic. For example, there might be moral reasons to label something as "beautiful".


Why does my honors teacher keep forcing us to watch your (no offense you're great at explaining things


Radioactive and radiometric dating are methods of measuring the age of something (rocks, etc) based on assumption about the past. Check out this explanation from US Geological Survey website, which explains technicalities of radioactive decay, but which fails to mention the problems with measuring the concentrations of isotopes in the past.


Ma'am you should continue teaching on youtube. The way you explain is mind blowing 🔥...


but the third thing that you are saying that we have to assume to do science is not valid in 'quantum physics', if the conditions are same, then results may not necessarily gonna be the same


Those assumptions are not necessary. We can start with no assumption about order or our ability to comprehend order, and simply start exploring to determine whether there is perceptible order and any reliability of our minds.


All these definitions of science are great but the one that is extraordinarily accurate to the T, is the one from Richard Feynman.


I really enjoyed watching this video, I think you do a great job of relating to your students and communicating in a way that they can be open to.


I am a scientific person but science cannot answer all of my questions. There comes a point in the life when you are mature enough and start to think about some deeper and important questions like what is the purpose of life?
Now at this point, you had been to all the parties, you have played dozens and dozens of video games, you have watched a whole lot of movies, you have tried to copy the lifestyle of these movie stars, but at the end of the day you are not fully satisfied, you still feel emptiness inside and the thoughts crosses your mind that ask you:
1. Why am I here?
2. Why am I created?
3. What if I was not created?
4. What if I was not the part of this universe?
5. For everything around me has some purpose, anything that don’t have purpose is just thrown away, then in that case what is my purpose?
6. Is my purpose is only to enjoy parties, have relationships with opposite gender, play games, watch movies?
7. If my purpose is only to enjoy or to follow my wordly desires, then why I still feel emptyness inside? What is really missing?
8. For everything around me has a creator, a maker, a manufacturer, a brand or an origin, then :
a. Where I have come from and where am i going?
b. Who created me?
c. Who gave me intelligence?
d. Who shape my body when I was in the womb of my mother?
e. Who created me as a normal human being without any disabilities?
f. Who is behind the scenes?
9. What happens when people die?
10. Where do people go after death?
11. Where will I go after death?
12. If, for the sake of argument, there is a life after death then am I prepared for that life?
13. No glass, no cup, no spoon, no plate, no table in my house has been created on its own, then is it possible that my body, my respiratory system, my nervous system, my disgestive system and everything else inside me, that is perfectly screwed, is created by chance?
If you are true to yourself then these questions definetly comes in your mind and most of the times you just try to overshadow them by doing things like listening to some music, watching some movie, play some video game or go in the shopping mall to purchase an itme that you may not really require!!! But still all these tricks may not helping you.
No matter whether or not you follow any relgion, If you are finding troubles to fight against these thoughts and want a logical answers to these questions then I being a Muslim humbly request you to do a research on Islam. Give this religion a chance, give it a benefit of doubt and then study it unbiaslly. Study Quran – The Last and Final Testament revealed on Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from God.
1. Find out why Islam is the fastest growing relgion in the world, despite of the fact that the western media leaves no chance to criticize this relgion. Well, one of the reasons behind that are the scientific miracles and scientific facts mentioned in Quran. For details you are most welcome to read the Book wriiten by the French surgeon "Dr Maurice Bucaille" and the title of the book is "Bible, The Quran And Science". You can also watch the video on youtube with the title "Embryology in the Qur'an lecture by Dr. Keith L. Moore (University of Illinois, 1990)" or you can watch the videos on youtube by Dr Zakir Naik on this topic.
2. Find out how is it the only relgion that is purely monotheistic in its true sence. Islam teaches its followers to worship the Creator and not the creation. So muslims worship only One Creator – The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Infact the word “Muslim” is one who submit his will to the Will of One Creator.
3. Find out why Mislims love and respect Jesus Christ – the son of Mary. The reason is that we Muslims believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) was neither God nor the son of God, instead he was one of the mightiest messenger sent from God. Jesus taught his deciples to worship the Creator and not the creation.
4. Find out why Quran is still preserved in its original Text and Language despite of the fact that 1400 years have passed since its revealation. Now this offcouse is a living miracle especially when we compare Quran with religious scriptures of other relgions including Bible.
5. Find out why the Prophet of Islam i.e. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - The Last and Final Messenger sent from God – is ranked to the first position by Dr Michael H. Hart in his book "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History".
6. Find out why Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is considered as “The Greatest Law Giver in the Human history ” according to the Supreme Court of United States of America.
Please note that my aim is not to despair or hurt the feelings of anybody. The only thing I want to do is to make you think about yourself. No matter whether you are an atheist, a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Sikh or anyone else; one thing is for sure and we all agree upon is DEATH. We all gone a die soone or later. That is a fact, not fiction and infact we have seen many people around us who have left this world and will never come back again. So before it gets too late, do the research . May be Islam has the solution for you.
To make your job more easy you can read The Quran or follow the youtube videos by the scholors like Dr Zakir Naik, Mufti Menk, Abdur Raheem Green, Sheikh Yousus Estas, Nouman Ali Khan etc.
