What is Science? - It's more than you think

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What is science?

If you think science is just boring facts to memorize or something only smart people can do you're not alone, but you're missing out on the best method humans have for determining the truth.

Science is something everyone can do. In the words of Carl Sagan, "Science is more than a body of knowledge; it's a way of thinking - a way of skeptically interrogating the universe."

Simply by questioning everything and accepting claims only after they have been reasonably tested you are already applying the core idea behind science!



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I decided to agree with the statement "science is skeptically interrogating the univrse". Since childhood, without realizing it, we have become part of science, because with our inquisitive mind we are trying to find out what surrounds us, why the sky is blue, why water flows and much more. Noticing everything unusual and unknown to us, we ask questions and try to figure out why this is happening. Like all scientists, to begin with, we pose a question, then observe and draw conclusions. But this is not a matter of one day, because only one proof of the correctness of one's point of view is missing. There will be a lot of those who will disagree, because everyone has their own opinion. That's why science is a very multifaceted subject.


On the one hand, science can indeed be called a way of thinking. But on the other hand, it seems to me that this definition still does not fully describe the whole essence of a scientific discipline. In other words, it is not enough just to think critically for it to be a science. In the first place science is some activities aimed at the development and systematization of objective knowledge about reality. And for this we need to regularly collect facts, just as regularly recheck and update, systematize and, finally, critically analyze. In fact, this is a synthesis of a huge number of methods. The video, in my opinion, really says the right idea, but this is certainly only a small piece of the puzzle for understanding the entire scientific world.


I am very happy about the fact that the video mentions one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century, Richard Feynman. All my friends and family know that I am a huge fan of his style of thinking and have read two of his autobiographical books with pleasure.
To answer the question of what science is for me, I would like to turn to some facts from the life of Richard Feynman. In an excerpt of the documentary "Fun to imagine", the scientist gives an example of music education for a reason. The fact is that Feynman considered himself a man deprived of any creative talent, but he constantly challenged himself in an attempt to prove that the scientific approach is able to curb any business. Neatness, skepticism, attention to detail and excitement allowed Feynman to curb his drumming, so well that he was invited to traditional festivals in Brazil more than once as a musician.
With the help of a scientific approach, the Nobel laureate managed to subdue not only music, but also painting. It all started with a small dispute: whether an artist can learn physics, and a physicist can learn drawing. The desire to prove his point of view led Feynman to the fact that portraits of beautiful girls literally became the physicist's calling card. By the way, after some time he was engaged in making paintings to order for pubs, bars and private buyers, and once even exhibited his work in a museum under a pseudonym.
For me, science is a style of thinking with which you should approach everything in life, regardless of where you are and what you do, whether it's cooking food or conducting an experiment on the verge of discovery. Accuracy, skepticism, attention to detail and, most importantly, excitement – that's what science is for me.


Science at its best is an open ended method of inquiry, not a belief system.


Keep in mind that this seemed to be intended as a blanket summary of science for the lay-person. I am sure they had no intention of, nor should they have, attempted to describe all facets of science. Description of the basic thought process and simple straight forward examples is perfect. I'm sure all of the intricacies of every aspect of science that are missing in the video can be searched on YouTube as needed.


What the author describes in his video is not "science" in the sense in which most people understand it, but "scientific approach" or "rationality", if we specify exactly the set of techniques and methods for thinking. In addition to the above, there are many other useful tricks besides what has been mentioned, which, of course, is one of the central pillars of rationality and modern science as such. For me, however, science is a branch of human culture that studies the world around and explains it to everyone else.


Science for me is the key to progress. I believe that science is not only important and necessary, but also interesting. You can explore something new that interests you. And perhaps you will come to the truth by following your own mistakes and the mistakes of others. Do not think that everything in the world was already opened and created by someone. Everything can always be improved, and something can even be refuted. This property of science is self-correcting.


I thought that the thinking in the same way is called sceptical thinking.I agree with the author opinion and even more, i used to use the science methods even before i got information about what science is, and that makes me proud of myself a little. Because I consider, that if everybody used the scientific way of thinking the world could be better in many times....


Science is the application of the scientific method.
An open ended method of inquiry, not a belief system.




Im not sure if I said this last school year (i am a teacher) but this video is EXCELLENT!


"Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth."
Jules Verne


I'm happy the I get to science club cu


Searching of reality are called science


Science is a method for evaluating nature, but I think it's naive to think the scientific community are just a bunch of skeptical thinkers looking for the truth and there isn't any bias. It gets really bizarre when people turn it into a world view. Also, I think we need to me more skeptical and ask how science can be very damaging rather than just popularize science as the only method of inquiry or fail to think carefully about giving people a false impression of what science is capable of and not be more skeptical of science itself.


Science is not a body of knowledge. Science is not knowledge at all. Science is faith and belief- not certainty.


True science comes from a Biblical perspective.