How To Become Quant - Ultimate Roadmap

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You forgot the part about being second in that Math competition in China.


It's important to mention that no quant researcher uses all of these skills on a daily basis. Most are specialised in a single area. It's all well and good to read into all of these topics (which takes a very long time), but specialising into one of the core areas will give you a big advantage in interviews. If you are a jack of all trades, but master of none, every interviewer will find someone more suited to that specific role than you. Additionally, many quants are hired with absolutely zero knowledge of the world of finance, but purely based on a mastery of the basic tools of maths with some coding sprinkled in. Don't waste your time learning the fancy stuff unless you're an expert in linear regression, basic data structures and algorithms, and probability brainteasers etc.


Thank you for this video brother. I was familiar with the general scope of quantitative finance, but never truly knew the breakdown of skills and knowledge needed to enter the field.

It's really nice to see a video like this. Quant Finance might truly be what I'm aiming for at the end of my studies. It's a field where I can apply mathematics, programming, machine learning, and financial theory. I recently wrapped up winning an AI Innovation Ideathon for Formula One and have been debating where I could take my skill sets. All the topics listed in your video are concepts I am passionate about turning into a career.

Thank you myquant. You opened my eyes to a field I never truly considered.


This is why I switched from pursuing a BA in Econ to pursuing a BS in Computer Science! I feel I can still tackle fintech and hedge funds!


Add some excel/vba projects with real data like different VaR methods, mutlifactorial CAPM, Markovitz/Mometum portfolio and some pivot table aggregation automation to be able to do land any jobs near front office as a first internship if not directly quant - python volatility models implementation and staying up to date with recent research papers would be fine too


Good video. It's my third year at uni, I want to persue my master in actuarial sciences because its the most math/finance oriented master in my uni, good to see that we'll cover the subject that I haven't already seen


My favourite part is the fact the Pricing Derivatives is a dependent node of Derivatives Pricing. So I need to know Derivatives Pricing before I can learn Pricing Derivatives. Priceless :)


i already have the programming side of things done, and some of the mathematics, as i studied computer science in undergrad. i guess i gotta explore the other areas, if i ever do decide to go down this path. one key think i would probably add this is to start as early as possible! i'm in in 20s and sometimes i feel behind compared to other people, only because they started programming or whatever at like 12 or 13, and i only really started in undergrad.


I saw a very similar chart made and I have been trying to follow it. My background is in chemical engineering and looking to start a position to get me more experience in the financial side, possibly as an investment analyst. I know basic python and sql however will need to brush up that but looking into statistics now


Great input. Content on resources of each specific element of the roadmap would be greatly appreciated as finding resources for this content is very overwhelming… maybe book/ self learning recommendations for each area :)?


Thanks for sharing this, I think I will make this roadmap my 2025 - 2029 goals.


now make another video for all the resources out there for the specific skills.


grateful for the wealth of information provided


Now which courses should I take from coursera to become quantitative analyst/trader


Now with the release of o1, and o3 from OpenAI coming soon, we can definitely use em to do most of the math & coding heavy lifting! 🤗🥰


Hey where to learn the financial theory and econometrics from? Any good resources plz


right now i’m completing my Bachelors in Business Administration, however i’ve taken course that have allowed me to learn R coding, Python, SQL and a bit Finance (which made me very interested in quant and model building). I’m missing a lot of the core math courses, so my question is can i even become a quant? I most likely will get my Masters im just not sure what degree i should get


I want to be a data scientist, so i know quite a lot about it, but recently ive started seeing more math/tech mix jobs like actuaries, quants, machine learning engineers. There seems to be a lot of overlap and transferrable skills, is it easy to pivot from data science to quantative analysis?


Hi bro, is this good enough for an algo dev position(QR) at HRT? Or too overkill😂


What's the difference between statistics, econometrics and machine learning? Which bachelor and masters are the recommended path to become a quant? Ty in advance
