How I became a quant | Q&A on academic background, salary, work life balance

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Hi everyone. Thanks for watching my previous video 'A Day in The Life of a Quant'. Here is the Q&A video for going through all the questions you've left in the comment section of my previous video. Hope to shed some lights on your path to becoming quants.
If you have topics that you'd like me to cover, please leave a comment in the comment area.
00:00 Intro
01:15 Pathway to quant
03:10 Is phd a must?
04:30 Non-MFE background
05:12 How to get a job?
06:45 To be close to work or not to be?
07:40 Where I got my MFE degree
08:13 Salary
09:30 Work life balance
10:20 Commute to work
If you have topics that you'd like me to cover, please leave a comment in the comment area.
00:00 Intro
01:15 Pathway to quant
03:10 Is phd a must?
04:30 Non-MFE background
05:12 How to get a job?
06:45 To be close to work or not to be?
07:40 Where I got my MFE degree
08:13 Salary
09:30 Work life balance
10:20 Commute to work
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