TDS Solo HC Hardcore Warden Turret Electroshocker BUFFED Reworked Tower Defense Simulator Roblox

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TDS Solo HC Hardcore Warden Turret Electroshocker BUFFED Reworked Tower Defense Simulator Roblox

Playing with other friends

I know Grinding gems in tds is very painful and bored, so You can find more Strats for Grind Gems tds or Coins that may suitable for you here
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wave 1-3 (skip as fast as possible)
Wave 4:place 1 warden, place lvl 1 farm
Wave 5:place lvl 0 farm
wave 6:up farm lvl 1->2, up farm lvl 0->1 (skip as fast as possible)
wave 7:up warden to lvl 1
wave 8:up lvl 1->2 farm
wave 9:place lvl 1 electroshocker
wave 10:place another lvl 2 farm
wave 11:up electro to lvl 2
wave 12:place another lvl 0 warden, place lvl 1 farm
wave 13:up lv1->lv2 farm, up warden lvl 0->1
wave 14-15: get four lvl 3 farms
wave 16:up warden lvl 1->2 (skip as fast as possible)
wave 17:up warden lvl 1->2 place lvl 3 farm
wave 18:place lvl 1 electroshocker
wave 19:save (skip as fast as possible)
wave 20:up warden to lvl 3, place lvl 1 warden, place lvl 2 farm
wave 21:up farm lvl 2->3, place 2 lvl 0 farms, place lvl 1 warden, up lvl 0 farms to lvl 2
wave 22:lvl 2 farms -> 3, place lvl 1 commander
wave 23:up warden to lvl 3
wave 24:up commander to lvl 2, up warden lvl 1->2 (use COA and skip as fast as possible once enemies passes)
wave 25:up warden to lvl 3 (skip as fast as possible)
wave 26:up warden lvl 1->3, place lvl 2 warden (then skip)
wave 27:up warden lvl 2->3, up electroshocker lvl 1->2
wave 28:(use COA)
wave 29:place turret lvl 2 (use COA)
wave 30:place commander lvl 2
wave 31:up turret lvl 2->3 (make sure to use COA) (skip as fast as possible)
wave 32-33: place turret lvl 1->3
wave 34:place lvl 2 turret
wave 35:up turret lvl 3->4
wave 36:up turret lvl 2->3, place lvl 2 commander (chain COA), place lvl 3 warden, place lvl 2 warden
wave 37:up electroshocker lvl 2->5 (MAX), up electroshocker lvl 2->4
wave 38:up electroshocker lvl 4->5 (MAX), place lvl 5 electroshocker
wave 39:up turret lvl 3->4
wave 40:save
wave 41:up turret lvl 4->5
wave 42:save
wave 43:up turret lvl 3->4
wave 44:up turret lvl 4->5, up two wardens lvl 3->4
wave 45:place max lvl electroshocker, (max every warden and commanders)
wave 46-48: (Do what you will)


Skip until having enough money for warden
Wave 4:Place 1 warden
Wave 5:place lv1 farm, place lv0 farm
wave 6:Up lv1->2
wave7:up lv0->1 farm, up warden to lv1
wave 8:up lv1->2 farm
wave 9:place lv1 electroshocker
wave10:place another lv2 farm
wave 11:up electro to lv2
wave 12:place another lv0 warden, lv1 farm
wave 13:up lv1->lv2 farm, up lv0 warden->1
wave 14:up 2 farm lv3
wave 15:up 2 farm to lv4( u have 4 farm in total)
wave 16:up warden lv1->2
wqave 17:place another lv3 farm
wave 18:place another electro lv1
wave 19:save
wave 20:up warden to lv3, place another lv1 warden, place lv2 farm
wave 21:up lv2->3 farm, place 2 farm lv0, 1 warden, up 2 farm to lv2
wave 22:up 2 farm to lv3, place a lv1 commander
wave 23:up warden to lv3
wave 24:up commander to lv2, warden lv2
wave 25:up last lv2 war->lv3,
wave 26:up lv1 war->lv3, place another lv3 warden
wave 27:up lv1 elec->lv2
Wave 28:save
wave 29:place a lv2 turret, place another lv2 commander
wave 31:up lv2 turret->lv3


It went from brawler being meta for hardcore and after the nerf warden came back up


and there is still some people say that turret rebalance is bad

warden was one of my favorite towers and Im happy now that he got buff now he is no more overshadowed by brawler

She forgot that she had commander NPCs at the end lol.


Yay and actual Strat that dosent make me get stage 4 cancer from so much micro.🤑


Should’ve used the Commander APC at the end


Ty for showing this, i might use this solo hardcore strat to grind all the hardcore towers! Tysm, this will be easy for me (i quess).


New sub earned, im gonna try this strat but i gotta get warden first


Mercenary base or ranger would help alot this loadout


The most very easiest to beat or grinding for hardcore. for me I use the mafia, minigunner, shocker, (DPS) towers and the(SUPPORT) towers I use the farm and dj very basic yes, only had to do is to play solo.


Do you have a doc for this by chance 🙏 i find it way easier to read td strats than watch and replicate


Question: is it possible to replace the turret with an accelerator?


watching them not use the APC at the end hurt my soul to watch all that time panicking and could've just pressed the button 4 times


the grave digger is just RNG, I got only once through wave 36. He keeps stomping every chance he has...


First person who pass hardcore without premium I ever see👍👍 very skill


Pretty curious on why you're leaving links of MXD gaming and not your own, you should make your own community


You used 2 of my favourite towers and then solo hc.


its more better change turret to accelerator?


Im sitting here wondering why you didnt max your turrets when you had money


it doesnt work i already lose on the first slow boss i dont hv enough dps
