Gale Banks Reacts to HOONIGAN 1,000 HP Compound Turbo Duramax Diesel | Fact Check

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Hoonigan posted the latest episode of their Knuckle Busters Project Cars series in which they’re preparing a Gen V Camaro to run a standing mile at 200 MPH. The twist is that the car will be powered by a 1,000 horsepower fully-built Duramax LBZ fed by compound turbos.

Hoonigan does nice work. Their series are informative and entertaining, and you can bet we’ve been following the progress of this build and rooting for them. Going 200 in a diesel-powered Camaro is totally doable. After all, Banks went 222 MPH in a Cummins-powered Dodge Dakota in 2002.

But when episode 10 of the series dropped this week, Banks fans were quick to light up our social feeds and Gale’s in particular. He was woken Monday to the sound of his phone vibrating off the nightstand. His Facebook Messenger was going nuts. “Gale, have you seen the latest Hoonigan video? You’ve gotta watch this!”

Before the 78-year-old turbocharging guru had a chance to see the video, we convinced him to watch it on camera. We set up a computer in the race shop and clicked play as the cameras rolled.

Hoonigan Project Cars: Dyno Time! How Much Power Will Our Compound Turbo Duramax Diesel Make? // Knuckle Busters 2 Ep.10

Banks: 912 HORSEPOWER DURAMAX with STOCK internals! Killing A Duramax Pt 12
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Honnigan guys: Wow our roll coal tune is sick!
Gale Banks: That Dyno run reminds me of my dog eating it’s own shit in the backyard.


I love how he starts as a nice old man then just progressively lets loose on these guys


This is like having Jesus watch your church sermon And commenting


Gale, you are actually MORE fun to watch then those guys. I Feel like I could get smarter just standing in the same room with you. I learn a ton with every third word you say. Holy crap!


All the diesel kids gunna be butthurt hearing that smoke doesnt equal power lol


I could get behind a "Banks Reacts" series.


what the internet totally needs is Gale Banks roasting youtube wankers


I have an early 2004 Superduty 6.0. I took it to a reputable diesel performance shop and talked to them at length about my use of the truck and asked them for their suggestions. They told me what needed to be done and informed me that I was not going to be blowing a ton of black smoke with the upgrades. That the “rolling coal” was super inefficient and was just blowing unburned fuel out the tailpipe. That was over 10 years ago and it still has ridiculous amounts of useable power and blows almost no black smoke. Everything you’ve said makes total sense. The video was humorous to watch and I hope they didn’t explode.


Its like a young person watching an old person using the internet, but backwards.


Love this guy. True engineer. Calls it as he sees it based on decades of building huge, reliable power.


Soon as banks said “ahh shit cmon guy!” This whole video got interesting 😂


Banks definitely knows what he's talking about i love hearing him react to this kind of stuff cuz he's right 🤣


Dan admits he doesnt know diesel, clearly he's being mislead


This could be it’s own segment each week, there’s so many diesel “tuners” on YouTube just going for big numbers and cutting corners. This is why I watch the Banks channel for real builds and real knowledge, thanks for the quality content and knowledge Gale.


"Till I'm in the ground" I teared up, there's one in a million people as passionate about their work as gale


Hoonigan 1000% could’ve afforded to do this with Gale. Dan got 100x further than I would’ve gotten, I’ve watched him build many vehicles and for his first diesel I was super proud and inspired. Even the way Dan handled Gale’s feedback was wholesome and humble for how much Gale shit on the dyno shop 🤣


So having watched the entire Hoonigan build series on this. Dan has no idea about diesel power . He does not claim to know anything about it ether. He went and got some "professional advice" . He got bad advice. Seriously Mr. Banks you should reach out to Dan and Hoonigan and help them out. Dan is a good guy and a solid fabricator. He geeks out on all car stuff. Just watch any of the Build Bios videos. It's going to be sad to see this car destroyed. Dan really is a good guy.


Hoonigan: Let's put these parts together.

Gale: Don't wake me up for amateur hour again.


Posted Here By Banks: "We spoke to Dan and the team weeks ago before this episode was posted. They told us the series was taped months ago. The car has been done for quite a while. So, there was nothing for us to get involved with. Yes, they should have come to us first. We would have opened the shop to them as we do with racers, trade schools, Kory from PPEI, Jeremy Wagler and more. But this video is bad for the diesel community. When an "expert" says smoke means power, that's bad for our industry."


I remember years and years ago my grandpa who worked on diesel engines for the Navy in WWII, and drove diesel trucks after the war, and he was complaining about "Kids and their rolling coal tunes" and he had the same things to say, "It's destroying the engine, and it's not making more power." It's cool seeing the diesel performance scene getting wise and maturing. Diesel engines are so overbuilt they can survive these bad tunes, so people used to working with gassers think they're not doing anything terribly wrong, since it's not blowing up their engines right away.
