WCDRR: Experiences from the field without a filter, Maria Catalina Jaime Sanchez

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It’s all too easy to get caught up in the academics of DRR when the reality of implementation can be quite different. This talk aims at capturing practical ideas gathered from field experience of DRR projects and encapsulating them in a series of dos and don’ts for practitioners and those interested in fresh perspectives from the field.
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I couldn't agree more with the points presented. These messages have to be conveyed to the donors, especially the rigid ones ;), it will make the DRR practitioners' lives easier. GOOD JOB Maria Catalina Jaime Sanchez! You just screamed out my thoughts :) Bravo!!!


I am so proud of all you have done since Haiti! You will go far Catalina.


As a field practitioner I especially relate to the first point. We claim to run 'community driven' projects yet often have limited space in which to grant them agency over decisions. When the content of a program has already been so specifically defined by 'rigid' log frames, concieved by fly in fly out consultants, community ownership is already compromised.


thanks catalina for sharing this. great!
