Ghostly Kisses - The City Holds My Heart (Official Video)

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Official video of "The City Holds My Heart" by Ghostly Kisses

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Filmed by Élisabeth Grenier & Margaux Sauvé
Edited by Nicolas B. Asselin, Thomas Bourget
Special thanks to Marie Côté and La Raffinerie family
Graphic Design by Marie-Joëlle Lemire

Music: Margaux Sauvé, Louis-Étienne Santais
Lyrics: Margaux Sauvé, Vann Delorey
Sound & Mix: Alex Ouzilleau (Studio Le Magnétophone)
Mastering: Sterling Sound

Ghostly Kisses - The City Holds My Heart

What do you want to know?
We’ve already been over this
A million times

Though I told you I would be
There when you needed me
Can’t pretend to be
Someone else
For you

And I know, I know, I know, I know
There is something missing
Something that was there before
And I know, I know, I know, I know
I’ll still love you
Even worlds apart

The city holds my heart
Within walls of glass and steel
Can’t you see I just can’t go?
These walls are all I know

The city holds my heart
Like a shell
I cannot feel surrounds
I want you to go
I’m scared to tell you so

Babe, what do you want from me?
We’ve already tried everything
Hold me
Don’t ask me why I still can't leave
This is where I feel at home
This is where my heart always belonged

And I know, I know, I know, I know
I’ll still love you
Always in my dreams

The city holds my heart
Within walls of glass and steel
Can’t you see I just can’t go?
These walls are all I know

The city holds my heart
Like a shell
I cannot feel surrounds
I want you to go
I’m scared to tell you so

Even if you go
You remain a whisper in my dreams
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I just found this in my recommendations and I instantly loved it. You know, how sometimes you get the feeling like you want to listen to something, but you just can't find anything that would be satisfying enough? This song was exactly what my soul was aching to hear.
Thank you very much.

The sound is just so nice, it's one of those songs that I can disconnect from this world to. And lyrics, oh, those lyrics. Simple, yet filled with meaning. I'm not sure, but it feels like they represent the feeling of confusion, as if the singer is stuck in between two things and both have great importance.
And oh boy do I know this feeling.


i can’t even describe what i just felt


I'm leaving this comment here so, after a month or a year, if someone likes it I'll be reminded of this absolute beauty.


Babe, what do you want to know?
We've already been over this
A million times
Wait, though I told you I would be
There when you needed me
Can't pretend to be someone else for you

And I know, I know, I know, I know
There is something missing
Something that was there before
And I know, I know, I know, I know
I'll still love you
Even worlds apart

The city holds my heart
Within walls of glass and steel
Can't you see I just can't go?
These walls are all I know
The city holds my heart
Like a shell
I cannot feel surrounds
I want you to go
I'm scared to tell you so

Babe, what do you want from me?
We've already tried everything
Hold me
Don't ask me why I still can't leave
This is where I feel at home
This is where my heart always belonged

And I know, I know, I know, I know
I'll still love you
Always in my dreams

The city holds my heart
Within walls of glass and steel
Can't you see I just can't go?
These walls are all I know
The city holds my heart
Like a shell
I cannot feel surrounds
I want you to go
I'm scared to tell you so

Even if you go
You remain a whisper in my dreams


She's our secret, people, she's our little secret ❤️


For the 2% who read this, I wish you for a total success in your next project!!!


هذي الاغنية أحس إنها تشبه الذكريات الدافئة كل ماسمعتها تذكرت أشياء قديمة سعيدة، وتثير في نفسي الحنين بشكل غريب ومستلطف😢❤


The most underrated singer I have ever known in my entire life...


صوتها.. الكلمات.. المشاعر.. كل شي بيرفكت


سمعتها مع زوجتي تحت شجرة تتساقط اوراقها الساعة ١٠:٤٧ على الحان زقزقه العصافير اتمنى ذي اللحظة تستمر للأبد💗


I’m so blessed to find this song on my recommendations


من اجمل الأغانى اللى سمعتها ليها تأثير صعب تتخلص منه


هنا يجتمع من لا يحب الزحام ويسكن الليل فقط ✨


This is what i'd non-shamelessly label as "spiritual music", theres no talk about material stuff, just emotions and personal resonances to the external world. It's so well made and great voice, props.


اليوم بالضبط على الساعة 12:12
جالسه لوحدي و افكر ، قاعده امر بفترة جدا سيئة و مش طايقه حدا، افكر قد ايه اريد بس اروح اعيش لوحدي بعيد من كل هل الازعاج ، و مرت هل السنة الدراسية مختلفة عن الكل، مات فيها جدي الله يرحموا لي كان عزيز علي و جداتي ثنينهم مريضات ، و ضغط و امتحانات و مشاكل، بس الحمدلله يعني على كل شيء، ان شاء الله لما ارجع اسمع لهل الاغنيه تكون هل الفترة عدت، لكل من قرأ تعليقي اهتموا بنفسكم كلكم❤️
اهلا يا جماعة ❤️ كيفكم كيف حالكم كيف صرتوا كلكم؟ شكرا لكل حدا ساعدني و اهتم و سأل انا ممتنة لالكم كثير كثير💞 انا الحين حالي مشي حالوا بس الحمدلله، الحمدلله على كل شيء، رغم ان نفسيتي مش واو و كل اشي تمام بس مش زي الاول، جدتي صارت احسن الحمدلله، بس جدتي الثانيه لي لسه تعبانه الله يشفيها و دعواتكم لو سمحتوا❤️ و جدي الله يرحمه و يغفر له ابدا م انساه، راح ابدا سنة دراسية جديدة و اتمنى تكون احلى سنة، و اتمنى اني اتفوق و ارفع راسي و راس اهلي، و الله يحن قلب اهلي علي يارب❤️ انا م اعرفك و انت م تعرفني بس الكلمة الطيبة مهمة و النصيحة لاخوك المسلم افضل اشي، الله يسهل على كل حدا يارب قاعد عم يقرا تعليقي او في اي مكان و مهما كان يسوي ، و كل مره اسمع هل الغنيه يجيني flashback 🥹، مشاعر مختلطة حزن و سعادة و هم و فرح كل اشي حرفيا، بس الحمدلله يارب على كل اشي ❤️ راح ارجع اطمنكم و طمنوني عليكم حبايبي، الله يسهل عليكم💞.


I want to share her songs with people I know, but I always hesitate to do so. It's a dilemma when you want others to listen to good music, but you feel like you'd ruin the beauty of it by telling others.


Just noticed that U can pause the video at any given moment, and literally it works as a wallpaper *aesthetic*


مررت من هنا عند الساعة الواحدة ليلا وأسمع هذه الأغنية بعد مرور خمس سنوات من اصدارها وهكذا ستمر الحياة كلها ويمضي الزمن وسيستمر العد حتى آلاف السنين ونحن نتمنى أن نبقى في الدنيا للأبد ولكن هيهات هذه الدنيا فانية وستنقضي ذات يوم و لا أحد سيمسك يدينا سوى نحن إن عملنا من أجل الجنة الخالدة لا الدنيا الزائلة


This is giving me huge London Grammar vibes which btw it's my favourite band so needless to say I'm absolutely loving this


this song invokes something in me i can't quite remember. it feels like a distant memory
