Growing Leeks from Sowing to Harvest

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Luscious leeks are trouble-free crops with a long harvest period that can extend right through winter.

Leeks need a long growing season but the end result is worth it - big, beautiful plants that withstand cold weather and can be harvested when there’s not much else available.

In this short video we’ll show you how to grow leeks every step of the way: from sowing and transplanting through to that magical moment they’re lifted out of the ground and transformed in the kitchen.

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Let's just enjoy the video without hunting for a negative comment. I love his training


From A to Z coverage, even a recipe! You have the true heart of a teacher! Thanks so much...


By far the best Leek growing video I’ve seen and it’s only 5min long


Leak and potato soup with vermicelli and coriander, you can't beat it!


I dried my leeks for the 1st time last harvest. Cut into 1 inch rounds and put into the dehumidifier. Great as a pizza topping, soups, stir fries or whatever your little heart desires. Thnx for the vid.


Thank you for the dibber idea, I flipped my outdoor broom upside down and used the handle, it worked brilliantly and saved my back 🤓


I just love this guy!! No nonsense advice. Easy to follow and honest! You have made my 'lockdown' intro to mini backyard growing into a now passion! Thanks


We save our toilet paper rolls and slip them over the leeks when they still fit, then leave them on for months. After harvest, the leftover paper stays in the soil.


Have been enjoying the leeks I started last August all winter, and am still enjoying them as they come ready to eat.


Everything I wanted to know!!!! Brilliant


I have wild leeks spawned from original plantings. I love the flowers, as do the bees so I leave a few each year... which in turn begets me tiny sweet leeks.. about the size of scallions really, but they are delicious. in past years, I have tried thinning them out but they tend to go to seed; so I just leave them in their natural clumps and tease some out when I want to use them.  Health dictates lazy gardening now... but my leeks are still helping me out.


This is my third year growing leeks and they are pretty easy. With the exception of harvesting them without getting dirt into every little crevasse. Your tips are going to be implemented when I harvest in a few weeks here in coastal Southern California.


Thank you! I'm trying leeks for the first time this season. I grow in an organic community garden in Emmaus Pennsylvania.


I let a few leeks grow through the second year.  Beautiful flowers loved by pollinators followed by free seed!  I even allow some to seed themselves, popping up randomly.


I tried growing leeks for the first time 2 years ago and lost the whole crop to allium leaf miner. I found out that this is a new pest in the US and that was about the year it was first identified, right here in Pennsylvania. Last year I grew them with an inexpensive black tulle fabric covering and they did well. Still got a few miners when I took off the fabric in late October; I should have left it on through November. Thanks for the video.


I am impressed with your leeks and a recipe at the end.


Did you know that leeks are usually cut and come again.
So next time you go to harvest a leek consider cutting it leaving 5cm of white still on the stalk and just wait a couple of weeks (depending on where you are) for it to regrow


I cut a inch off the bottom and leave them to start pushing up again and have planted and they have made a new crop


Perfect timing. Just starting some leeks for a community bed and some for myself. Thanks for posting


Delicious Tips! Many great suggestions on planting and harvesting. I particularly like the 'blanching' idea - though my wife enjoys the green part almost all the way to the tip. We use ALOT of leeks - they are tasty in their own right, but also great substitutes for onions which we've not had much luck with in our soil. I have had issues: first year direct sowed two varieties - they only got to about 1/4" (7 mm) diameter. Puzzled I left them in through the winter and let grow the next season - they stayed green but did not grow at all! - weird. Then that season also planted some xplants from a nursery - THEY took off and got 3 feet (...excuse me 1 meterish) tall and were wonderful.
Thanks for another great video!
