Is Europe Turning Fascist?

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With the recent surprise win for the left in the French elections, some may be tempted to think fascism is on the back foot. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Let's take a look at the state of rising fascism in Europe.

Is Europe Turning Fascist? – Second Thought

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Citations and Further Reading:

Definitions of fascism

Votes 2024 French legislatures

Votes 2024 EU elections

Centrist in the EU copy the far-right

Immigrant statistics

Far-right parties inspire hate crimes

Fascism and worsening conditions

A Brief History of Neoliberalism, David Harvey

Macron’s far-right echoes and neoliberal drive

The rise of the far-right

UK Riots

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Aren't you tired of being tricked into fighting each other by the rich ruling class? I sure as hell am.


Turning? Bro, we invented that shit 😅


As leftist german politician Gregor Gysi once said: "If you want more social justice, you have to look up instead of looking to your sides!"


The story is the same in every country: people vote left, the leaders double down in neoliberalist policies, and then people vote right out of rage.


My grandma lived through WW2. I asked her if she believed history could repeat itself, and she said yes with genuine terror in her eyes.


Dunno about Europe, but here in India its almost all Fascist under Modi government.

Sadly, we once were a Democracy and his paid IT cell will come ranting in the comment section if they see this.


Please dont compare the U.S. situation to the European ever again🙏🙏


As marshal Zhukov once said: "We liberated the Europeans from Fascism and they won't ever forgive us for it"


"Fascism is the logical result of the fact that the form of private ownership of the means of production can progress no further and must create violent crises, stagnation, and decay. Only the social organization of production can sanely organize production, and this can only come through social revolution. Fascism is an inevitable result of capitalism and its decay if the social revolution is delayed."
- R. Palme Dutt (1936, Fascism And Social Revolution)


Macron being so neoliberal makes me feel secondhand embarrassment for France.


"Fascism is rising in Europe!"
**shows US sources**


Idk if they gonna do fascism or not but the French do know how to protest/riot, gotta respect the grind


A little fun fact about French politics: Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen's father, has been pushed away from the party by his own daughter due to him being a bad look during the phase of de-demonization, most notably because of his numerous anti-semitic and h0locaust denial comments (that actually got him convicted for hate speech), as well as his affiliation to actual n4zis he founded the party with. And THIS MAN is being labeled "the man who was right too early" by some French media... the same man who was ejected from his party for being too openly discriminatory towards the people who aren't the current far-right scapegoat
It tells you all, they all know that the party's mentality hasn't evolved, hasn't gotten "less extreme", they know it's a facade and yet it somehow works...


Why am I not surprised ? Considering the fact that what happened at the Olympics, in addition to the history of European countries and its own issues with racist history, I'm not that shocked.

Apparently what happened during world war II was something that the US wasn't the only country to just forget.

Whenever wages have stagnated the blame is always placed upon minorities and never on the bosses. It's still sickening that this racist, bigoted crap keeps happening.


The whole world can't live in Europe.


Immigration is needed to support the workforce, but saying immigration is NEVER bad is just as shortsighted as saying immigration is ALWAYS bad. It is a complex thing that needs to be balanced. This video is lacking the usual critical unbiased reporting im used to from this channel


I've noticed on the ground they're talking about EU in national terms. "Protect the borders/culture/people." They went from euro skepticism a few years ago and wanting nothing to do with it, to rallying around it as an identity and political block. Pretty fascinating, if somewhat ironic.


Yeah, it's getting worse. The Netherlands also took a swing even further to the right, and our government has been led by right-wing parties for a while now, even if they were nowhere near as extreme. It's quite simple, really. Capitalism is failing humanity on all fronts, but instead of blaming capitalism and the exploitation it depends upon, people point towards "outsiders" and "the left", and thus the country takes a turn to "the right".

Sad reality is "the left" requires a deep understanding of context and nuance to explain why left-wing policies should be implemented, and most people just can't be bothered with context and nuance. So they try to find an easy solution instead, unwilling to admit that these "easy solutions" are the real problem.


4:20 Talks about how good immigration to europe is and cites a paper relating to US immigration.


Most people would choose fascism if it's fairly easy to do. People want simple solutions, and the fascists have a bag full of them. They just want someone to handle everything for them.
