How to become a hypnotherapist & why you should & how you can help others

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Why hypnosis? How to become a certified clinical hypnotherapist!

* how much can you make? It really depends on the outcomes that you provide. You can definitely start at charging per session or charge via the result. I’ve seen people charge $150 and then other charge $3,000 for packages of 10.

Most people desperately want a result and you must ask yourself how much is that result you’re promising!
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Overall it was a good video. You are very passionate but I was hoping you would have talked more about it as a career and how to become a hypnotherapist


I appreciate the upbeat vibe and the info, thanks! Glad I stopped by 😊


Hypnotherapy is amazing for trauma amazing in helping another person gain understanding about past trauma because only in gaining understanding of one’s trauma within self is when they can let it go


Thanks ~ Ive been considering this new career path. I think it really aligns with my purpose and passions


Please understand that this isn’t on a low level like life coach etc… this is a very powerful tool and you can do damage if your not trained correctly so please find an accredited school I did HMI in California online Dr kappas truly paved the way for hypnosis as a therapy


She’s trying to say that you have your conscious mind which is what we think about and have control over then you have your subconscious mind which is what our body does automatically. The subconscious mind keeps us in our box of what it perceives as safe zone and the only way to change a behavior is by changing the subconscious and when you try to without hypnosis basically every night our subconscious goes through the day and picks through what it keeps and throws out and what hypnosis does is goes into the back door of the subconscious to where it all goes into subconscious


Make sure you know your states laws and ethics around practicing hypnotherapy because fyi psychology board is coming for us


From where did you learn hypnotherapy and nlp


The subconscious mind does not have addictions that control our behaviours, that is the conscious mind. The conscious mind controls our behaviour and that is sometimes the issue, not the subconscious mind.
