How Close Are We to Talking With Animals?

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We know about apes learning sign language, but what about dolphins typing on an underwater keyboard? Or A.I. machines translating prairie dog chirps? We want to answer how close we are to conversing with the animal kingdom.

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Is Language Unique To Humans
“However, language is more than a process through which meaning is attached to words or short sentences. Language might be described as the ability to take a finite set of elements (such as words), and using a set of rules (grammar and syntax) to create infinite combinations, each of which is comprehensible. Given this definition, it is perhaps not surprising then that cognitive psychologists sometimes speak of a "grammar of action".”

Yes, We Can Communicate with Animals
“But I assure you, no dog (or ape) will ever learn words, lexigrams or gestures for “bacteria,” “economy” or “atom.” They may be able to hear or see the differences among them, but the concepts they represent are beyond their conceptual capacity. You can’t learn words for things you can’t understand.”

Chirps, whistles, clicks: Do any animals have a true ‘language’?
“To be considered a true language, there are a few elements that are usually considered to be essential, says Kershenbaum. For one, it must be learned rather than instinctive — both whales and birds have this piece covered. For instance, killer whale calves learn a repertoire of calls from their mothers, and the sounds gradually evolve from erratic screams to adult-like pulsed calls and whistles.”

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Thats gonna be one really awkward day at the slaughter house


Dolphins definitely do have a language. There is a video where they told two dolphins to come up with their own trick. They went under the water, made some high pitched noises and they both did the same trick that they made up.


What's really cool to think about is that we can communicate back and forth with animals. Even if we don't use language, we both exchange information the other can understand.


I can't wait to tell my dog that the Sun is going to explode someday, and watch his face as he contemplates the meaning of life.


Me to my dog : guuuud boy!
Dog: what the hell is he murmuring.


5:16 *_implying that humans arent mimicking signs for rewards_*


The day animals randomly start talking shall be like this
Me: Aw who’s a good boy?
My deep voiced dog: *me*
Me: wait wha-


Screw talking to animals. Star Trek taught me that aliens all speak perfect contemporary English.


Dog : **barks** (I want to die, My owner always so lame and lazy)
**Bot translating**
Bot : I love living with my owner, he is so nice and awesome!
Me : a good boy.


0:10 oh, so there are other people out there that give words of encouragement to elephants and scold sheep?

That's a relief, I thought I was the only one who did that...


After that animal sex gonna be a trend. Goats can complain to police then


Anyone thinks that further research on this can help us communicate with any type of aliens when we meet them?


i remember one claim that was made in the "koko" documentary was that "Micheal" the gorilla talked about a memory in his childhood when the humans killed his family and took him into captivity. he described what would have been a human using a firearm to shoot his mother in the face, and Micheal cried when talking about it.

if this story was true, then obviously it isn't just an ape mimicking signs for reward, that is true conversation.


Imagine what trillions of farmed animals would say about their Holocaust...


I am beyond happy humans are actually trying to develop a connection with animals in this way. Uplifting animals is a true gift I hope to see in my lifetime


Imagine Americans yelling at animals "THIS IS AMERICA! SPEAK ENGLISH." That probably won't end too well for the person 😂


Funny thing is that animals do _communicate_ back, humans are over absorbed in blunt abstract symbolism that they are too miopic to any other form of interaction.

One time with my dog I saw something weird, and immediately we both looked at each other like "wtf??".

I noticed too that if I'm refraining or emotionally not wanting people to approach me, and they do anyway, he'll start growling at them.

My cats too. I never done this before, but I was sitting in my couch and my cat was just looking at me, I cleared the mess beside me and double tapped in the sofa sort of saying "come", and right after he hops to lay on my side.

Even bees (lol). I stopped killing flies and bees, I see them on a window for example, and gently without panicking (I was afraid of bees before) I just lead their way towards an open window, and surpisingly they fly straight and peacefully.

The other day I had a big ass moth inside my home (after googling I found out it was an Acherontia Atropos) so I remained calm and opened the window, i lift my arms sort of leading her outside by showing "not in my direction", and the moth gently started flying towards the exit. Whereas before for example, seeing a moth made me panick and grab my flip flops while they flew erratically all over the place.

The communication I'm talking about here is having an intention, and looking at the animal conveying what u want, hard to explain it better but this is done tru action and not thinking.

I swear to god next time I see this big moth I'm going to lift my hand and she'll land on my fingers. Do google Acherontia Atropos, the moth is huuge and looks like a bee, and has a skull in its back, nothing to be scared of right ^_^"

If u have a dog and u're close to him u should notice how intelligent animals really are. I dont think they have imagination/thinking like us obviously, but a lot of communication isn't done via symbolism or signs, but rather through common body language of fear / chillness.


I'm conflicted about this, I trully want to know how stupid my dog is, but I don't want to talk to my future steak.


"call headquarters and tell them we have a possible Doolittle HERE LITTLE BOY, WE GRANT WISHES"


I want this because I want animals to have a voice and be more equal. I'm tired of seeing them treated as a tool or a pest to humans. I feel like I have a good communication with my cats, I try to understand them and make sure they are happy and their needs met just as much as my own.
