🌻Study tips to start now for an easy instant A+#shorts#aesthetic#school#for you#tips#fashion

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The most useful thing (coming from the person who's the top of their grade) for me is finding examples and connecting the dots between that lessons and other lessons bc it will help you understand the topic more and try to teach it to ur self like a teacher under you breath and for gods sake try to resist social media and distractions and there is a focus more on most devices you could use. Take ur time and take away what's making you not be able to study it's better to to the task then to sit there zoning out (been there done that I have ADHD) try your best, study harder and smarter. And get enough sleep, naps help improve focus for any mental disorders! And you'll be at the top at no time, remember you're doing this for your future not your parents or to brag abt it. Safe studies!


The best thing is that before taking exam/studying

Say :Rabbi Zidni ilma (for muslims only)


Tips my history teacher taught us at the start of the year (bc he’s the best)
Use a method called 10-24-7 First study your notes 10 minutes to the end of the day. Second study your notes 24 to 48 hours after the class. Third study it 1 to 7 days after your last study session. (If it’s longer until the test keep studying similar to this) Go through your notes and just highlight, underline or star important things. (even if it sounds weird it helps a lot) Drink water while studying and when you finish the glass (naturally) you either move on to the next thing or you are done depending on the amount of HW you need to do. Make flashcards for vocab, too. I hope this helped.


the best tip i’d give is practice.

don’t just review, go over some practice questions online. it makes it easier to know if you understand, and gives you security in your final test or exam answers.


**Me having a book infront of me and doing timepass on my ipad**

I’m okay 🙂💔


Using extra reference books other than your textbook also helps since they have extra questions and answers for practice:)


trust me even if u dont have nice stationaries... cool space... its totally cool.
all u need is hardwork and patient ofcourse try hard and no laziness
👇 if you agree .


I like making flash cards because there easy to remember but kinda tiny to write on!


Advice from an student here

I really just listen to my teacher when she explains the chapter.

After coming home i do the back exercises of that chapter from my memory.
If I don't get something i go to that topic and study it.

In tests at the last minute I take a revision of the chapter with the summary.
And get more than 80%.

In exams I just start studying 40 days before..
I give each chapter 1 day or if having more chapters I give it 5 hours.

I still have 5-7 days for revision.

That's really all.
If your having more chapter in exams start studying at least 50-70 days before.


I studied for 1 hour and it helped my grade a lot. This proves that it is better to study then to not.


Y'all Just 1important tips that'll bring u 10/10 is think that the particular subject or the thing that u wanna complete is like a test that is half ur grade and that's tomorrow
Or just simply "Study like ur last minute"💗


My studying routine:
“Sets up everything”
Energy disappears”
“Thinks about random things”
“Throws notebook across walll”
“Gets a whooping”
“Dramatic crying while eating food”
“Gives up”
“Watches tiktok for 8 hours straight”
“Gets A+…?”


Sit the top student in my class is my bff and I told her to tell me how she studies so fast and remembers everything and gets great grades. (Coming from indian school)
She simply just said: she simply just learns the answers (ratta). And reads the book 1 day before exam and does Grammer and essay writing formal/informal letter all before 1 day of exam.
It's So simple to be smart but we r wasting our time cuz we don't get motivation oof


*Listen to soft music*
*Stay away from phone*


Y'all it's always up to you, u don't really have to copy someone to get A+ just make yourself comfortable while studying like for me i can never listen to music while studying it's not my thing soo y'all got ur own things follow them. And yes getting an A+ isn't really easy but it's worth it ♡


The problem is, all my studying materials are in my phone!!


As a straight A student the key to good results is consistency you don’t top if you study 📚 a week before exam you do it everyday
Ex you have been thought the some concept in phy like resistance in series and parallel you first listen attentively listen in class ask doubts the. Go home revise the topic and do some questions on it next day a new topic has started follow the same method and revise yesterday topic as well
And when you have certain doubts or dont know how to approach this question ask your teacher don’t ask google the teacher . I give this advice to anyone who wants to top best of luck you all ❤


1. While reading book mark important point and create question
2. Solve maths everyday

Well it was helpful for me and maybe even for u guys too.😊😊


Me when I was in my mom's stomach: *eating almonds 24/7*
Me now: *only gets A+ bc of the almonds I ate and not bc I'm smart and i also don't co any of these habits 😎*


Thank u so much u just got a new subscriber!!!!
