Building Muscle After 40?!

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Can I still build muscle and look great after 40? Questions like this come up all the time. Does your metabolism slow down? Does it become more difficult to build muscle? How does age affect my healthy lifestyle? Watch and find out. :)

XO, Jessie Hilgenberg


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I'm 57 and lifting has dramatically changed my body. It made me look younger and reversed gravity! So happy!


At age 55 I lost 50 lbs through nutrition and weights --- I just turned 60 and have more muscle and am stronger than ever. Like Jessie said you just have to do it right!


I'm going on 43 I'm just getting into lifting weights. I absolutely LOVE IT 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I just wish I didn't wait until my 40's but better late than never


I'm 41 years young I left I am consistent I feel the most confidence I've ever felt even when I was in my 20s and 30s I had never felt this fantastic so if any forty year old!! Or older:)You rock go kick any ass you want because girl you got this one!! Or dude thanks Jessie I'm your girl you amazing thank you for the pep talks xoxo


I am 51 and just discovered lifting... I don't look like Jessie but I am at 20% body fat and starting to see definition. I love it!!!


Age is just a number since you have a regular workout routine... you surely change how you feel it but at the end I think I look better now than I was in my 20’s ... I’m 42 and I am taking more serious my workout in the past 2 years when I was going through a tough time with my separation and divorce. I had to build up my self esteem and confidence so instead of self pity I decided to overcome my problems and put focus in getting the best version of myself...


Jessie You made my day You are the real deal, the best motivation for those we are 40 plus !!! Thanks !!!


I'm almost 60 and I love to work out.I enjoy it alot.I started a few weeks ago.Just do it as they say


perfect! turn 40 March 2017 & wonder the same. started lifting about a year ago & love it! muscle is sexy man!


I’m 42 and I Definitely want to build muscle. And focus on myself I still for a little one his 8 years so is a little hard cauSe he requires a lot of me
Other 2 they are older 19, 17 yay 😀


A huge thank you Jessie! Loved this video it brought tears to my eyes... i'm 44 and started to take fitness seriously about 4 years ago and you are one of my inspirations. Going from a BMI of 32 at 220 lbs. down to 125 lbs and 22% body fat size 2... all while in my 40's, let's just say i feel very blessed


I've been working out consistently since the age of 30- I'm 39 now. I can tell a big difference as I'm struggling to get back into shape after having my 2nd baby 2 years ago. If I ate and worked out like I do now in my 20's and even early 30's, I'd be so ripped. I got in amazing shape right before I got pregnant with my 2nd and I'm struggling to get there again. So for me, there's a big difference in 36 and 39. It could also be that I'm still nursing which I just stopped 2 days ago. I hope this extra fat comes off soon!


I started my gym workout since I was 49 and now I'm 50. I love the changes & progress of my body. I felt stronger & fitter than ever. Just do it! You'll never regret with the results! :D


Women (especially 40+) need to lift and strengthen, if for nothing else... our bones.

Btw, subscribed 👍


Started lifting 49 healthy and smashing it 💪


You can't outtrain a bad diet... I learned that the hard way training so hard and having poor results. Then I started following the Agoge Diet, and I finally started seeing some awesome results.


Thanks Jessie for coming out with this video. It would be great too if you knew of some little things that may be even more helpful for women over 40 and had a video on that😊


Yes!! I am adding all the muscle I can now at 32 specifically for 40 year old me, it's a better motivation to finally eat enough for me.


I’m 46 former BB.. been through a lot of trauma and now in perimenopause. Having a very rough time working out because of physical symptoms. Lost a lot of muscle and gained fat :(
I’m also on antidepressants for PTSD which are not helping!


Im 47 got serious at weight lifting at 45. Lots has happened a move .s different gym.but back at a great one now.what can i do to go forward? I weigh 128pnds pretty muscular but not enough
Abes is a hard spot.not fat but no definition.
