Using SSRIs to treat PMDD

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I have to take it daily. It took my therapist, doctor, and I nearly six months to confirm it. Once it was diagnosed, I was put on the moderate to severe side. The SSRI is why I can function. ❤


I just absolutely love the way you explain things. ❤ ty so much


I really wish I get diagnosed by someone soon, I'm so desperate for answers. Thanks for this vid!


Thank you, sharing this with my new psych who so so confused about why my last one prescribed me an SSRI to use intermittently. She kept saying it takes 4-6 weeks for full effect and it’s like I know! But it’s not for depression!


Oh THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this information. This is the BEST video I have found as of yet to treat this awful problem one of my family members have. Thank you so much!!!


I take Lexapro daily for general anxiety (which I do question could be related to adhd rather than GAD) but also have double up on the dose in the week before my period. I definitely think it helped but what ended up helping my PMDD even more was getting on meds for adhd! It’s wild how much they seem to be linked


Can you make a video explaining how PMDD cycles might look/ how you can track them if you take a birth control which stops your period? I still seem to have monthly mood fluctuations but they are harder to pinpoint with regards to my cycle compared to when I am not taking anything


Thank you so much for this information. IT WORKED for me!!!!


For me personally, SSRI's (continuous dosing with Fluvoxamine and Sertraline combined) didn't do anything for my PMDD whatsoever. Treating the hormonal causes with birth control pills did help though.


I take SSRI intermittently and it works for me. I began taking them I may this year and it began working immediately. But I am taking Escitalopram.


I went on the pill for my PMDD and it thankfully works for me, I know it doesn’t work for everyone though


St. John’s Wort and Valerian Root have been VERY effective for me, SSRIs didn’t work. However, I have another underlying genetic adrenal disorder that interplays with my reproductive hormones, which likely explains why the SSRIs didn’t work but the St. John’s Wort- Valerian Root combo does work.


My psychiatrist has me on NDRI. She hasn’t okayed SSRI due to my bipolar. It helps but PMDD still breaks through the medication.


My daughter suffers from PMDD. She is on Yazmin pill on tricyclical basis with 4 days off. However she still has really severe depression every month. Thinking of looking i to SSRI route. 😢


I have pmdd and i have all the symptoms... my thing is i cant seem to find alot of info on how to alleviate the physical symptoms i struggle with... anxiety, extreme fatigue, absolutely no energy, hot and cold, sometimes im burning up like a fever and the muscle and bone aches are the worst! Almost feels like i have electricity running through my body, , , maybe thats the nerves??? Idk but i see alot of treatment optons for the mental symptoms ie. Crying, rage, irritability, depression etc. Anyone else relating to this? And if so, is there any remedies u know of that can help?


What are your thoughts about Electro magnetic therapy?


Does this mean the SSRIs decrease levels of progesterone?


What if SSRI’s always make you more depressed? Hormonal BC too?


I have anxiety disorder, and three months ago my gynaecologist confirmed that i have pmdd
Everything makes sense
But it’s really worst when im going through pmdd 😢
Two weeks ago i had a really really bad week
I never felt like this before
That time was the worst, i was scared about my own decisions for my life
I called a friend and she came to me as a scream for help


ssris made me have delusions about angels hunting me in my mom's house & i thought my dead grandpa was talking to me through my car radio
