5 Benefits Of Commando Pull-ups #shorts #healthandfitness #bodyweighttraining

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The commando pull-up has some very unique benefits yet crazily I rarely ever see people doing these. Here are five of these benefits to inspire you to start incorporating them more into your training:

1️⃣Improved grip strength: The mixed grip used in commando pull-ups requires you to engage your grip muscles more intensely. Over time, this can lead to improved grip strength which is associated with better health
2️⃣ Core development: Due to the offset nature of commando pull-ups they engage your core muscles to stabilize your body during the movement. This added core engagement can help improve our overall core strength and stability.
3️⃣ Enhanced muscular endurance: To complete a full set of these we need to hold a vice-like grip while keeping our arms under constant tension. This increase in muscular demand can over time improve our overall upper body endurance.
4️⃣ Functional strength: Commando pull-ups mimic movements often encountered in real-life situations, such as climbing over obstacles or pulling yourself up onto a ledge. By training these functional movements, you can improve your overall strength and athleticism.
5️⃣ Improved balance and proprioception: While pull-ups themselves may not directly challenge or train specific balance mechanisms, the improvements in core stability, postural control, and muscular symmetry offered through commando pull-ups can have positive effects on overall balance.

✅ If you are interested in working with me to optimise your health and performance you can find the direct link on the channel to my website.

- Patrick

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