Confederate Flags Explained - American Artifacts

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I wish that information like this could be put on national TV so any questions could be answered and all the miss information could be put down


It’s good we could come to an agreement and attempt to put this all behind us 
but the fact still remains 
Jeffrey Epstein did not commit suicide


Heritage, not hate.
Southern pride, not white pride.
Dixie rebel, not the KKK.


A few years back I thought the Stars and Bars flag was aimed more at being based off the USA flag and the 2 red bars and the white bar represented the states that were part of the original 13 colonies that were part of the CSA like how the 13 stripes on the US flag represent the original 13 colonies, but then I remembered that 4 states from the 13 colonies were part of the Confederacy, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.


I'm looking forward to leaving Va for the state of SD next year. I've been here for some 38 years and frankly I'm tired of living in the past in the perpetual Civil War.


Awesome I love it I hope it stays there forever when I go out east definatly gonna stop by the museum and I was born and raised in tucson the capital of Confederate Az and I'd like people to show more recognition to the fact that southern az and southern new Mexico are a part of the southern states of America it seems very few people acknowledge that and I'm vary proud of the fact I was born and live in Tucson Az the capital of the Az Confederate territory I'm proud of my North Carolina and New Mexico family roots and I love to learn history good bad something I agree with or not I want to know the history of my family and the places my family comes from and has migrated to


The First National flag, while being replaced in May 1863 as the political flag of the Confederacy, was still used in battle until the end of the war. I know of examples taken in 1863, 1864 and 1865 including at Appomattox. I have done a serious study of Civil War flags for 35 years and have these flags documented.


I hope they don't burn this building, this is american history even if he don't like it it's still our history.


Just to give you an alternate perspective on the Confederate flag. Something that you might not have thought about. This is what the Confederate flag means to me.

As a young boy growing up in Philadelphia during the 60s up North. Yes, a Yankee. The talk of young men was war as it was the cold war Era and our youth were gearing up for a bloody showdown between the USA and the Soviet Union. In our conversations, we discussed doing battle with the Soviet Union. And we would always say, if you were going into battle, you would be lucky and proud if someone behind you was flying a Confederate flag. It meant that the southern boys were loyal and had your back and that they were of character who would fight like hell for you. So to my surprise, somewhere in the 90s, schools started pushing the confederate flag as a symbol of the KKK. It may have been. I don't know as I know no one who is or was a KKK member. But as a country, should we let a minority opinion define the character of a symbol or should the majority opinion matter? I believe the majority opinion is one of Southern Pride and a very small group have used this flag as a symbol of hate. So the question that I ask is, "Why do we let the minority destroy the great southern pride of the majority?"

Of course the easy and popular answer is to say the Civil War is about slavery. But I am not a historian and I would like to think that it was more a group of states that did not want to be told how to live their lives. And slavery could of been one facet. But as I said my real knowledge of the Civil War is limited. There is no disputing the injustice of slavery. And I am acknowledging that I do not have the credentials to properly discuss Civil War history. I would however guess that the rich southerners owned slaves and the poor southerners fought the battle. And to the poor southern fighters, the flag means southern pride to them. And I would guess the rich southerners who owned slaves could care less about the Confederate flag.

Just keep in mind, "Thinking before hating."


The Stainless Banner's first official use was on my body double's casket!


That flag should have been banned after they lost the war but people who were in the government had the same racist beliefs and pardoned the traitors who were guilty of subversion.


The cross bars was adopted by the KKK. Like he stated it was never used in battles and it was however Virginia’s states flag only in the corner.


The rectangular design is the Tennessee naval jack


For a second I thought he was pointing to a white banner as the confederate flag..

I mean its still accurate...


People generally don’t appreciate history


I will be surprised if that part of history is still standing after all the up roar that's been happening. I pray they leave it alone.


Living in the south and knowing Civil War history there are flags with the confederate flag design that didn’t exist in the war-
One says heritage not hate
One is a mixture between the confederate flag and the don’t thread on me flag🐍
Well this one is one only Floridians know-
One has the Florida seal in the middle.


I thought the stars and bars had only 7 stars. I didn't know that flash was even around when the other states joined.


The irony is that no national flag of the Confederacy lasted long enough to be remembered, while the battle flag has endured postwar for other purposes.


We need Native American Statues. Cochise, Sitting Bull, Geronimo just for starters.
