Call In Spirit | 963 Hz Connect To Your Spirit Guides- Receive Guidance, Love & Comfort | Soft Music

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Call In Spirit | 963 Hz Connect To Your Spirit Guides- Receive Guidance, Love & Comfort 💜🕊️Beautiful Healing Frequency Music To Soothe All Sadness, Anxiety & Fears. Remember that all you have to do is ask, and you shall receive. 💜🕊️

💜🕊️You are never alone. You are always loved, looked after, and cared for. Surrender your worries to your guides, they are here for you at any moment, ready to hold you in their warm embrace of love, guiding you along your path. It is safe for you to let go of all that is weighing you down. Give yourself permission to relax. You are safe. You are held. You are so deeply loved.

Can you accept that there is a whole team of beautiful loving Spirits that are working behind the scenes for you at all times in any given moment? Lean into this knowing.

Embrace that you do not have to do anything in this moment, since everything is already happening for you. Trust that all is unfolding as it should. Surrender to the divine timing of all.

Welcome, Beloved Soul💜🕊️We present this beautiful, high vibrational, and therapeutic 963 Hz music, with a written poem and powerful words for self-healing in our video, to create a container for spiritual connection, rest, and healing. Allow yourself to just be as you are for a while. Calm down, go within, and allow yourself to relax deeply. Lean back, surrender to the process, and allow Spirit to work on your behalf. All is well.

This video will assist you in opening you up to a higher state of being. You may combine listening to this music with any healing practices that promote introspection to enhance the experience. Read more about 963 Hz below.

💗Affirmations To Assist You Deeper💗

I have so much to be grateful for.
Every day I lovingly remind myself of all the things in life that make my heart smile.

I allow myself to calm down.
I am breathing love and light into every cell of my body.

I am transforming all of my fears and resentment into love and compassion,
through the power and presence of Divine Love.

I choose to surrender control of the things I cannot change.
I trust the universe is working on my behalf,
sorting out everything for my highest good.

💗Repeat for 21 days to experience astonishing results💗


✨💗Download our music for unlimited offline listening💗✨

With a royalty-free license, you can use our music in your next guided meditation project, as background music on your own YouTube channel, for your podcast, video game, etc.


The Solfeggio frequencies make up an ancient 6-tone audio scale that is said to date back to biblical times and carry divine-like properties. In recent times, each frequency has been found to carry a specific set of healing, well-being, and spiritual benefits that it affords the listener.

These include DNA repair, relief from past traumas, and opening the soul to spiritual experiences.

963 Hz represents a return to oneness and awakens you to a perfect state of being. By listening to it, you’ll be able to experience and enjoy your true nature. It’s related to the crown chakra that connects us to the entire universe.

🌸 Learn more about the healing Solfeggio frequencies🌸



We at Self-Healing Collective have a deep passion for music, spirituality, prayer, mindfulness, nature, healing, and creativity. We wish to inspire and create a peaceful and safe space here on YouTube for self-healing, spiritual growth, prayer, meditation, and divine connection through our music and visual content.

What we wish for you:
Inner peace, healing, positive growth, purpose, understanding, and connections.

What we believe in:
The love of God, Power of the mind, spirituality, growth, oneness, meditation, and wisdom.

What we stand for:
Empowerment through self-healing and that all of us have great power within.

What we support:
Everything that promotes health, and personal, physical, and spiritual growth.

What we care about:
The evolution of our people and the direction we are going collectively as a species. We wish to assist the earth in raising the collective vibration. We care about and love the planet that is our home.

We support you on your path of self-discovery and growth.

Our spirit greets yours.
Infinite love to all,
Christine & Hanne
Рекомендации по теме

If you're reading this, know that you are brave, you are courageous, you are not alone, you are loved and you are supported. Whatever you're going through, know that you will be ok and have faith that you will be lead through this. Sending you so much love❤️🫂


I hope whoever is reading this finds so much inner peace and healing 🤍


Please pray for me. My heart is broken.




to my guides… please align me to my next steps clearly and efficiently 🙏🏼 I am ready


To anyone who happens to come across this comment -- please feel my waves of peace, joy, love, goodwill, kindness, and acceptance that I am broadcasting your way now -- flowing always through your higher self -- for your highest good -- you are a true blessing, a genuine miracle, and a gift to those that love you. Please hang in there. You are so beautiful.


Dear Soul♥🕊

Whatever you are going through right now,
remember that this too shall pass.
All experiences, good or bad,
is but a moment in the passing of time.

There is a great spiritual rebirth
happening in our collective consciousness.

A new age is being birthed,
And for that to happen the old must fall away and crumble.

Nothing that happens within you,
or on the planet, happens isolated.
We are all intimately connected.

Everything that is not in resonance
with what is being born within us,
both personally and globally must fall away.

In order for us to experience a new reality,
a new frequency of love,
we have to evolve.

We have to change and grow,
just as all life is always changing and growing,
Sometimes it happens fast, sometimes slow.
Sometimes it happens gracefully,
Sometimes it happens painfully.

No matter what happens do not astray.
The only way through is through.

Even though the falling away
may feel confusing, painful, heavy and dark.
Come home to yourself and remember,
Within everything and everyone there is a Divine spark.

Hold on and have faith -
Chaos will become peace,
and sorrow will become joy again.

Let go of all separation,
and evolve beyond your every limitation.
What you are made of is so much stronger than fear.
As is below, so is above.
You are the embodiment of a greater all encompassing Love.

✨♥Read the description for more information to support you further♥✨

✨Download our music for unlimited offline listening:

✨Do you want to use our music in your project?
We run an online store where you can buy the royalty-free license to our music here:

💞Remember to like and subscribe to our youtube channel if you find value in our content.💞
We are here to support YOU on your journey towards deeper love, growth, and healing. As we unite as a community to take care of our own healing and wellbeing, our collective energy of love and awareness will raise the vibration of this planet. We aim to reach a million subscribers within a couple of years. May our community of spiritual love warriors grow abundantly every day.

Infinite love, light, and support to YOU💗
Christine & Hanne,
Self Healing Collective.


Just remember when you come here you are giving yourself permission to relax, to connect with yourself in many ways than you think. You give yourself permission to calm your mind. Give yourself permission to live this human experience with gratitude and humbleness. We are humans living and feeling everything out so forgive yourself if you don’t understand something but be open minded to the possibilities this life this experience has to offer us✨ we are divinely connected


If your reading this, I pray you know the spirit is always with you, never has it been separate from you. She is the voice of your heart.


We are sending you all so much wholeness, balance, harmony, confidence, strength, determination, optimism, forgiveness, forward movement, innerstanding, healing, truth, clarity, miracles, and so much more right now✨✨✨ take that, bathe in it, live and breathe it, know and believe it. All is well 🙏🏽 you are loved and supported more than you know. Wholeness and Infinite Love to all ♾️♾️♾️♾️

🦋🦋🦋POWERFUL Affirmations to say Daily RIGHT NOW 🦋🦋🦋

🦉🦉🦉I allow my brain to be in a whole brain state right now and so it is and so it is and so it is 🌈🌟♾️

🔑I allow myself to be a magnet for all of my highest desires right now 🔑

✨✨✨I will persist my will is strong ✨✨✨

Believe what you are saying…


God's got you and if no one has told you today. You whomever you are reading this... I love you, I believe in you, and You ARE divinely protected and guided. Love and Light go in peace 💗🕊️


I call in my spirit guides to support me, guide me & send me clarity on what steps to take next, in the direction of my life abroad by the ocean side… dream big ❤🥰


I scarred my face from picking and anxiety I pray it will heal.


Sending peace and love to the collective Universe. May your soul be at ease and find rest ☮️😇🫶


You know my questions guides, Tonight i am ready to follow your guidance 🙏 ❤


Im almighty brave nothing can beat me only my spirit guide


The affirmations are beautiful and in complete alignment for the current moment of the planet. Thank you for sharing this, This will be in my favorites.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


I think you my spirit guide I love you forever I think you for guiding me I love you God.


Que a HUMANIDADE possa viver
no AMOR, com o AMOR e para o AMOR,
na LUZ, com a LUZ e para a LUZ,
na PAZ, com a PAZ e para a gratidão


I think you my ancestors for guiding me and blessings me i love you all.🙏😇
