The Top Three Reasons the Bible Is Reliable

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Read: Four Reasons the New Testament Gospels Are Reliable (Free Bible Insert)

Why would anyone believe the Bible is telling us anything we can trust about Jesus? Is there a way we can test and communicate the reliability of the New Testament to others? In this clip, recorded when he was serving with Stand to Reason, J. Warner provides a template to communicate truth to others.
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Love for you to do a video on the archeological evidences you’ve found! I know of some but just help when you have more.


Id still like to know about Ivan Panin's hepatic structure of the genealogy of Christ in Matthew and the all the last chapter of Mark and actually the uniqueness of all of the New Testament Writers that show the finger of the Holy Spirit, that it can't be done at random by human beings just making this up. It's too perfect. Computers can't replecate it, especially in precise Greek.


Of course you can believe in your Bible, just make sure that you understand the real meaning. Try a simple test, if the underlying meaning is just/loving then you probably have a good handle on the meaning, " by their actions they will be known".


Ive been having this discussion with my kidds lately and my daughter always gets to the point how can we trust it if men wrote it and I come back with the usual that we trust Gods word because of prophecy fulfilled and we trust the new testament because the writers wouldn't have died for a lie but doesn't alot of it come down to a subjective belief that we know Jesus is true in our hearts? As any religion can say ugh! I know that we can find historical information about Jesus backing our faith but much of it comes down to what the disciples believed and said and ultimately wrote


Any story or tale that is claimed to be true, becomes subject to scrutiny should it contain any falsehoods. For instance in Matthew Jesus is attached to Joseph's lineage. yet the writings gives us that Joseph is not the natural father. So either Mary and Joseph "got together" before the engagement and Joseph played dumb. Or the writers of Matthew no nothing about how Biology works. It certainly causes confusion. And leads the reader to wonder what other mistakes or holes exist in the tale.


With several of the disciples being able to write (and only about 3% of the population back then could write), did Jesus select writers to be disciples on purpose? Perhaps the right occurrences, arranged by God, made sure they learned, even before Jesus met them on earth?


I am very confident in the reliability of the new testament. That is werey faith starts. It starts with jesus. But i am not entirely convinced on the reliability of the old testament. This is not because i believe that what was recorded couldn't happen. I struggle if the lineage of the kings and the Abraham/moses creation accounta are reliable. I listen to usefulcharts, specifically hus who wrote the bible story. It seems that the old testament is filled with stand alone events. Jesus was very well recorded. Old testament specifics i am not entirely convinced


But not every edition of the Bible is trustworthy. Since the Roman Catholic Church - the Church that our Lord Jesus Christ founded upon St. Peter - canonized the Bible, only it can validly authorize the publishing of the Bible.


If the naysayers only did some true search, they would found out that Jesus Christ is who he said he is!


Whenever my faith begins to falter, I quote my favorite Bible verse. I repeat it over and over again. Ezekiel, speaking of an Israelite woman in the land of the Egyptians, states, in Ezekiel 23:20 - "And there she lusted after her lovers, whose penises were like those of donkeys and whose ejaculation was like that of horses." Praise God!


Sir, have you studied the Quran? It's the revelation after Bible which has been preserved
