😲⛔ Jesus never ate PORK 🐷❗Sneakö Shocked!! #shorts

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Even as a Christian, I didn’t eat pork or shellfish because I actually read the Bible. Allah guides whom he wills because I found the truth of Islam now I’m a Muslim alhamdullilah


I'm a Catholic but since March i haven't eaten pork and noticed a lot of difference and improvement. I don't smell or emit bad odor like before.


Salams! : )
I am a long time revert. I reverted at age 17, right after I graduated high school, AlhamduAllah!!🤲🏻 While I was still Christian, from the age of about 11 or 12, I had been telling my family that it wasn’t permitted for us to eat pork. They laughed at me & told me that was the “old law”, & that there was no refrigeration back then, so that is why God had forbidden eating it. I argued with them several times, but to no avail. Then, once we went on vacation & one of our refrigerator’s motor went out while we were gone. When we returned, we found it full of maggots!! I told my mother “See, this is why we are not supposed to eat pork!”. She was furious (about having lost all of that meat!) & she looked at me & said “Well, then, since you know so much, I guess you can clean it!”. 😓 Mind you, I am still young & I was not a Muslim yet! It was one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever had to do! But if I had any doubts, this was all the proof I needed, Subhannah Allah!!
Allah has his ways of showing us things, especially when he knows we are questioning, & seeking the truth! I became a Muslim just a few years after that, Alhamdu Shukor!! 🤲🏻 My parents reacted very negatively toward that decision, of course. But I was never going back to being Christian, because once you know the truth, you can never turn away from it, AlhamduAllah!! 🤲🏻
Allah guides whom he wills!!
Mash’Allah, I married a few years later after becoming a Muslim, & raised 5 Muslim children & now have 12 Muslim grandchildren, AlhamduAllah!!🤲🏻😊


“They want to follow their desires, that's all.”

The world summarized in one sentence 😔


When I was a teenager I stopped eating pork because Jesus wouldn't. I wanted to practice the religion of the prophets so I became Muslim when I came to understand Islam. It's very simple, learn the the truth and either follow the truth or your desires while claiming that Jesus is your god. People who believe with absolute conviction sincerity and authenticity will embrace the truth when guidance is important to them. Only clowns will prioritize their desires.


Brother my parents are Christian and Im muslim now, they're old bro, hope Allah has mercy on them.


Matthew 15:16-20
16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”


I’m a Catholic who doesn’t eat pork ✝️🙏


Whatever Allah has forbidden is for our own good, whether we realize it or not
He tests us, and we need to be successful.
Alhamdulillah for Islam ❤


👤: Did you do your zikr today?
👤: Uhm no, I forgot.
👤: No problem, It will take only 5 minutes of your time.

📿 SubhanAllah 10x
📿 Alhamdullilah 10x
📿 La Ilaha Illa Allah 10x
📿 Allahu Akbar 10x
📿 SubhanAllahi Wabi Hamdihi 3x
📿 SubhanAllahi Adheem 3x
📿 Allahumma Inni As Aluka Al Jannah 9x
📿 Allahumma Ajirni Minannar 9x
📿 Allahummagfir Lil Muslimina Wal Muslimat Wal Mu'minina Wal Mu'minat 5x

👤: Good job! Wallahi this will help you on The Day Of Judgement. And i will most likely get good deeds to because of you. So thank you very much! May Allah bless you and your family. La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntuminas zowlimin. Ameen Ameen Ameen ❤️


The way they laugh and have the same humor makes my heart melt 😂😂😂


When I was Christian I stopped eating pork cause when I would have a bacon or any product that bears its name for example an egg and bacon taco I would get bad heartburn ❤️‍🔥, and I converted to Islam ☪️ back in February of 2023.


Pork? Nahhhh bro never.
I lived among people who produce pork meat and no one ever eat the pork


Im Jewish so I also don’t eat pork, I love Muslims so much honestly 😂 and it’s so funny how if you put a group of monotheistic people together, they always have the time of their lives 😂


Thanks to Paul, now Christians can eat and drink anything. 😂😂😂


Love from India 🇮🇳, great work sheikh


Imagine hearing all the things pigs do and still eating it


Allah Prohibited Eating pork because He knows that it's not good for us, Subhan Allah ❤


الله يبارك لشيخ عثمان ولجميع الشيوخ الذين يفعلون دعوة للناس آمين
