Linux Hot Takes - LUG

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Such an attendance and what a cool discussion! Maybe that every lug should have "hot take" in its title from now on. All episodes will probably get demonetased, but everybody seems to be keen to come in hot to share what's really on their minds : )

I would add just one thing that wasn't covered, and when that's finally gonna happen, I am coming to take all Matt's money, that he bet against the mass adoption xD

Corporations are not the only big players with lots of money, and cyberwarfare and national security are a real ongoing thing.

Here in Europe, after cyberattacks from Russia during the war in Ukraine, nation state governments in EU begin to wake up and push more heavily on securing crucial infrastructures such as healthcare, banking and military with autonomous open source solutions and pumping money into their development. And this trend slowly does not consider only servers, but desktop systems as well. That's the money that will eventually make chosen linux distros ready for adoption on global market. And I don't think it's gonna be Ubuntu with Gnome, that perhaps only in UK. When it comes to education, sadly, that will only come after that, as schools are not among the priorities of national security.

After Europe, New Zealand and Canada will follow, and then slowly some of US states and Australia.

Problem with US in this regard is that it suffers from having most of big tech located on their soil. So as far as federal government is able to force tech corps to cooperate and buy some security and loyalty guarantee from them by cutting deals and let their lobby pass US legal system, nobody will push for truly secure independent infrastructure and user systems. That is why this will only start in US only much later and first on the level of individual states.

In Europe, nobody trusts US and any company from there, so Apple, Google and Microsoft are simply not sustainable options and goverments here are slowly starting to realize that.


I WANT to watch this because I love hot takes, and I'll try, but 5 minutes in, the huge difference in volume between people's mics is HARSH.


LUG is getting better every time. I have to go back and watch the one i missed. First couple of times I didn't watch it, i was like it's just gonna be cacophony of people trying to speak at the same time. I was wrong clearly.


The only reason people find Linux difficult to use is because they can suddenly tweak the interface. Things such as adding a custom context menu entry are easier in Linux than having to go modify registry keys in Windows to do it. As the host said, that's why Apple has its place in the market, people really don't need to change the interface. But when they can, they'll complain more and more about not being customisable. The issue of downloading applications is a whole another thing that need to be sorted out, it's a matter of platform support and availability in the default repositories.


Arch is fine if you're not updating every 1-2 days. I've been daily running Arch and arch based for over 2 years now and update weekly or biweekly. Common sense goes a long way.


What is the content creator storm talk about around 1:59:00 ?


True Drew KDE sucks😎 Xfce for me. It's all about personal preferences though which DE fits you. You have to try them and use them for at least a month or so, to really get to know them. My 2 cents.


very good agenda its very honest discussion i value Storm Idea🤣
