The F-111F Aardvark Is The Fastest Plane In The Game

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Fuel: 1 Hour
Ammo: armoured targets
Missiles: 6x AIM-9L
Countermeasures: Flares
Convergence: 600 meters
Vertical Targeting: No
Crew: maxed (lvl 75) + expert

Outro: A.N.O. - Vanish

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I meant f111f goes 1600+ at 0:56 if it wasn't obvious

Also giga brainfart about the CAS part
F111C is just turbo ass


I loved the park where Defyn said “it’s Varking time” and proceeded to bleed all of his speed in a 90° turn.


2:18 lore accurate US F111 raven locks an iraqi mirage and scares him into the ground 1991


The F-111C had shoulder 9Ls and GBU-15s on the dovbleg, and somehow gaijin forgor about it lmao


Real cool of Gaijin to put the two planes at the exact same BR even though the British one is objectively worse.


I love losing 70% of my speed in one 180 turn


DEFYN when he isn't able to get 12 kills in his massive bomber with limited missiles and actually no fighting performance: "Absolute irredeemable shitbrick that's got a turning circle as big as your mother that will get you smacked out of the air with a missile about as hard as you get beat by your stepdad."


This plane was a beast irl. It was handing out fades during desert storm.


Regarding the ground loadout, the C is just much worse. The guided bombs on the C are only laser guided models, which is fine I guess, except that Gaijin completely butchered Paveways a long while ago and any long range designation makes the bomb potentially just never acquire the laser. I mean you can try it, try lasing a paveway from 15km+ out, the seeker is just not going to pick it up or only in the very last moments, and then compare it to lasing at <5km range, world of difference in acquisition range. It might be a bug, it might not be, but whatever it is, paveways just aren't quite it for outranging pantsirs. Meanwhile at the same BR, the F model can carry 8 IIR guided muntions, which are fire and forget, they easily track from 12km (and sometimes more) away, and you don't have to sit back and lase all the time so you are free to dodge and can engage multiple targets in one go. It's ridiculous how Gaijin made these two sit at the same BR.

Of course Defyn knows this already as he is a professional ground RB player and did not just say it's essentially the same :)


9:16 Gripen and j10 are passing out because they are laughing so hard


F111c should have shoulder sidewinder pileons


This plane is amazing
You can arrive above the enemy team before they’ll ever expect you and sling 9Ls from above.
Thank goodness the Vulcan isn’t off centered yet.

And yeah it’s absolutely hilarious that people think they can chase the F-111, like bro you ain’t catching me while I’m going Mach 1.32 on the deck.


If Gaijin wants to add an F-111 that might actually be useful in Air RB, they should add the F-111B. The only problem would be balancing it, since the F-111B is basically a Tomcat with no gun and no dogfighting capability to speak of, it would either be a menace to everything it faces or be entirely useless. In theory it may have been able to trade two AIM-54s for an M61 in the bay, but I'm not sure about that.


They should just put 2 tiny varks on the F35/22 as airbrakes, they would basicly allow it to go from mach2 to 200kph in 3 seconds


1:27 the F-111F also carries the AGM-65Gs and AGM-65Ds which in my opinion are VERY good in ground RB, you can carry 6 of the 65Ds as well as guided bombs with it, so I think that makes it ultimately better than the F-111C which don't have them for CAS


At 30K Mach 2.5 is possible with the F111F. I have been having a blast out running F104. My favorite tactic though is to carry a bomb load, fly on the deck and fly a far arc to get on the flank. With its speed you end up behind the enemy, you are able to drop a base and fire off your 2 sidewinders. What is interesting is nobody seems to flare because I guess they figure it is a teammate shooting at the enemy. You almost always get two free kills like this and then you have a 20mm with 2K rounds. Which is insane. I only carry an hour of fuel which is plenty for most matches.


8:26 sound byte for the compilation obtained


The main advantage of this thing is that it's so fast in a straight line that it's theoretically supposed to be able to dodge(older) SAMs by simply flying straight. If you could drop bombs at supersonic in this thing, then it's speed would be worth something in GRB


That speed bleed is shocking even to me, a Sea Harrier main.


f111: can't wait for my speed to get nerf again
