Most INCREDIBLE Space Experiments Ever Done!

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Check out the Most INCREDIBLE Space Experiments Ever Done! From the craziest science experiments done by astronauts to some unbelievable physics we don't have on earth, this top 10 list will amaze you!
10. Cool Flames
Experiments on the International Space Station often return unexpected results… none more so than during a series of combustion tests that discovered cool burning flames. Taking place in the Multiuser Droplet Combustion Apparatus on board the space station, the tests involved igniting large droplets of heptane fuel.
9. Chix in Space
We've all heard of the Space Race when the US and USSR tried to best one another in their quest to leave the earth’s atmosphere, but did you know that this also took place in terms of the experiments they were conducting… And in the late 80s, both sides attempted to hatch birds in zero gravity.
8. Tissue Chips in Space
Observations of the effects on humans of microgravity have shown that prolonged periods of time in space can speed up the aging process- increasing muscle deterioration, mass reduction, immune deficiency, and weakened cardiopulmonary functions… but good news is the effects are reversed when returning to earth.
7. Flatworm Regeneration
Flatworms may seem uninteresting at first, but they’ve always been important in research because of their regenerative properties. It’s a process that’s not entirely understood, but if you cut one into pieces, it’ll grow a new head and tail and become a new worm in its own right.
It's a well-known fact that we are made from stardust- after all, it's the events that happen when a star dies that create all of the elements that we, and the Universe, are made from… but the exact process by which this creation happens is not known- and that's what the EXCISS experiment was designed to find out.
5. Cancer Research
As the second leading cause of in the US- responsible for 589,000 people in the country dying every year, a huge amount of resources are dedicated to finding new treatments and preventative measures for cancer. The ISS lab is one of the tools in the arsenal against the disease, and micro-gravity offers new ways to investigate various aspects.
4. Shooting an Asteroid
In late 2018, Japan’s spacecraft, the Hayabusa2, dropped probes on an asteroid called Ryugu. In late February of 2019, one of them fired kinetic impactor shots into the surface to collect material to bring it back to earth to study. A mission like this, though, needs to be carefully planned… and the designers of the mission carried out practice runs on earth before the spacecraft was even launched.
3. The Cold Atom Laboratory
In 2018, a small suitcase-sized device began work on discovering some of the biggest mysteries in physics- by creating the coldest known spot in the universe. Called the Cold Atom Laboratory, it's used to cool atoms to virtually absolute zero, at just above -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. The Juno Mission
NASA has a number of missions that have been sent to explore the solar system, and Juno is one of the most exciting. It was launched in 2011 as a part of the New Frontiers Program… with the aim to learn more about Jupiter. The probe entered polar orbit in 2016 and has been monitoring the planet ever since.
1. Combustion
The movement of fire can be unpredictable enough on earth, but in space, things get very strange. Here, when a flame is burning, gravity pulls colder, dense air to the base of the flame, which causes the hot air to rise. This continues to feed the fire with fresh oxygen, and the airflow is why a flame flickers in a teardrop shape.
Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!
10. Cool Flames
Experiments on the International Space Station often return unexpected results… none more so than during a series of combustion tests that discovered cool burning flames. Taking place in the Multiuser Droplet Combustion Apparatus on board the space station, the tests involved igniting large droplets of heptane fuel.
9. Chix in Space
We've all heard of the Space Race when the US and USSR tried to best one another in their quest to leave the earth’s atmosphere, but did you know that this also took place in terms of the experiments they were conducting… And in the late 80s, both sides attempted to hatch birds in zero gravity.
8. Tissue Chips in Space
Observations of the effects on humans of microgravity have shown that prolonged periods of time in space can speed up the aging process- increasing muscle deterioration, mass reduction, immune deficiency, and weakened cardiopulmonary functions… but good news is the effects are reversed when returning to earth.
7. Flatworm Regeneration
Flatworms may seem uninteresting at first, but they’ve always been important in research because of their regenerative properties. It’s a process that’s not entirely understood, but if you cut one into pieces, it’ll grow a new head and tail and become a new worm in its own right.
It's a well-known fact that we are made from stardust- after all, it's the events that happen when a star dies that create all of the elements that we, and the Universe, are made from… but the exact process by which this creation happens is not known- and that's what the EXCISS experiment was designed to find out.
5. Cancer Research
As the second leading cause of in the US- responsible for 589,000 people in the country dying every year, a huge amount of resources are dedicated to finding new treatments and preventative measures for cancer. The ISS lab is one of the tools in the arsenal against the disease, and micro-gravity offers new ways to investigate various aspects.
4. Shooting an Asteroid
In late 2018, Japan’s spacecraft, the Hayabusa2, dropped probes on an asteroid called Ryugu. In late February of 2019, one of them fired kinetic impactor shots into the surface to collect material to bring it back to earth to study. A mission like this, though, needs to be carefully planned… and the designers of the mission carried out practice runs on earth before the spacecraft was even launched.
3. The Cold Atom Laboratory
In 2018, a small suitcase-sized device began work on discovering some of the biggest mysteries in physics- by creating the coldest known spot in the universe. Called the Cold Atom Laboratory, it's used to cool atoms to virtually absolute zero, at just above -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. The Juno Mission
NASA has a number of missions that have been sent to explore the solar system, and Juno is one of the most exciting. It was launched in 2011 as a part of the New Frontiers Program… with the aim to learn more about Jupiter. The probe entered polar orbit in 2016 and has been monitoring the planet ever since.
1. Combustion
The movement of fire can be unpredictable enough on earth, but in space, things get very strange. Here, when a flame is burning, gravity pulls colder, dense air to the base of the flame, which causes the hot air to rise. This continues to feed the fire with fresh oxygen, and the airflow is why a flame flickers in a teardrop shape.
Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!