How Zhezhi BREAKS The META! | Zhezhi Kit Overview

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In this video I discuss the inner workings of Zhezhi's abilities and kit. I cover the mechanics behind it, the rotation she will be following, the characters she works with and her vertical investment options.

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I really like that so far Kuro is making constellations be "A bit more dmg" and thats it, instead of locking part of essential character kit or major convenience behind C2, looking at you, Hu Tao, Neuvilette, etc... So yeah, i would take "disappointing" constellations over "necessary" ones any day of the week...


I don't like your mentality of wanting a perfect partner with anyone. I think that's what makes dead characters in Genshin (or just make some characters feel bad to use in teams because unoptimal). WuWa having allot of versatile characters makes it so 3 dps can feel nice.

Jiangxing is evidence of what happens when you want a character to do everything (main dps, support and quickswap dps) she is fine, but so close to being a bad 5* if you tweak her power even a little.


The hybrid outro is for the character to be flexible for other teams.


I pray that I could get Changli but if I fail then I'm fine with Zhezhi, she looks like a lot of fun and could make an already broken chara stronger

Edit: So here is my take on Zhezhi, you have to consider her design not just from the perspective of a player but as the dev of the game where you need to not only sell the character but also countless future character in the future. Jinshi is already the strongest character in the game and able to sht on even the hardest content with ease at lvl 80, at max level with max talent level etc she would be able to destroy everything unless they resist her element. Zhezhi existance is to be a slight upgrade or a sidegrade to Yinlin and Yuanwu. I mean, I beat tower with lvl 40 Taoqi and Yuanwu support so an upgrade to Yuanwu is a big deal. This mean they can sell Zhezhi to minmaxer without making her a must pull and further increase the distance in current Meta, they prob want to keep Jinshi as the ceiling until 2.0 or so, if they are smart they will only update Jinshi after her team got powercrept by other team in the future. They can also sell Zhezhi for anyone who want to play Lingyang to shorten the gap in the team DPS or any future Glacio chara as well. Split scaller outro is perfect for sub dps to make them able to buff and be an extremely powerful support to a certain character while leaving it open to work with other chara just like how Yinlin work with Jinshi or Havoc Rover rn despite her being designed to be with Calc.

This is my prediction for the future as someone who have played PGR for a long time (their previous game). I can kinda guess how Kuro will behave in short term. I really hope they don't follow PGR example and keep powercreep to the minimum like GI did to extent the lifecycle of the older chara and allow people to use them without feeling like they are losing too much. In PGR some chara have only half a year to a year of a lifecycle (with rare 2 year+) before they get powercrept and be replaced by a chara that is much stronger than them. As much as I dislike GI, I still respect the genius in their Meta/power level design and how they are able to sell a chara for multiple years and make bank instead of pushing people to only care about new chara and making them much more powerful that they are not even comparable to older chara like in PGR/HI3, ofc we almost reach that point with Neuv and Arle but at C0R0 they are still within reason as older DPS still have the ability to clear the newer harder content, since GI weapon RNG is insane most F2P will not or cannot aim for it and cons is less so but still a pain to get for low spender but GI do lean more toward rewarding low spender and dolphin and not just whale (C1-2+R1) and making them a pretty sizable powerspike compared to before when only C4-6 is huge upgrade which is quite an issue that hopefully WW will not folow.


5:55 I couldn't disagree more. A majority of Changli's damage is resonance skill damage. Her heavy attack "Flaming Sacrifice" is considered skill damage. Both true sight charge and true sight conquest count as skill damage. She does weave in a few basics to gain true sight stacks, but basic attacks are not a significant portion of her damage output.

Zhezhi will work just fine for Changli. I will admit however that Jinhsi will be able to make better use of her overall because of the off fielding she provides. I'll be using Zhezhi for Changli since she provides a solid alternative to Taoqi.


If ZheZhi herself has good damage numbers, another team that will be very strong is ZheZhi, Shanhua, and Baizhu.

Like all characters in the game, she has mono and mixed team options


I need to correct you in one thing tho. Yinlin's coordinated attacks don't need to come in the end of the rotation, that's mostly decided on how you do your rotation. If you build enough forte for yinlin in the opening, like, let's say, get yinlin's intro, skill twice, swap out to verina, build verina's outro, then intro with yinlin again, u'll already have full forte. U can then use your punishment mark, then proceed to use E twice again, liberation, your four attacks, and your forte will be pretty much full again, then you can outro to your main dps. Next time yinlin comes, and for the rest of the fight, she will have full forte at the beggining of her rotation, and you then do her normal rotation to build forte for the next cycle, instead of building for the actual cycle. i've been doing it with jinhsi, and it's not a big dps decrase since you only lose like 5 seconds on the opening to do yinlin's outro + skill twice.


See I don’t think Yinlin’s value is gonna decrease bc we still got Xiangli Yao in this upcoming update too and if anything I feel like she’ll pair better with him than she would with Jinhsi or Changli simply because he’s (afaik) an Electro DPS with higher numbers than Calcharo


I am pulling her for danjin… yes I know most of her damage comes from her forte heavy attack while skill dmg comes in second, but I am dedicated. Literally pulling changli’s weapon JUST for her bc standard sword is glued to my rover


Subbed when I heard u playing white night in the background ❤


So zheshi will rock moonlit clouds? God Kuro please let us have echo load outd to share our herons fluidly


Imo, by keeping her kit as it is still keeps jinhsi future proof as there’s still the possibility of kuro releasing a spectro dmg increase on top of skill dmg


even for encore, zhezhi's rectifier is a victim to stringmaster, because the basic attack dmg bonus from zhezhi's weapon is on skill cast, not skill damage, so encore can only proc 12% basic attack from it instead of 36%, meaning it's 12% attack + 12% basic atk bonus from zhezhi's weapon against 12% fusion dmg + 24% attack from stringmaster


Pretty L take, her Glacio buffing makes her also useful in a glacio team so no changes needed, making gacha characters specifically to buff one single character is cringe.


as soon as you change that glacial bonus into more skill dmg all the future chars that are designed to be a skill dmg supports will powercreep to a point where there's no return..


stacking her stacks is is capped at 1 stack per like 2 secs or sum so any off field will work and yinlin does so mutch dmg that she will likely still be jinhsis best support, dps from another character is better than buffing your main dps every time


Changli does like 60%+ skill dmg dude, she's definitely bis if her coordianted attack dmg is anything close to yinlin, which we should assume they will be


Your take that they should replace glacio on her outro to just a higher skill dmg buff is shortsighted n narrow. There’s a thing called BALANCE in the game that the devs understand - with all due respect - much better apparently than yourself.


I think this is about the best jinshi sub dps we're gonna get any time soon. Seems like 5 star sub dps is just x damage deepen + their attribute deepen. But you dont want spectro coordinated attacker. Right now only the 4 star sub dps have the one type of damage deepen so maybe in the future we get a 4 star that does not buff attribute but is a coordinated attacker. Originally in the game files zhezhi was pure skill damage deepen but then they changed it. So I think they really want to keep these archetypes or move away from one damage deepen entirely.


Probably you are not familiar with how Kuro design their unit but when they release a unit like this, yes it can be use and be good for Jinhsi, but also for a future team in mind, no change needed, they know what they are doing 😂
