Is THIS causing your injuries? - Pronation Explained.

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For decades the general consensus has been that pronation is harmful, and something to be corrected. But is that actually the case. The latest research points to pronation not being harmful. Actually the latest studies point towards the opposite. Motion control or stability shoes, might actually be inhibiting your body from absorbing the impact forces of running. In this video Kasper explains the science behind pronation, and why it's something you shouldn't worry about.

Agresta C, Giacomazzi C, Harrast M, Zendler J., Running Injury Paradigms and Their Influence on Footwear Design Features and Runner Assessment Methods: A Focused Review to Advance Evidence-Based Practice for Running Medicine Clinicians, (2022)

Menéndez C, Batalla L, Prieto A, Rodríguez MÁ, Crespo I, Olmedillas H., Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome in Novice and Recreational Runners: A Systematic Review, (2020)

Nigg BM, Baltich J, Hoerzer S, Enders H., Running shoes and running injuries: mythbusting and a proposal for two new paradigms: 'preferred movement path' and 'comfort filter', (2015)

What is Pronation? - 00:00
Pronation and injuries - 00:20
Why it's actually healthy - 00:46
What does it mean for you - 02:01
Our recommendation - 02:32
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We understand that this topic is hotly debated. So, I'm curious to hear what your understanding of pronation is?

Which topic should we dive into next?

This explainer was based on 3 different studies, all linked in the description of course. 😉

- Kasper


Thankyou. A refreshing running channel that talk science, i really appreciate your team's efforts


One thing should be added to the topic: Posterior tibialis weakness. This might be issue for many people that think they overpronate too much (and probably they will) but think is this muscle needs to contract properly, especially during running up.


Thank you! Perfect explanations, clear and concise!


My legs are "very strong" now versus from what they were a few years ago since I started running much more and doing workouts to become stronger to be able to run better and better.
I know that today if I use shoes I end overpronating too much I end not been able to run faster or longer since I will waste way too much energy from every muscle trying to maintain my stability with good posture.
There are some shoes that I overpronate quite a bit but I still feel super comfortable running with then ... so what I do is just don't use these shoes every day while rotating with more stable neutral shoes or even once or twice a week, if my legs are too tired, I use a " stability " shoe like a Mizuno Wave Rider or an Asics GT 2000 for exemple.
