Evolution of Foxhole 2017-2024

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During this video I take a look at Foxhole during 2017 and compare it to 2023. Foxhole has come a long way over the last 6 years.

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0:00-1:10 Intro
1:11-3:39 Vehicles
3:40-6:44 User Interface
6:45-7:59 Weapons
8:00-9:03 Building
9:04-10:18 Logistics
10:19-11:20 Environment
11:21-12:14 Outro
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Hey Thanks for using my footage for this stuff! I remember the devs told me when i made an HOUR LONG video similar to this one that even they, having worked on the game, couldn't believe some of the shit they had back in 2016

and yes profiles 100% need to come back. Come on you know the devs have been playing Baldurs gate, give us back those RPG-esque elements. Let us put in our profiles what our soldier's native region is, why we joined the war Etc.


I miss small arms structure damage. Sure it wasn't "realistic" but it was far more immersive, being able to actually push a front by shooting out foxholes and assist in destroying structures as infantry. Nowadays you reach a defensive line as infantry and just.. stare at the defences, usually waiting for a tank to come along and pop pills for you. Bringing your own PvE as infantry is also a massive pain due to 1. How little ammo you can carry (and the time it can take to run back to resupply) and 2. How vulnerable you are to getting rushed down, only really being viable when you have an overwhelming amount of friendly force (at which point you might as well just let the tanks take care of the defences for you)


I played a crap ton in 2018-2019. I played mostly during the start of world conquest and the first 20 wars or so. But honestly the time I miss the most was right before WCs, hopping on to campaign servers and just being a truck driver. Running supplies back and forth from the QM to the front. Also helping drop the first nuke, and witnessing the wardens blow themselves up in Jade Cove was hilarious. This was a great vid and brought back some memories. Would love to see more footage from those first 20 wars!


Hey, thanks for featuring my Bunker Base @8:54!

I know that building can be tough and burn people out, but the bunker was built by only 2 people and was made that compact to help reduce burnout by only keeping the minimum that we needed.

Playing and building in moderation is the key, in my opinion.


I think asymmetric balancing if done right can be really fun, instead of just having the same exact thing over and over again, giving different equipment can really diversify the tactics and culture of each faction, it’s cool to capture an enemy tank and use their strength against them as opposed to just getting more an more of the same equipment


Will never forget when Baron played this game way back when


I want tier 4 walls back! You can see it very briefly at 8:44 It was a really heavy concrete wall that had built in pillboxes on top. It'd be extremely nice for AI defenses around facilities without needing to build an entire bunker base. It sort of just fits the theme of a facility better too. Would love a chance to play dead harvest again too


duuude a massive CQC battle during resistance phase would be incredible! No doubt it would break with the number of players trying to fit into AW or blemish or jade cove but we really dont see enough city combat as infantry


Personally I’d rather have a big qol update before we get another major update after naval, there’s just so many small issues and nitpicks that would make the game so much better if ironed out


I want the profile creation back and I want to be able to view other player's profiles. The amount of memes and lore we'll run into will never end.


For me a Player how joind halfway thourg the game live its great to see all the older Stuff Thank you for making this


9:40 I always loved when we teched sledgehammers because it made gathering fuel so satisfying. The way fuel gathering worked was you had three stacks of barrels, and sledgehammers gave you enough reach to stand in the middle of the three stacks and be able to spin around to hit all of them without needing to move which was nice, but the best part was the timing! The instant you hammered the last of the three stacks, the first one respawned. So you could just stand there and as soon as you finished a stack you spin 120 degrees and swing, and the next stack materializes as the hammer comes down. Zen.


I would love to see the return of the expanded profile creation. Though as a Collie I love my Krr Omen and coming from back in 2018/19 it has been a drastic improvement getting faction specific equipment


I remember the update when they added bayonets. Sometimes I miss old foxhole because it was more jump in and play rather than grinding like crazy, second job with complex logi that can only be done by clans. It's becoming a clan only game. Sometimes simplicity is a good thing.


Biggest problem i see with building is. Make it faster and there will be too much spam everywhere, Make it cheaper same problem. People do and will keep building too much and it will never change even with the new sups system people live through 1-2k sups/h bases.

Sure having an excavator or cement truck etc would be neat and help with building burnout, but if you can slap down a full t2 base in less than an hour late game will become even more stagnant than it is. Imagine this, Big group gets ready for a TC (Tempest cannon) op, they get 3 excavators and 3 ACV to the location, and in less than an hour they are firing since all is built, dug out and made t2. now you have even less of a chance to catch TC ops in the making "even though people do call out TC setups while they are being built, but no one wants to deal with it until it is too late"

Do i think facilities where a mistake? Yes and no. Do they have great potential yes, but i feel like it needs more polishing just like bunkers, i would even go as far as to say bunkers is in a worse state than facilities at this point in time. With how people bug emplacements into garrisons or push guns sitting in gunports and basically unhittable, or the new bending patterns that allows you do build garrisons right up against each other is getting too much.


i have wanted a video like this for so long, thank you


This game is amazing been playing it since 2017 and take breaks every now and then and everytime I come back it soo much crazier and better


I miss the old watch towers design, also the gun nest was an amazing defence, I loved to build them! and watching enemies getting naded by AI xD


I_Saw_Bear was the main reason why I Love and play Foxholes. A long time ago I bought and tried to play foxhole but my computer was old and I wasn’t able to even move or aim my character well. Fast forward to November… I think, and I buy foxholes again and joined in the late stage of war 83, fortification update, and I’ve definitely got my moneys worth and more


I think that for the weapons the factions would be able to "research" the captured weapons. for example you would need like 10 captured weapons and it would take day to research them. then the faction could produce them.
