Coronavirus: European countries further relax restrictions - BBC News

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Italy and Spain are among a number of European countries further easing their coronavirus lockdown restrictions on Monday.

Most businesses in Italy, including bars and hairdressers, are reopening after more than two months of nationwide lockdown measures.

Spain meanwhile has slightly eased restrictions on some of its least affected islands.

The measures follow consistent drops in the number of daily recorded deaths.

On Sunday, Italy recorded the fewest daily deaths since it entered lockdown in March.

It said 145 people had died with the virus in the previous 24 hours. This marked a significant drop from its highest daily death toll, which was more than 900 on 27 March.

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I really hope Venice won’t become a churned up muddy water mess again after this.


Can the reporter in Italy be shown how to wear a face mask... how irresponsible he was constantly touching the mask .... either wear it fitted properly or don’t


Well done Italians! Everyone wears masks.


not universal basic income is it "Basic income, also called universal basic income (UBI), citizen's income, citizen's basic income, basic income guarantee, basic living stipend, guaranteed annual income, or universal demogrant, is a governmental public program for a periodic payment delivered to ALL on an individual basis without a means test or work requirement."


In N.Ireland our rules have been relaxed and now we can meet up with as many as 6 people in public! 🙂


An universal payment will be the first victory to repair social inequality. I think it's wonderful when a crisis comes to open eyes towards democracy.


As far as second wave. Viral mutation is normal and can actually weaken the virus. A second wave does not mean a more virulent wave. It could be minor.


Your video about Denmark was from Amsterdam


Too bad I cannot hear those beautiful Venetian boatmen sing.


The UK is "absolutely" preparing for a second peak of coronavirus, despite a "definite and sustained decline" in new cases, the deputy chief medical officer for England has said.

Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, speaking at the government's daily coronavirus update, said the risk in new peaks will only be truly averted when a vaccine is found, but he added "we can't be sure" that will ever happen.

"We may need to live and learn to live with this virus in the long term and certainly for many months to come, if not several years, " Prof Van-Tam said.

Social distancing had worked so far in reducing the spread of the virus, he added, but warned there may be an increase in cases when the season changes.

"It may well be that the autumn and winter conditions provide a better environment for the virus to then do its work again.
"So we have to be very cautious about that and plan for these kind of health care surges that we hope we don’t need but we want to be ready for them if they happen."

Please note the following - By admitting that the Corona Virus is seasonal, the deputy chief medical officer is admitting that the major determinant of Corona Virus deaths is the season, ie the change in the amount of sunshine. Sunshine produces Vitamin D which supports the immune system. Conversely, the absence of sunshine in winter leads to Vitamin D deficiency - and a decline in the immune system. Thats why colds, flu and pneumonia peak in the winter months. Same as Covid. Social distancing is irrelevant.

What really, really annoys me is that the deputy medical officer doesn't make the logical step of providing the obvious solution - namely, during the absence of sunshine in winter, people should supplement with vitamin D, then there wont be any outbreak.

Instead of providing this solution Prof Van Tam simply repeats the useless mantra that we need to social distance. If social distancing was a factor, then there would not be a total absence of Corona during the summer months, and lots of Corona during the winter - it would be constant through out the year.

His other proposed solution is the vaccine. My question is are these medical advisors so stupid that they cannot see the obvious solution implicit even in their own comments. If season determines the incidence of this virus, then we are looking at sunshine and vit D - not social distancing - as the cause.

As for a vaccine - that is completely unnecessary, and the compulsory imposition of a vaccine (an untested one to boot) upon a population who are mostly healthy - is a monstrous violation of personal rights - based on pure stupidity or outright corruption.


Bravo..Forza Italia..We can do..overcome this Togheter


Am from India, other countries people don't do mistakes like our Indian government and people doesn't care of Corona virus I want you people to stay safe and stay away with Corona virus


What's the name of news-presenter?


Looting hard working people as tax and giving money to free eaters and illigals


Still that useless "check the temperature" on potential SARS 2 carriers, this virus can still transmit to others even one doesn't show any symptoms.


Hope they enjoy an uptick in COVID-19 cases in the next few weeks!
