When Dad is a Serial Killer | The Case of Andrea Blanchard & Trudi

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“We were next on his hit list”

On July 21st 1985 , single mom Andrea Blanchard lives in fear, hiding with her daughter Trudi. Whenever the phone rings, she knows bad news will follow: another bomb exploded, and this time, hundreds of people are severely injured. For years, cops are afraid of him and can’t stop him, but Andrea knows she’s the only one who can put an end to all the killings, because she knows what the Family Court Bomber wants: 7 year old Trudi.
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Poor Steven, he was only a small part of this case but you could tell how much of a kind soul he was. Rest in peace Steven


The obvious motive, the fireman's thread... This video showed how weak the Australian police force was at the time more than anything, because the signs were all there. It's so unfortunate and unfair that he was allowed to reign terror over the people of Australia for so long.


One thing that everyone is wrong about- it was never about love or obsession or even seeing his daughter as his possession. It was never about his daughter at all. This man wanted to keep his daughter simply to punish his wife/ex wife for daring to stand up to him, tell him she wasn't going to take his abuse anymore and leaving him. He didn't care about having his daughter, he just knew she wanted their daughter and so would do anything to keep her from having the daughter and would cause destruction- knowing she'd feel guilty- when she did have their daughter. If he wanted to keep the girl due to obsession or twisted love or whatever, he would have taken her and moved away, maybe even to another country, trying to hide away. But he didn't. He rubbed it in her face because the point was always to punish her for daring to leave.

That's why he let his daughter go without a fight later on- he had a new wife, someone new to posess and control, and hed already done what he set out to do- made hisex give up custody by giving her thechoice between having her daughter and public safety. Even though she wasn't responsible for any of those killings, he knew she'd feel that way and eventually give in to him, meaning he'd "win". It was all her ever wanted- for her to admit he still controlled her.


So all these people died because a big man baby didn't get his way. Incredible. Andrea is an remarkable lady. Amazing, amazing video!!! Keep 'em coming!!!


What an absolute miscarriage of justice. The fact that Andrea had to put Trudi in the hands of a monster to attempt to stop the killings is both horrifying and revolting. At no point should that have ever been an option that had to cross her mind.


I don't understand how this man was allowed to threaten, scare and murder people for so long. If they had followed him and kept tabs on him 24/7 like they should have they would have caught him doing things, threatening people and planting bombs. It's ridiculous what he was able to get away with. I don't get it...


Absolutely shocking that they didn't catch this guy so much earlier.


It's pretty darn obvious all the connections the bombings and murders had...they were all connected to Andrea and Trudy. He was not a serial killer, but a Narcissistic revenge killer. How those detectives never pieced that together is ridiculous.


Unbelievable that a serial killer was able to live as a FREE man for more than 35 years! That's no justice for his poor victims. Andrea's brother was also killed at 25 and he wasn't arrested either, all I can say is that Andrea was extremely noble even giving her child back to him for full custody, how on earth did she cope with not knowing if he would harm Trudi just to spite her too? Horrific situation. I understand why people feel obliged to take the law into their own hands., perhaps innocents lives could have been saved from this monster.


He didn't love his daughter, he was only interested in having her as a possession and inflicting maximum pain on her mother and anyone who tried to stop him. Typical malignant narcissist.


Is anyone gonna talk about poor Steven! he was 25 YEARS OLD! He had SO MUCH to live for😭 RIP Steven🪦


Perfect example of how pathetic our justice and police system was, and still is! So embarrasing.


" I had to do it, what choice did I have?". The answer is you kill the mother F'er. Honestly I'm shocked the cops didn't do that when he started threatening them. I'm no fan of vigilantes but this would have been self defense in my book.


This whole case is frustrating but it's even worse to know that Australia first used DNA to solve a case in 1989, and it was commonplace in the '90s. The fact that they had that at their disposal and didn't think to test cold case evidence - especially such a major case! - until journalists wrote a book about it is disgusting. He still would have walked free far too long if they got him in the '90s, but only arresting him in 2015 is reprehensible.


Lack of evidence. Ok. But what about using the process of elimination? Narrow the suspects down and find a common thread. And then the murders stop when he gets his daughter? Ugh.


Amazing how an innocent person can be arrested and serve jail time with coercion but an actual violent criminal can't be touched without physical evidence first.


This had nothing to do with him loving his daughter and wanting to have her. This was about his ego and feeling offended and wronged.


If the police can’t defend society, IT needs to take action. The police and justice system FAILED utterly in this case, they could have easily booked him just on the abuse, stalking and kidnapping charges. And they should have guarded the obvious targets from the start.

The even more insane thing is that he got his way, and got the daughter. Incredible she had to give her daughter to a serial murderer! What was wrong with the justice system?

However I do hope he will FINALLY get his punishment in jail. Still don’t understand why they didn’t go for the DNA evidence earlier. They could have probably send him to jail 15-20 years sooner.


I'm shocked somebody didn't take this man out a long time ago... He was a clear and present danger to anyone remotely close to his vindictive nature. He proved that too many times


This case is a huge disgrace to the justice system, knowing who killed all these inoccent people all along but still letting him loose... Real shame.
