How Cuban agriculture went from industrial to sustainable

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In this Our Changing Climate environmental video essay, I look at the history of Cuban sustainable agriculture and farming. Specifically, I look at why sustainable and organic methods, such as urban farms and market gardens, proliferated in Cuban farming, and what that might mean for farmers markets and local food systems in countries like the United States. Some of the principles of Cuban agriculture could be used to build a system in opposition to our current industrial food and factory farm system.


3. Creating a Sustainable Urban Agriculture


#farming #climatechange #ourchangingclimate

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What do you think we can learn from Cuba's agricultural systems? Do you think interconnected local food systems could potentially replace our current globally dependent models?


One thing that should be mentioned tho, the climate is putting Cuba at an advantage here. Here in Canada we've been in communication with Cuba for years regarding their agriculture model, but some of the things they're doing is only feasible if you have a tropical climate where everything grows all year long.


I believe that Americans who cannot have a garden or farm due to the physical labor that may be involved can plant fruit trees. Almost all of us have space for fruit trees, and the smallest yard can have some dwarf varieties. No weeding, little watering, less ground based pest issues. And trees do not take up the ground space, so other plants can still be planted at the base. Even restricted communities that dictate what you can have in your front and back yards will often allow fruit trees if kept well. Plant once, and they are there for years to provide bushels of fruit for everyone. My soil here in Florida is awful. It's sand, basically. But I have a huge star fruit tree that drips fruit every year and sometimes during the year. I have two loquat trees that have delicious fruits, and they grow really fast. I have a tangerine tree and a mango tree. I plan on planting more trees this spring. I would like an avocado and some fig trees to add to my collection. I do mulch with the chop and drop system, and sometimes will throw other things on them, like kitchen waste. They love it.


What the video don't mention, because I think, its very controversial, is that Cuba's economic and political system is not dependent on the concentration of wealth through latifundios. An agroecological revolution is directly connected to a proletarian revolution, as is vice-versa.


I went to Cuba in 2017, and everything from the meat to the fruits and veggies all tasted different, not worse, just different than what I was used to in america. There was no concept of reduced fat milk, everything was whole. The fruits and eggs were smaller and tasted different. I don't know why it tasted different, but my best guess is that it was more "natural", and how food should taste.


Love Cuba from India & Kuwait. Best of luck..


This is a good video, just have to keep in mind urban soils can be contaminated with heavy metals, oils, or from whatever the historical industrial use was at any given location.


I was working on a project about changing the environment and I had proposed urban farming business. I got pretty hopeless after a lot of research finding that there was no way to make the business a success. But the info in this video just changes the game. Thanks to Allah so much for bringing me here to your video! I am really grateful.


I love your videos man. Most of what you cover is right up my alley as I am majoring in sustainability/resource management. Funnily enough, I don't watch them often. This one really grabbed my attention based on the subject matter. Thanks for putting in the hard work to make this. You definitely deserve more attention!


No macdonald's or papa John's everytime I go to cuba by the third day my body feels clean . Cuba is behind in times some places it feels like I have gone 150 years back in time but this is the way we all should live and stop killing the planet and ourselves . People in cuba live without many luxurious it sad at first but they you realize most Cubans are happy well educated then you look at states and what goes on American can learn a lot from cuba


Incredible to accomplish this while under such a cruel embargo.


Great video. Preventative healthcare and organic small-scale farming. Like it or not Cuba is number one.


I love Cuba. I wish I could visit there sooner.


I'm all about diversification. Big farms, small farms, neighbors.. yes to all. Grocery stores would do well to be more inclusive of their stores local community output.


Cuba changed because they HAD TO.
The rest of the world will follow Cuba's lead yes.... in that they won't change until forced to do so.
And then they will be so proud of their brilliant ideas to overcome the hardship!


Another thing that has to be considered is that Cuba is a small country in a tropical climate. The United States spans many climates. Much less grows in Minnesota than does in Cuba.


This makes me feel infinitely grateful for the farmers market just 2 blocks away from my house


I am so happy I found this channel, great job!


the problem with mono culture is soil fertility depletion, huge waste asociated with damage caused by mechanical harvest and toxicity of these foods based on use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and synthetic fertilizers. In my opinion we are not counting all things in when calculating in money driven system.


You should do a video about the brazilian Movimento Sem Terra (MST), they struggle to occupy land that is unused by big farm owners(lots of it colonial heritage) and produce a lot of the organic food we have here in Brazil
