How To Use Uber Driver App - 2023 Training & Tutorial

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The Uber driver app has had many changes over the last year with upfront fares. Wondering what it looks like and how to use it? RSG contributor Joe walks us through how to use the Uber driver app here. This video can serve as a Uber driver tutorial for the year of 2023. It also includes the new upfront earnings and trip radar that has been rolled out to several markets already (so you may not see it yet depending on your market) This also is applicable to serve as a part 1 of a Uber eats driver app tutorial 2023.

0:00 Intro
0:05 Uber Home Screen Intro
1:26 Driver Profile
3:33 Account Information And Settings Overview
3:55 Help Section Overview
4:09 How To Go Online And Offline
4:23 How To Use Trip Radar
5:10 Getting A Request, The Pickup And Canceling With Upfront Fares
8:31 Starting And Finishing A Ride
10:38 Outro

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About The RideShare Guy:

I'm Harry, the founder of The Rideshare Guy. I started driving for Uber and Lyft in 2015 and eventually quit my day job as an aerospace engineer to run The Rideshare Guy full time.

These days, I'm a trusted media expert on all things rideshare and have a number of contributors across the country who are all driving for Uber and Lyft and other gig companies like Instacart, Doordash, and Postmates.

The RideShare Guy has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, CNBC, NPR, 60 Minutes on CBS TV, The Washington Post, Wired, Forbes, SFGate, and hundreds more.

The RideShare Guy has interviewed top gig economy leaders such as:



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What other questions do you have with the Uber Driver App?


Wow!!! Someone who actually knows how to do a precise and accurate video. Thank you!


U have been more helper than Uber help center...Thank you sooo much❤


I needed to watch this after today. I accepted a long trip during another trip. I didnt realize that it was over an hour long and 56 miles away. That was not what I wanted. Thanks for info on how to use the app. This should be required when you start


Just started with Uber two weeks ago. I've been looking for a good tutorial fro the most recent software and you nailed. Thank you!!!


Great tutorial Joe! I would add that drivers should get into the habit of stopping new requests after each accepted trip. This will prompt the algorithm to recognize you as an unavailable driver and adjust the pricing algorithm accordingly. This swings the supply and demand data towards less supply and will trigger surge if and when the demand data dictates to do so. When you get close to your drop off simply turn requests back on.


This was so helpful! Just about to start driving on Uber today!!!!


Thanks so much for this. I just did my first ride and I was so confused. This was very helpful.


Thank you so very much! I have had so many questions and you answered them all! Keep these videos coming.


Just a quick tip for all the new drivers on the platform, especially UberEats. Please make sure that when you deliver an order and then the person who picks the order doesn't show up or doesn't seem to be the actual person who ordered the food, contact support immediately so that the agent will be the one who cancels the order. Never try cancelling it yourself while you have the food already or you're not able to give it to the actual person because it will be taken against you and you may lose your access to your account. It will be reported and if ever you're lucky to get your access back to your account, I can guarantee you that it may take up a few days or weeks or even a month to get your access back. I'm not a driver but I worked with Uber as a support before and even our supervisors can't override the system until the review and the appeal is done.


Excellent video. I’m just starting with UberX and wasn’t quite sure of the differences in how to navigate the app from when I use Uber eats. Cheers mate


You've been extremely helpful ❤ Thanks. I liked and subscribed u


Thanks so much I start driving tommrow im nervous and the app didn’t really give me any info as u did thank u so appreciate u taking the time to share with all of us 🎉👍


Good video I'm feeling much confident now ready for my first ride thank you 🎉


Thank you so much, best tutorial Huber video I have seen. Help me a lot


Fantastic video! Wish I had it when I started over a year ago! I still picked up two things I didn't know. Thank You!


Thank you so much.... So clear and And all the information that I needed 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Thanks for the info. Just getting back into ridesharing after a few years. Great advice


I did my first trip today following this video thank you 😊


Nice Job! I drove maybe 5 years ago and I am getting back into it again...(Bidenomics) Great refresher video.
