It goes quiet when he “puts pressure” on his ear (Part II)

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Part II. Our friend here called us for an appointment saying that when he put the slightest pressure on his ear, it "closed up completely." Yikes.

After we were done, he said he hadn't realized how "heavy" his hearing was until we cleared out both ears.

Earwax removal to the rescue with our trusty Earigator. Hearing again never felt so good.

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Young dude got hired at my job but failed the hearing test and our nurse said he should clean his ears. He did and brought the 'crud wax' the next day to show us- I was amazed he was still alive.


I had this done at age 17, and I heard my jeans rustle like a windbreaker jacket. It was obnoxious, but damn if I felt better once I acclimated from hyper hearing.


I’m so glad my earwax is liquidy. Never had any buildup.

Hope you’re feeling better.😊💖


Yo the “earigator” is fucking genius lmao


When I was a kid I was going for a normal checkup with the pediatrician. At the end of the visit he told my mom everything is fine except for the little green ball that is stuck in her ear. lol he was a jokester and my mom thought he was kidding but he washed my ear out and a little green ball fell out that was the size of a pea. It was an old popcorn kernel 😂


So glad for this patient that they used warm water for the ear flushing. Too hot or too cold water can cause nausea and ear pain. I took a trip to the ER for ear pain and hearing loss. As suspected, it was earwax impaction. They, unfortunately, used cold water and a needle-like tip (guessing it was to get behind the blockage and flush it out). The pressure used was very uncomfortable and made me dizzy enough to need 3 breaks (to wash both ears because, well, in for a penny). I vomited from nausea a couple mins after leaving the ER, was nauseated for 2 days and suffered a migraine for 3 days due to sensory overload.

I can understand the ER gets busy and time is limited, but even the info sheet they gave me on discharge said to use warm water only 😓


My ears are super waxy. So I let the shower water do this when I shower. Had a doctor tell me to do this since I used to get super impacted wax because of wearing earplugs at work. It truly does help!


I had issues with one ear for the longest time. I procrastinated until it started to ache. I finally went to urgent care and the nurse was awesome. I was in a lot of pain so she gave me pain reliever and was very gentle and patient while irrigating it. When I tell you to impaction that kept coming out was yucky 🤮 and satisfying 😌 at the same time, ooo weeee!!! I bought one of those and use it a couple of times a month. No more issues here!


i had a pencil grip stuck in my ear from 11-16 when my ear finally clogged shut and i could no longer hear out of my left ear. Went to the ENT and they cleaned it out. Got the pencil grip, along with a digusting amount of built up wax as well. I told my dad I could hear the water flowing through the pipes in the doctors office. I felt like superman.

Im 26 now and still have to go every once in a while because the grip caused damage that makes my ear block up faster now.


I woke up one morning and my hearing was basically gone in one ear after I got really sick. Like a couple days later, I went and had this procedure done, and I swear I had supersonic hearing right after. It was insane.


You can do this with a bulb syringe at home. Warm water in a cup. Over your sink, or in the shower. I do it every couple months. It’s a great feeling.


I have a condition in which I develop a lot of ear wax. It all builds up and my ear canals have a lot of trouble clearing it out. Because of this I have to go to my local clinic to do this kind of ear blasting with water kind of thing quite frequently. I usually go once or twice every month. They eventually started giving me coupons 😄


I go once a month for ear cleaning and it feels Ive under developed ear canal and to much esr wax so it's awful but ear cleaning is amazing


My nurse wasn't this gentle, he put a syringe up my ear and blasted my ear with the warm water after it filterd out the doctor came in and said i had redness on the drum, I FUCKING WONDER WHY


Went into urgent care for something like this once and it was absolutely awful. They tried a little pick, they tried water. It took 10 minutes and two people trying. The water like this can be painfully loud. This guy doesnt seem too uncomfortable which is great!!


She hooked up with that new dolby atmos setup


The warm water feels awesome, and then you can hear, I have had this problem 50+ years


The one time I got my ears flushed out, the nurse that did it absolutely BLASTED my eardrums. My ears didn't hurt before I came in. They hurt for DAYS after. I clean them regularly now 😅😅


Yep, I've had this done several times. Pain free, and like he says, it feels weird, but totally worth it if your ear has a physical blockage.


I can remember once when I was around 9 years old walking home from my cousins house and seeing leaves falling off trees during fall then feeling a sharp pain in my ear, after a few days the pain kept getting worse so I went to the doctor and had this done. An entire leaf somehow flew directly into my ear
