General Election 2019: Conservative Party leader Boris Johnson's last day of campaigning | 5 News

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► Boris Johnson spent the day in a final scramble for votes in key battleground towns and cities.

He began with a milk round in West Yorkshire before attempting to convince voters in Wales to vote for the Conservative Party.

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Stuart Holley, 23. A man driven to suicide by the DWP's incessant pressure and threat of sanctions for not being able to find a job.

Graham Shawcross, 63. A sufferer of the debilitating disease, Addison's. Died of a heart attack due to the stress of an ATOS 'fit for work' decision.

David Clapson, 59 years old. A diabetic ex-soldier deprived of the means to survive by the DWP and the governments harsh welfare reforms, David died all but penniless, starving and alone, his electricity run out.

Chris Smith, 59. Declared 'fit for work'by ATOS as he lay dying of cancer in his hospital bed.

Nathan Hartwell, 36, died of heart failure after an 18-month battle with the Department for Work and Pensions.
Michael Connolly, 60. A father of one, increasingly worried about finances after his benefits were cut. Committed suicide by taking 13 times the fatal dose of prescription medicine on the 30th October - His birthday.

Jan Mandeville, 52. A lady suffering from fibromyalgia, driven to the point of mental and physical breakdown by this government's welfare reforms. Jan was found dead in her home after battling the DWP for ESA and DLA.

Trevor Drakard, 50 years old. A shy and reserved, severe epileptic who suffered regular and terrifying fits almost his entire life, hounded to suicide by the DWP who threatened to stop his life-line benefits.

Unnamed: Death of severely disabled Dorset resident, unnamed took her own life while battling the bedroom tax.

Terry McGarvey, 48.
Dangerously I'll from polycythemia, Terry asked for an ambulance to be called during his work capability Assessment. He knew that he wasn't well enough to attend his WCA but feared that his benefits would be stopped if he did not. he died the following day.

Elaine Lowe, 53. Suffering from COPD and fearful of losing her benefits. in desperation, Elaine chose to commit suicide.

Mark Wood, 44. Found fit for work by ATOS, against his doctors advice and assertions that he had complex mental health problems. Starved to death after benefits stopped, weighing only 5st 8lb when he died.

Paul reedie, 48, the Leith based Poet and author. Suffered from severe depression. Committed suicide after DWP stopped his benefits due to an ATOS 'fit for work' decision.

Leanne Chambers, 30. Suffered depression for many years which took a turn for the worst when she was called in for a WCA. Leanne committed suicide soon after.

Karen sherlock, 44. multiple health issues. issues found fit for work by ATOS and denied benefits. Fought a long battle to get placed into the support group of ESA. Karen died the following month of a heart attack.

John Walker, 57, saddled with debt because of the bedroom tax, John took his own life.

Brian McArdle, 57 years old. Suffered a fatal heart attack the day after his disability benefits were stopped.

Stephen Hill, 53. Died of a heart attack one month after being found fit for work, even though he was waiting for major heart surgery. Jacqueline Harris, 53.

A former Nurse who could hardly walk was found fit for work by Atos and her benefits withdrawn. in desperation, she took her own life.

David Barr, 28. Suffering from severe mental difficulties. Threw himself from a bridge after being found fit for work by Atos and failing his appeal.

David Groves, 56. Died of a heart attack the night before taking his work capability assessment. His widow claimed that it was the stress that killed him.

Nicholas Peter Barker, 51. Shot himself after being told his benefits were being stopped. He was unable to work after a brain haemorrhage left him paralysed down one side.

Carl Payne, 42. Fears of losing his lifeline benefits due to welfare reform led this Father of two to take his own life.

Tim Salter, 53. Blind and suffering from Agoraphobia. Tim hanged himself after Atos found him fit for work and stopped his benefits.

Edward Jacques, 47 years old and suffering from HIV and Hepatitis C. Edward had a history of severe depression and self-harm. He took a fatal overdose after Atos found him fit for work and stopped his benefits.

Linda Wootton, 49 years old. A double heart and lung transplant patient. Died just nine days after the government found her fit for work, their refusal letter arriving as she lay desperately ill in her hospital bed.

Steven Cawthra, 55. His benefits stopped by the DWP and with rising debts, he saw suicide as the only way out of a desperate situation.

Elenore Tatton, 39 years old. Died just weeks after the government found her fit for work.

This is what happens under a Tory Government.
Hope your Pissed off abouut this.


You could hear the hoof beats pound
As they raced across the ground
And the clatter of the wheels
As they spun round and round
And he galloped into Market Street
His badge upon his chest
His name was Borissss
And he spoke a load of bullshit, , , , thats no jest


Ps Tories expect plus take it for granted that they win.yet Tories cut taxes for they rich Tory supporters before this election because no Tory ditch.


Johnson gets his last piece of bullshit in!
