White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' Bill

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It’s not called “the don’t say gay bill, ” matter of fact, it's a small group of media pundits and politicians who threw this idea out there.


No child needs to be spoken to about gender or sexuality by a stranger even if its their teacher. That is GROOMING.


It’s not called “the don’t say gay bill” nice reporting👍


I've never met a 5-7 year old in gender crisis, and neither have you.


I support the bill. Stick to English and arithmetic.


The bill is called “Parental Rights in Education Bill, ” not the “Don’t Say Gay Bill.” Not only is this headline misleading and biased, the bill itself doesn’t ban discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity. It just prevents sexual topics being taught to kids at an inappropriate age and says that parents should be informed of what kids are being taught. Furthermore, Psaki didn’t even address the reporter’s question about the fact that Biden clearly had homophobic policies in the past and Biden said homosexuality wasn’t a healthy lifestyle. This is so hypocritical it’s unfathomable. Biden has always been a homophobe. Now his lackeys are trying to save face. This administration is a joke.


Psaki is very bad at covering the fact that
bidens whole career has been discriminatory.


Are children up to the 3rd grade really in serious need of that subject matter in school?


If the democrats oppose it you know it is the right thing to do...simple.


Could it be that 3-8 year olds shouldn’t be discussing sexuality Jen. If your child is sexualized by you at that age I don’t want them around mine. As a parent we have the right to decide when to have the talk with our child in sex and sexuality and the fact your trying to force it on four yr olds says a lot about the Democratic Party. Wth is wrong with y’all.


Per Jenn it’s important to focus on what the president says, not his actions and what he votes for 🤔


After taking in most of this comment thread, from a humble outsider opinion... Your country is tearing itself apart. Your "what-about-isms" back and forth should be embarrassing to all of you; none of you care so much about any topic as much as you care to be sycophants to whichever of your equally disgusting and corrupt political parties. Americans as a whole are out of their minds.


yeah… I don’t need some government employee educating my children about these topics- especially at kindergarten


Wow. Maybe she should read the bill. Everything she said about is false.


The bill don't even say they can't say that. It says that teachers can't keep information from parents.


Later Psaki asks which schools are trying to teach gender and sex at K-3 as if no one is and then says the bill hurts LGBTQIEIEIO kids???? Both cannot be true. If they aren’t teaching it then the bill won’t change anything….


Can we call the bill by its name and read it rather than call it a made up term? I’m an independent that voted democrat and I have no problem with what anyone does in their personal life. I do have a problem with teachers bringing their personal life to a class room. That’s not what an adult person that’s an educator does. Teachers of that school age are not sex experts nor health experts nor social experts. The only thing schools should have is a zero tolerance bullying policy. That can be taught without all the other nonsense. Report to parents or counselor if a child needs is fine. Appropriate people. Forcing sexual ideology in a classroom will backfire and isn’t appropriate. Have an elective later if parents and older kids want. But for young it’s manipulative. General anti bullying is enough to do. This is getting to be too much. Seriously. “Don’t say Gay Bill” is just a distraction and deliberate attack on DeSantis for other things. Not that I like the guy but this tribalism radicalism is getting so tiresome. Fortunately I read bills. Have to side with DeSantis on this one.


Literally saying teachers shouldn’t teach kids about sexuality up to the ages of NINE. Doesn’t mean parents can’t talk about it, but it means it stops other adults from teaching your child about sexuality before you might think it’s appropriate. Also parents may want to teach their children about sexuality themselves. Either way the labeling of the bill is just a way to get people against it.

It’s not banning talking about sexuality with your kid, just banning teachers of 5-9 year olds of teaching them.


The bill establishes the “Parents’ Bill of Rights.” The bill provides that the state, its political subdivisions, any other governmental entity, or other institution may not infringe upon the fundamental rights of a parent to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of a minor child. If those entities infringe upon a parent’s fundamental right, they must demonstrate that the action is reasonable and necessary to achieve a compelling state interest, and the action must be narrowly tailored and not otherwise served by less restrictive means.

The bill enumerates a list of rights that a parent possesses in order to direct the education of his or her child and be informed about the child’s educational programs. The bill also requires a school district to promote parental involvement in the public school system by providing access to the child’s studies and instructional materials while recognizing a parent’s right to withdraw the child from objectionable portions of the school’s curriculum.

The bill further requires a parent’s permission before a health care practitioner may provide services, prescribe medicine to the child, or perform a medical procedure, unless otherwise provided by law. The bill provides a misdemeanor penalty for a health care practitioner or similar person who violates the health care provisions and subjects these persons to disciplinary actions.


Is there a bigger liar in the country than Jen Psaki?
