Friendly Fire Isn't (Extended Mag) - Parody Song #helldivers2

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Human-made // AI Assisted (Suno AI, Midjourney, and GPT4)
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In the heat of the battle, where the bullets fly,
There's a Hell Diver motto: "We aim not to die."
But with grenades a'rolling and stratagems a'bouncing,
It's a dance of dodge and weaving bliss.

Oh, friendly fire isn't, or so they say,
But when the bullets start to stray,
We laugh and shout, "Hey, watch out you fuck!"
For in the end, it's all in the Hell Diver's way.

There's John with his launcher, and Jane with her drone,
In the chaos of combat, their aims overblown.
With a slip of the finger, a misfire sent,
We dive and we duck, "oh fuck, a grenade!" (Can I get a reinforce?)

So here's to the Hell Divers, with their hearts so bold,
Navigating friendly fire, with stories untold.
For the love of Super Earth, and Liber-tea too,
remember, dear Divers, as through the galaxy you roam,
Keep your sights clear, and watch where you home.
For friendly fire isn't, but still, it might come!

Then there's Lou with his sentries, not one but three,
Promising safety, "They'll kill'em all, you'll see!"
But as they whirl and fire, they can't really tell,
"Thanks to Lou, this is my personal Hell!"

Lastly there's Max, with that fucking arc thrower,
A tool of destruction, in the hands of a joker.
He swings it around, with a laugh so bold,
Until one final zap leaves my body cold.

Through the mists of war, and the fog of fright,
Our laughter echoes, cutting through the night.
For each mistake made, and every near miss,
It's our bond that holds us, in this abyss.

So here's to the legends, the brave and the bold,
Our tales of misadventure and courage untold.
From the dust of the battlefield to the stars above,
It's the mishaps that remind us of what we love.

In the chaos of combat, our spirits never bend,
We're Hell Divers, damn it, together till the end!
From the chaos of combat, our spirits never bend,
We're Hell Divers, damn it, together till the- AHH!


"If your allies cannot predict your eagle airstrikes, neither can your enemy"
-Sun Tzu


Original friendly fire mag - 121 bullets
Extended mag friendly fire - 311 bullets
Helldivers: I see this as an absolute win


Imagine making a game so fun that it doesn't need an advertisement, everyone does it for you.


"Commissar said fire in that direction,
you just happened to be in that direction."


"Lastly there's Max, with that fucking arc thrower" had me rolling!
Great song so catchy!


Acoustic ordinance on the way, hang tight, divers!


Last night I saw a bot swing at my ass so i immediately dived, whipped around and fired my plasma shotty before i had even hit the ground... Only to see it fly through the spot the now dead bot occupied and hit the helldiver that just saved my life in the face. This all happened within the span of a second and it was hilarious. He wasnt even mad, and even complimented me on my reflexes. I love this game.


Just imagine how terrifying helldivers actually are to their enemies. Just 4 guys drop in and take over an entire battlefield guys and they die not from your side but from friendly fire and then more just keep on coming.


I had this song stuck in my head all day at work, so imagine my surprise seeing this right when I get home.


My years of Touhou have come in useful as I dodge automaton and friendly fire while utilising the Joestar family technique screaming "Liberty save us!"


"I told the Eagle to hit the orange smoke"

**Fellow Diver looks 10ft behind us**

"You mean THAT orange smoke?"


3:06 really is that one moment when
A hellpod crushes you
You didnt see the eagle beacon
You didnt see the orbital beacon
You werent behind the mad man with the arc thrower


bro this is the literal definition of a night with the boys, I mean we all have our favorites but one man must always have that one explosive and it’s gonna end up with FRIENDLY FIRE


Glad the extended version was made. Its as good as I expected it to be.


My name is Max, and that arc thrower line was perfect.


primal satisfaction of properly yelling "fuck" with the hard k about a grenade


Had a moment where I was shooting my Arc Thrower at the automatons, it was going really well, I was the only helldiver nearby, and suddenly one bolt arced AROUND a rock/small mountain and absolutely obliterated my teammate.

That is when I thought about the line "And lastly there's Max with that fucking Arc Thrower" and couldn't relate more lol.


Don't go too hard on Max and his Arg Thrower, he's still learning. Why, I've only evaporated four divers this week, and two of them walked directly into it after watching me fire repeatedly into the enemy as if they wouldn't be reduced to atoms.

Thanks for the morale boost fellas, your music keeps the frontlines groovy


This is by far my favorite song of yours so I’m really excited for this.
