55 Old Fashioned Frugal Living Tips I Learned from Grandma (that will save you thousands 💰)

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55 Old Fashioned Frugal Living Tips I Learned from Grandma (that will save you thousands 💰)

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When sheets became thin in the middle they were cut in half and sides sewn to middles. Instead of buying ready made pillow cases and extra flat sheet was bought and pillows made from it for less cost. People did not use paper plates, napkins or towels, they always used cloth and washed and reused. Children's clothes were made from worn adult clothes, then passed on to other children as they became too small. Old clothes and shoes were used when doing dirty jobs such as gardening instead of wearing good clothes. Shoes were repaired. Broken clay pots were broken into small pieces and put in the bottom of plant pots to help with drainage. Used string was saved in a string bag and reused, Brown paper was saved and reused. Old newspapers were saved to light fires. Wood and sticks were gathered on walks, the process was called, 'going woodin' '. A hotwater bottle was used on cold nights to warm one's bed, as were flannel sheets and night gowns. When it was very cold, a mug of hot chocolate along with a bowl of oatmeal kept one warm on the inside. Eider downs were used on beds, and an extra woolen blanket under the bottom sheet kept one warmer. People did not eat meat daily. When they did eat it it was more more as a condiment to add flavour. All meals were stretched by using potatoes, bread, rice or noodles. Left-overs were always used at the next meal, hearty soups were common. Warm boots were worn in winter.


Who are you trying to fool? Grandma didn't have a microwave! Lol I actually had to show my MOM how they worked when they first came out.
AND Grandma didn't use a calendar as wrapping paper. She pains takingly cut each piece of tape so that she could re use her wrapping paper. It drove us crazy to watch her open her gifts!


The baking soda & vinegar trick has never worked on a clog for me. However, I do use it occasionally to clean the garbage disposal.


Coffee and eggshells mixed in a old coffee can thats empty then use in the ground, flowerbeds etc.etc


Get leaving counting pennies to eat and using bread to clean the floor great idea


My grandma didn't have a CD to scare birds, but I do...still appreciate the tip
