Sous le nuage d’Hiroshima

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Il est 8h16, à 587 mètres très précisément au-dessus de la ville d’Hiroshima, dans le sud du Japon, Little Boy explose… Instantanément, un gigantesque nuage en forme de champignon recouvre la ville d’un voile épais et impénétrable. Yoshita Matsushige, photographe dans un journal local, sort muni de son appareil photo. Il est terrifié par ce qu’il voit et renonce plusieurs fois à photographier. Finalement, vers 11h15, il prend son premier cliché au pont Miyuki, à un peu plus de 2 km de l’impact de la bombe et seulement 3 heures après… Matsushige fera 5 photos. Il n’existe pas de films de ce lundi 6 août 1945 à Hiroshima. Ces 5 clichés sont d’une valeur inestimable. Soixante-dix ans après, nous avons retrouvé deux des protagonistes et vingt-cinq témoins de ces scènes photographiées. Beaucoup d’entre eux n’ont jamais parlé devant une caméra, rongés par la culpabilité d’être encore en vie alors que plus de 140 000 personnes sont mortes depuis. Aujourd’hui, le temps est venu pour Tsuboi, Kochi et les autres de rompre le silence, de libérer les mots pour nous permettre de reconstituer les premiers instants de ce « juste après » et dire l’horreur d’un lundi que personne n’oubliera jamais, sous ce nuage en forme de champignon.
Réalisateur : Bertrand Collard
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this movie should have 8 billion views


This is without a doubt the best documentary I've ever seen on this subject. It tells about things I never knew before.


This was very difficult to watch. However, movies like this need to be made and watched. It's said that those who forget history end up repeating it and the thought of something like this happening again is terrifying.


This horror makes me cry. How many people died on the bridge alone. I thought, as a grown man, you've already seen a lot. But that's not true. My generation has seen nothing like this. How privileged we are.


There will never be any glory in war. This film broke my heart, all those who suffered! its truly horrendous. I pray that it never happens again.


Thank you for recreating the images into a 3D re-enactment. Its hard to witness it already but with the addition of movement and sound, it really shows you that this could be any of us. A bright summer day, a beautiful breeze on the wind, and it can change in an instant. I pray the survivors are granted a life of peace and tranquility after the Hell they went through. The cruelty of war and innovation of death is always celebrated with brawn and valor being at the forefront, yet forget all of the innocent lives that are lost in the abbhorent wake.


كمية الألم الفظيع اللي أحسه بداخلي ماكنت مولوده بزمنهم ولا شاركت في أذيتهم لكن رؤية الأطفال والناس بهذه الحاله والمعاناة الصعبه مؤلم جداً ضحايا هيروشيما اللي عاشو عانو من قسوة الذكريات وكأنه امس يتذكرون كافة التفاصيل فضيع جداً


Don't get me wrong, at least I don't call us Japanese “victims.” I think many Japanese people are like that.
This video is not intended to criticize the United States or any other country involved in the war. It is meant to convey the tragedy of war.
I wish people from different countries would stop arguing over the magnitude of sin.
I hope Google's translation function works properly.


When she talked about her dad being preserved in formaldehyde, i just couldnt think anymore. None of this i can even imagine, these people are so strong to still be living and their will to live


The survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are so brave. I couldn’t imagine all they’ve seen and heard and even smelled. So many innocent lives were lost so horrendously 💔💔


this is a reminder to us all that there are no winners in war but casualties. todays' leader's ambitions should be on how to improve society not on how to hurt anybody.





We have been told about the situation in Hiroshima at school since we were children. Therefore, many people have known about it for a long time. It was an inhumane experiment. I am 21 years old and see in tears what innocent people have experienced. Hello from Russia


Ceux qui ne peuvent se souvenir du passé sont condamnés à le répéter et à commettre les mêmes erreurs, c’est pour cela que nous avons le devoir de nous souvenir, afin que l’humanité ne connaisse plus cela… merci pour ce documentaire.
Prions pour que cela ne se reproduise plus, une pensée pour les victimes de cette tragédie, paix à leurs âmes. Amen🕊️


If watching these burnt and suffering people is painfull then I cannot even imagine what pain did these poor civilians come through.





My grandfather served in the Pacific Arena on a Destroyer and a Landing Craft. He was there at Hiroshima directly after the bomb was dropped.
Was a story he only spoke about a few times in my life, but only in very short conversations. I am sure what he had witnessed must have caused PTS.
Imagine what my grandfather had witnessed to cause PTS, but more so, the trauma inflicted on Hiroshima.
That was a different time, and only those who had experienced it can only relate as such as the times that we are living can be only understood by those who experience. Learn from history mistakes so as not to repeat.


I wish a law was in place that was recognized world wide that said historical documentaries were not aloud to be censored in anyway. If people never want something so horrific to happen again then they need to be able to see ALL the damage it caused, not just what they think people can handle to see. Part of the problem today is people seem to have forgotten how bad things can really be and I blame it partially on people not getting to see the TRUE devastation such things cause. Kinda like since it's censored and I can't see it then it didn't happen kinda thing. Historical documentaries should never be censored, they didn't use to be so why do it now?


No tengo palabras que mencionar vi el video y me imagino que abra mas información qué no han sacado a luz. 😢 Que en Paz Descansen las Almas y admiracion a los que sobrevivieron


13:54 i find it just amazing that you got the actual girl from the pictures to interview; you showed her earlier before the pictures but then we have the realization that she was IN history!
