Ep-2 Prophet Noah and India's Lost Prophet

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Episode 2 of the Series "Lost Prophets Of India"

Quran proclaims that Prophets were sent to every nation so how is it possible that no Prophet was sent to India.

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I have my personal opinion.
We know that Adam is equal with the first Manu, and Idrees/Henokh is equal with the second Manu,
Noah/Nuh is equal with 7th Manu, Vaivasvata Manu.

In Islam, there are two prophets which not mentioned by bible, old not new testament. Those are prophet Hud and Salih. Because bible dont say regarding this, it is hard to identified those two prophets.
In Quran, Hud was sent to people of 'Ad. And Salih was sent to people of Tsamud.
I will try to identify prophet Hud first.

In bible, book of Esther 1:1, India was mentioned by the word Hodu. The word Hodu and Hud is quite same in semitic language. So in my perspective, the prophet Hud is the prophet which sent to India. In Quran, the people of 'Ad is the first people after the flood of Noah which grant advance in technology. This story is quite same with the story of kingdom of Kosala/ Ikshvaku dynasty which established after Vivasvata Manu's flood. And you know the capital of Ikshvaku dynasty is Ayodhya or some people called it Oudh. The word 'Ad and Oudh is quite same both in pronunciations and story.
Who is person which sent to Ayodhya? Sri Rama.
And I shocked that in Mahabharata war, Ayodhya becomes the enemy of Krishna.
In Quran chapter of Al fajr, 89: 6-8, it mentioned that 'Ad is Irama dzatil imad, which means that 'Ad is Irama with a great building which no people built it at that time. The word "Irama" it may refers to Rama. Which in my perspective, the people of 'Ad / Ayodhya which the descendants of Rama which has a great building (in Buddhist scripture Ayodhya called Saketa which means great building) that side Kurawa and became the enemy of Krishna in Mahabharata war.
In the end, the people of 'Ad was destroyed because they didnt believe the prophet Hud. In my understanding, Ayodhya has been destroyed because they didnt believe on Krishna, they opposed him in Mahabharata war. In legend, Ayodhya was deserted after Mahabharata war.
So, in my understanding, the prophet Hud can be identify as Krishna and Rama. Because they are the prophet in India.


How noah pbuh come to know that Prophet Muhammed pbuh and his people deliver the msg after noah pbuh?
Doesn't it shows that Prophet noah pbuh has knowledge of unseen ? Isn't it?
Kindly explain.


Dear "THE LOGICAL ISLAM" to which prophet of god was VEDAS revealed, please let me know.


Wait how will Mohammad pbuh and his followers stand witness when they didn't even exist at that time


Nonsense, Yy they juzt Ignore Prakrit language, wich was there/alive before Sanskrit wen they give Folk etymology of Ādam pbuh as "Sanskrit" and Most Importantly Kharoshthi script which was there & was written from Right to Left not the Opposite as any other Indic languages are Written apart from Rekhhta/Urdū اُردُو, etc. . Again, Kharoshthi script was Derived from Semitic Middle eastern language Aramaic which means (refutes/debunks) all their Claims are Completely False/wrong!! Ādam pbuh was "Indian" Prophet "a-d-m is from Sanskri'tamm". All reports on Ādam pbuh, Hawwā' pbuher, Iblîs were landed/Arrived So-and-so places are mere Narrated stories (reports of some of the Aslaaf) not Authentic but for the Sake conveying Personal opinions mainly from Knowledge of stories from Ahle Kitāb!!


Its due to language
Rishi means Rasool
Messages like Rasool recieve same Rishis also recieve and wrote .
Puran sounds like Quran
Scriptures by the same one


Kalki Avatar will tell everyone the truth 👍🏻


My prophets is thirumoolar, vallalar, manickavasagar .not noah or nuh


What bs... Our gods lived among us and we witnessed their activities and recorded that in our religious texts... We dont need any prophets...


Moses is also lost prophet of India Known as Krishna Ji.
Also Abraham/Ibrahim is lost prophet known as Ram ji
These 2 people are originally from India.check these personalities parallel similarities.
Krishna Balram is Moses Haroon
Rama and Lakshmana is Abraham and Lot.
Ram son lava and kush is Issac and Ismail.
