Jurors in trial of man accused of killing Toronto cop shown video of incident

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A jury in the trial of a man accused of killing a Toronto police officer inside a downtown parking garage watched a security video on Wednesday that showed a portion of the fatal incident.

The video shows a vehicle maneuvering several times -- pulling forward, reversing before driving forward again.

Det. Const. Adam Taylor told the court it was at that moment when Const. Jeffrey Northrup was struck and run over by the vehicle.

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It is ridiculous that plain clothes cops would aggressively approach a car like that at night in downtown Toronto and expect that the citizens are supposed to know that they are police officers. The officers claim is that since they were wearing badges, the people should have known they were cops. Under those traumatic, fight or flight circumstances, there is no way a panicked person would ever notice a tiny badge; most likely partially obscured on their waist.

The driver is an accountant and was with his pregnant wife and infant child. It makes absolutely zero sense that he would knowingly and intentionally run over a police officer. There is absolutely no motive for the driver to do that and common sense would dictate that the vast majority of people would also believe they were violent criminals under the same circumstances.

If cops are going to be stopping people, they should be wearing police uniforms. Plain clothes cops should only be investigating, doing surveillance, or performing undercover work where they are posing as criminals; not stopping people in cars.

If I was in the same position as that driver, I would have reacted the exact same way. If I was driving a BMW in downtown Toronto with my pregnant wife and infant child and had two people aggressively pounding on my car and yelling at me to stop and get out of the car at midnight, I would 100% believe it was a car jacking and/or potential kidnapping and there is NO WAY that I would ever stop and allow for them to drive away with my wife and infant child. I would do everything I could to drive away and if someone stood in front of the car to stop me, I would drive right through them to get away to keep my family safe. Remember, the wife was calling 911 as it happened as well.

The cops and crown prosecutors probably know full well that there is no way that this family man who works as an accountant would intentionally drive over a cop. BUT, because it was a cop, they are going to do everything they can to railroad him.

I really hope that the jury has the courage to find him not guilty and don’t feel pressured to provide a guilty verdict because the deceased was a police officer.


This video PISSES ME OFF. What the hell is even going on in this clip? How is this supposed to prove or disprove anything?


Has anyone seen the way the cop who was run over was dressed, sorry for his death but how the hell can anyone make out this is a cop dressed like that?


I saw a black blur go around in circles in a bigger grey blur....so I guess case closed.


How is it possible that in 2024 these stop-motion slideshows are still a thing?


thats fight or flight. he chose flight and the dude was in the way. simple as that


in an era of technology and AI you could atleast upgrade your camera to 720p quality. my logitech webcam from the 90's is more clearer


Justice prevailed.

Why were plain cloths officers confronting a man and his pregnant wife and son at night?

“Prosecutors had an uphill battle proving murder after the testimony of three police eyewitnesses was undermined by video surveillance footage and two traffic collision reconstruction experts, one of them a Crown witness.”


Bad tactics lead to bad outcomes! I am sorry but when two plainclothes gun totting individuals come at me I am getting out of there with my family as well! The officers made tactical errors putting themselves in front of him trying to leave. Tragic for sure!


Lol this video just shows a car driving. Great evidence


I met this cop many times in my area. Northrup was a really corrupt cop. He use to sleep in his car while on duty. What goes around comes around. Karma !!!!


Plain clothes may lead to acquittal for reasons of self defense.


How is it even possible that you can buy video cameras this bad?


Fake news! I don’t see anything but a car driving. Do better, we know this video has nothing lol


Hey look Timmy
GTA 6 now provides killcam
Y'all cops should feel special


Sorry but this video footage isn't great


The accused probably witnessed something(Lg📺😉) that he and his wife weren't supposed to...👀😮
Btw. At this juncture, only Liam Neeson can help him😭


This crime shouldn't ignored. You don't run over people, go in reverse and not accepting responsibility!!! This is not acceptable. How can someone plead not guilty???


He is a 200 precent a layer !!!! He knew what he did … And maybe the London kids is a officer grandkids … hello news guy how are you post this together… !!! Many many moons between there….
