Darwin, Hitler, and the Holocaust Part 3 - One People, One Creator

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This video will be made available to the public on July 30, 2024.

From 1941 to 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies systematically murdered approximately six million Jews in a genocide known as the Holocaust. This was, at the time, around two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population. Alongside the Jews, others who had been deemed ‘inferior’ suffered during the Nazi’s reign. This included the Roma, the Polish, people of Slavic descent, black people, the mentally ill, and the disabled. But why? To what end? In this three-part series, we’re going to look at the roots of the Holocaust from a scientific perspective as well as uncover the Darwinian undercurrent that allowed it all to take place.

In our previous episodes, we discussed the philosophers and thought leaders that set the stage for the atrocities of the holocaust and the specifics of scientific racism, eugenics, and attempted genocide as practiced by Nazi Germany. Today, we’ll wrap things up by looking at how this natural consequence of Darwinian evolution stands in stark contrast to what Scripture says about who we are and our purpose on this planet.

Join Trey and ICR President, Dr. Randy Guliuzza as they discuss this vital topic on Episode 78 of The Creation Podcast.

Do you have questions about science or Scripture? Post them in the comments and we might answer them in future episodes.

Tune in every other Tuesday here on YouTube for new episodes. You can also find the audio version on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon Music.

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Hope to see you next time on The Creation Podcast!

0:00 – Coming Up on The Creation Podcast
0:52 – Welcome and Introduction
3:15 – Beyond the Holocaust
7:29 – The Church’s Response
9:40 – Scientific Racism and Eugenics Then and Now
16:11 – The Endgame
19:20 – Humans are Valuable
24:18 – Made in the Image of God
32:51 – Is There Any Value in Darwinian Thinking?
37:06 – Where Can Hope Be Found?
42:04 – Final Thoughts

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Toward the end you mentioned a random number generator and my thoughts immediately went to this face; a random number generator is important and used to keep things hidden, to make sure something cannot be known, cryptic.
If randomness was actually capable of bringing a thing into being they could never be discerned or known.
This is also the reason, as ICR often points out, that Biblical Christianity brought modern science to where it is because we hold that creation can be known due to the fact that it was intentionally created and our God is not a god of confusion.
Thank you for your faithful ministry to the Truth of Scripture by which we are sanctified.


Amen to all that was shared in the 3-part series. Thank you so much for this. Will rewatch all three again. God bless you all! 🙏🏼


Dr. Guliuzza is such a treasure! He explains things so clearly. Love to see him on these podcasts. Trey rocks, too!


Well stated explanations! Thank you for posting this series!


A few years ago, when the young boy managed to get into a gorilla pit, it was said the gorilla was murdered. I didn't know that you could murder an animal.


Shem, Japeth and Ham each have traits that may or may not be shared with each other. And then at the Tower of Babel the clans dispersed and brought those qualities with them.


Thank you, ICR for bringing awareness to this!


If humans are created in the image of God all human life has inherent value, but if we are just the random products of natural processes no one has inherent value.


It’s in the title of Darwin’s book
The Perseveration of the Favored Races…..


Any bit of energy has to be the result of a greater amount of energy. It can’t make itself and there can’t be an infinite regress of greater and greater amounts of energy. It has to be from an infinite source of energy that determines the properties.

Directing means there is intent and intellect since we see evidence of things being ordered not according to naturally occurring events. In cosmology hydrogen doesn’t coalesce. This is the real reason for invisible dark matter. In reality general relativity explains the motion of things over large distances.

In biology we see literal programming that can’t program itself. Mistakes degrade the genome.

You need time and distance for a fluctuation which is only possible with the formation of matter with mass that qualifies measurable time and distance.

Hydrogen can’t coalesce on its own either. That doesn’t mean there is invisible matter. Matter from where? You might as well say that the infinitely powerful God did it. Black holes are the most powerful things in the universe which quantifies measurable time and distance making possible our physical existence.


In this mentality, you can see they are trying to make "this world" fit their ideal of perfection & deciding who doesn't fit🌻 in the end, no one would fit from a human perspective. Praise God that He does not show partiality!!

Acts 10:34 NKJV — Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.


Did you see the protesters at the Olympics doing the Hitler salute?
