When Your Mind Is Broken - The Hidden Epidemic Of Maternal Mental Illness | Channel Mum

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It's an extremely common symptom of postpartum depression and there are things you can do. We've built up a huge community to offer support to any mums who are suffering with depression, anxiety and stress. Here are three things that you can do today to help yourself:

Channel Mum is the UK's first YouTube community for mums. We bring together the best of YouTube mum talent to reveal the honest face of parenting.

Channel Mum partners with talented creators and vloggers who make fresh, relevant and honest video content and help mums to find and grow their vlogging voice on YouTube.

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This is such a great Video! Well done Channel Mum for doing this.. the comments off other mums are great too!! Things like this can be so difficult to talk about.. so good to know your not alone! 💛💚❤️💙


Whoever is going through this sort of thing; you can get through it. I did and I thought it would kill me but it didn’t, and it won’t kill you either. Every awful thought that went through my mind tortured my soul but they eventually started to fade, yours will too. I’m nowhere near fine but I’m getting there in my own way, day by day and you will too. You are not alone. We can do this❤️


If you feel overwhelmed by a thought or feeling put baby somewhere safe like a cot or play pen and go take a few moments to breathe and clear your mind of those thoughts/feelings. You are not neglecting them you are protecting them.


Thank you this has helped me I remember having these thought and felt I couldn't tell anyone I thought they would think I'm a crazy mom. I'm not the only one that get these thought.


P.s it took me till my son was about two years before I went to the doctors and im glad I hav now. Things can be hard beeing a single mummy but there much better then they wer. I was so alone xx


Omg I was convinced from pregnancy tat my sons nan was going to try an take him away. My ex made me feel horrible and pushed me to hand my son over all the time wen I just wanted to cuddle my baby without pressure. Glad im normal xx


I can't imagine doing this solo. Single mum's suffering with this issue, You should be very proud of your enormous strength! It is very tiring work trying to stay positive i know that first hand. Things can still be hard even with a partner or family around to help. So i applaud every mother, single or not. Anyone that is going through this, you aren't alone and it won't last forever. Tell someone close to you or even a trusted health professional that you are feeling overwhelmed and need a hand. If that isn't an option please reach out to someone online. Big hugs and squeezes xx 💜


Start creating things and wallah!, so far all down feeling almost gone.


Why is this video focused on "mums" this subject is something very personal to our family and although I think it's great we 're raising awareness on such a taboo subject but the focus shouldn't be just placed on women x
