Dangerous Efforts to Deny and Distort Holocaust History

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As the Museum's hundreds of millions of archival documents attest, the Holocaust is the best documented case of genocide: The US military and allies collected firsthand evidence. Survivors and other eyewitnesses testified about their personal experiences. And the Nazis kept meticulous records.

Yet people always have attempted to distort the history or flat-out deny it, for a variety of reasons. Countries minimize or ignore the part played by local collaborators in order to rehabilitate their images. Deniers quickly spread misinformation through the power of social media. And as the history recedes in time, new generations are susceptible to the dangers of manipulation.

Dr. Robert Williams, Deputy Director, International Affairs, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Expert Commentary
Gideon Taylor, President, Claims Conference (Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany)

Dr. Edna Friedberg, Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
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Question: why holocaust is the only thing tht if u Deny it publicly then u will serve jail?


I love how you’re not even allowed to debate the body count or any aspect without being shouted down. How has history become dogma? Maybe in another 50 years...


Investigation and research should be preserved, not suppressed. Free speech also. Education is vital to bringing truth to ignorance and to hateful speech. We also must not jump to label things such as questions of painful events as 9/11 a conspiracy theory. Balanced, calm. objective thinking and research must continue. . Truth will prevail.


Amnesty said that Words are stronger than jails

So why do you all confront Holocaust with jails instead of words?

Free speech is the best thing to solve problems right?


'I simply cannot accept that there are, on every story, two equal and logical sides to an argument.' - Edward R. Murrow


I have friends, whose Polish uncles were in concentration camp. They were forced to load bodies into the ovens. They were traumatized permanently. Their sir name was Stefanski. THAT is real. When I learned this, it was the 1960`s and there was no silly debate over IF this happened or not.


I dont respect anyone that tries to shut down debate about anything. This leaves liberals hung out to dry


What about holocaust/genocide whatever you wish to call it against Russians, Romanians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Serbians, Germans???? Why they are not worth talking about, acknowledging it and why not are offered compensation? Think …. is still free!


So glad to have found such a well articulated and strong presentation of the pervasive role of denial in all facets of society and its ever-increasing current boldness throughout the world particularly in the context of misinformation exemplified regarding the holocaust yet essentially not confined it.


im gonna question the holodomor, tiananmen square, the thirty years war, battle of stalingrad, battle of verdun, the trench and gas warfare of ww1, the american civil war, and many other historical events, aND NOBODY CA-- wants to... stop me...?


My uncle Spencer drove a bulldozer, burying alot of these remains.


Hello and thank you for making this. I noticed a very big difference in the way that Wikipedia portrayed the religious identity of the Nazis with the Conservapedia description. Since the conservapedia has nearly a billion views, and a large number of them specifically of the article on Nazi Germany- it would be good to know if it is correct. They don't cite any source, but say that the Germans under Hitler were (ostensibly ALL) atheist. Whereas wikipedia estimates the number to be 97.5%, and gives a breakdown of the four factions; eg Catholic, Protestant, .. some German word that I'm forgetting (but had negligible numbers compared the other forms of Christianity), and unknown/atheist at 2.5%.

So which of these hits closer to the mark, do you think?


I am not Jewish nor do I have any ties to the Holocaust. Many years prior I began my dark journey into the depths of depravity of what was and is The Holocaust which started because I do research on many historical events and because I was born in Germany to Turkish parents whom later immigrated to the US . Further because The Turkish population which is rather large inGermany has become the Neo Nazis modern day target! To deny and desecrate the horrific crimes and loss of not only the Holocaust but world war 11 is to deny our own history to disrespect our war veterans whom fought the most horrific War in my opinion! There are countless witness, liberator testimonials available not only from our own veterans and Yad Veshem but there are countless German testimonies further there is court footage and documentation of the Nuremberg Trials!! Denial is simply another form of true hatred which has become a platform for many revisionist to make money and gain following. Education and Fact is the only tool against such malice!


anyone who denies the holocaust is living in a fantasy world


Thank you so much for your important work❤️


Just imagine the magnitude of injustice these highly intelligent, deeply devoted religiously, respectful of education and acomplishment while some refer to jews as lazy about hard work!!! No sucessful life can occur minus great effort and discipline over years of time regardless of lifes daily challenges, this group remains steadfast and loyal to the goal they desire!!! What brand of logic based on sanity would judge such traits as flawed or without respect for the sheer numbers of positive outcome world wide which by the Way adds various geographic variables some more challenging than others!!!! Jewish life proves living with love of God, love for family, sharing in the joy of anothers acomplishment and encouraging each others potential to succeed bears fruit worthy of admiration not abuse!!!! Envy of sucess wastes your time better lived learning by example and applying good traits others live by that worked welll! Look at how well hate worked for adolf!!!


The halocast denial all should be jail without sympathy. Lying and distorting information.


google - E u r o p a : T h e L a s t B a t t l e . For arguments that the deniers make.
