How dangerous is it to deny Trinity? - Dr. Walter Martin

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Dr. Walter Martin - How dangerous is it to deny Trinity?

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Dr Walter Martin your legacy will always live...God bless you and your family in Heavens!


Walter Martin was the founder of the Evangelical apologist organization “The Christian Research Institute” (CRI) and the original host of the still popular radio show “The Bible Answer Man” now hosted by Hank Hanegraf.

Martin was more or less anti-Catholic in his earlier days, but as he grew older, and had regular interaction with the then up-and-coming apologists from Catholic Answers, his stance gradually softened.

At the time of his death, I got the impression that his opinion was that of the current attitude of CRI – one of strict disagreements of certain Catholic teachings (i.e., on Mary, Purgatory, justification, etc, etc) – but with grudging acknowledgement that its possible that individual Catholics *can be *Christians (though they offer the caveat that, once Catholics do “become” Christians, it is incomprehensible that they would ascribe to the “Roman Catholic System” :rolleyes: )

Yeah Walter Martin is the “godfather” of the evangelical anti-cult movement who authored many books from the 1960s forward. He died in 1989 shortly after debating liberal episcopal bishop John Spong. I have several of his books.

The only quirky thing about his theology is he rejected the term “eternal Son.” I have a debate on the Trinity he did on John Ankerberg with the Oneness Pentecostal folks where he rejected that. He accepted Jesus is the Word of God from eternity (John 1:1ff) who “became the Son” at the Incarnation (Heb 1:4ff).

He was more anti-Catholic in his early days (you can listen to early talks here) as the above post notes, but what I understand is Fr. Pacwa “softened” him up a bit when they debated on Ankerberg in 1986-87.

Pacwa and Martin supposedly talked about visiting Medugorje together, but after Martin died Ken Samples took the reigns at CRI as their “Catholicism expert” and published with Elliot Miller The Cult of the Virgin (1992). Most of which is answered by Fr. Mateo’s Refuting the Attack on Mary (originally This Rock 1992-93 articles and later a booklet).

Oh cool, just noticed they added some of Martin’s famous early appearances on the “Long John Nebel” show like the ones with atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hare. That should be fun. 😁


For there are THREE that bear record in heaven, The Father, The Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these THREE ARE ONE. These 3 are 1


1 Corinthians 8:6 Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.”


Mark 13:32 (KJV) But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.


About seven years after that Robert Saban left the UPC but not necessarily changed his theology for behavior he labeled as Cultic he seemed very humble and open minded after that he spoke very humble in his debate with Dr. James White in the 90s and he admitted that he believed Trinitarian can inherit eternal life.


Matthew 28:19 Notice that the word “name” is singular (not plural i.e., “names”). Also, the definite article “the” is placed in front of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thus implying plurality within unity. The Trinity is not Modalism—the view that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all one person; nor is it Tritheism—the view that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three separate Gods. Although the Trinity cannot be totally comprehended, it can be apprehended and seen illustrated in the world of nature. Take, for example, an illustration involving three candles. Even after lighting each candle, they are still separate and distinct. However, when one combines each of the three flames together, they become one flame. In the same way, each member of the Trinity is separate and distinct, yet they are one God. As Walter Martin founder of the Christian Research Institute put it:


Dr Martin, rest in peace, you were a servant of the Lord.


" The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen." [2 Corinthians 13:14]


The problem with humans is that we are always trying to understand God and we never will. We just have to believe what Jesus said, "I and the Father are one." If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. Also Jesus said that He will ask the Father to send us the Holy Spirit and He, the HS will be with us and in us forever. Also the HS will lead and guide us to all truth (to Father via Jesus) This shows 3 persons working in total harmony and complete harmony. How??? We don't know. We hardly even know how our own bodies work. Stop arguing and debating things you can't understand and preach the gospel! You are stumbling not only believers but those who don't know Jesus! You will answer to God for your lack of faith. All the knowledge in the world cannot equate an ounce of faith In what God reveals to us and what is hidden is not meant for us to understand until we see Jesus face to face then we will begin to understand some things. In the meantime ask Jesus to send God's HS to lead you to all truth. Also Jesus is the way to the Father! Is that so hard???


Sharpes rule as been disproved just by comparing Matthew 28:19 to different verses in revelation


Walter Ralston Martin (September 10, 1928 – June 26, 1989)


Saying that the Father and the Son are "distinct" persons actually overthrows any notion of a Trinity being "One".


These men committed the unforgivable sin


Trinitarians are so confused and prideful at the same time. The main point of scripture is to believe in one God. Also, belief in the Son of God who died, was buried, and rose from the dead. To deny the Trinity doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church is not antichrist, but the opposite!


Jesus denied the trinity. He said that he is one with the Father and never a 3rd person.

When did the OT jews ever called God a trinity?

Who coined the word trinitas or trinity and who formulated the doctrine of the trinity?


Trinity is a poor attempt of explaining the God head


And yet, the apostles baptized in Jesus Name in the book of Acts. This act of water baptism in Jesus Name declares one God Jesus Christ.


0;59 The Word Was God was with God and Only the Word Was Made Flesh, John 1:1-3, 14. What did the God who was not the Word? The God became the God of Israel and the Father of Jesus. Definitely 💯 two who were each God separately, John 1:1.


The Trinity is mentioned all over the spirit of God has mentioned in the second verse of the Bible people
