𝔹𝕖𝕤𝕥 #pov 𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕤 𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕕 || #harrypotter #pansyparkinson #yn 🐍

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YN is your name
M is mattheo
P is pansy
C is the girl mattheo cheats on

A month before…
YN: Hey M!
M: Hi. So do u want to be my date for the Yule ball?
YN: yes

YN speaking to P: where’s M???
P: idk. U said yes to him right?
YN: yes
P: stay here, hang on. I have to do something.
YN: ok??

With P:

*P trying to find M, P finds him k!ssing C*
P: OMG M! How could u leave YN?
M: I-
P: I’m going to tell YN
M: wait don’t! Please! I can explain! Just don’t tell her!
P: fine. Explain this *crosses her arms*
M: she made a bet with me that I lost. So I have to be-betray YN.
P: *thinks: he’s lying.*
C: it’s true. He lost the bet. *laughs*
P: *hits M in the ribs*
M: ow! What was that for?
P: for cheating on my friend. *she storms out of the room and goes to YN*

YN: what happened? U were gone for long. Is everything ok?
P: no. *as a trustful friend, she tells YN about what happened*

YN: *tears stream down*
P: it’s going to be ok.
*YN loves M so this is heartbreaking for us*
YN: even if he lost the bet, why would he even do it? I know he might see me as a best friend figure but but but I never thought that—
P: it’s ok. He doesn’t deserve u

5 likes to continue

Thanks for the likes! Here’s part 2!

Part two:

M: *pushes C to the wall*. U made me lose my best friend C!
C: the lord wouldn’t be so happy right? Finding out his son is friends with a mud blood (pretend we’re hermiones sister)
M: I—fine. I’ll keep doing it for thiss sake. *runs to find YN*

YN: what a ba$tard!
P: look, just ignore him. He’ll know what he did wrong and he’ll forever have the guilt inside of him.
YN: ur right.

*the next morning at potions*
Professer: alright everyone! I’m going to partner up everyone so we can make a (I forgot the love potions name so bear with me) love potion!
P: let’s ask if we can partner up together
YN: sure.
YN: hey professer? Can me and P partner up together???
Pro(also known as professor): I would like my students to engage with different students so no. Try working with new people!
P: ok fine
Pro: alright, so Draco work with P and YN work with…M.
YN: *YN was shocked. But she wanted to get her revenge so she sees this as an advantage*
M: ok so in the book, it said we have to chop these things. I’ll do that and u can mix it.
YN: chop this instead of that.
M: but it says to use this instead?
YN: just do it.
M: look, I know ur mad at me but we have to pass this class.
YN : look, I don’t *care* about passing. I want—I want. U know what, nvm.
M: tell me what u want me to do. I’ll do it.
YN: just $hut up.

10 likes for part 3


POV: Y/n almost died trying to save Mattheo, but Mattheo loves someone else’s. Pansy is Y/n’a best friend she knows that Y/n loves him, but he doesn’t love her back. So she tried to help Y/n by making her forget about Mattheo and putting him in the past


Bro why does this sound like my mom? 😭


Y/n malfoy fell for Harry Potter and became a member of the order of the phoenix. Pansy found out after Y/N stopped the crucio curse from hitting Harry and has threatened to tell her family but little does pansy know she has already been diagnosed and is known living with the Weasleys she went back to the manor to get her things and got the dark mark then Harry dumped her and Y/n was tortured then pansy comes to talk to her


Pov: P (Your Best Friend) tells you how dumb you are for going back to your horrible ex


Y/n got the dark mark as a show of loyalty to Mattheo (her bf)
Pansy and the slytherin boys all told her not to because they were forced to get it by their parents and they hurt themselves just to try and get it off
Y/n helps the death eaters attack the golden trio at the quidditch game (I don’t remember the name of the game but the one Harry went to with the Weaslys)
She hurt her first innocent and was almost killed in the process and the day after she gets out of the hospital wing Mattheo breaks up with her to try and keep her safe and keep her innocence because that’s what he likes about her, he likes that she’s good and makes him want to be good, he doesn’t want her to lose that so they break up and her heart is broken
(I’m sorry, this is my first time doing one of these 😭)


Pov: Pansy doesn't think Mattheo is good for y/n
