Scalp Psoriasis Removal and Best Treatment At Home

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Suffering with Scalp Psoriasis? Learn about Scalp Psoriasis Removal and best Scalp Psoriasis Treatment At Home!

00:00 Scalp Psoriasis Removal and best Treatment At Home?
00:51 Scalp Psoriasis Symptoms And Causes?
02:50 What Makes Scalp Psoriasis Worse?
05:00 Scalp Psoriasis Treatment At Home?
08:53 Scalp Psoriasis Removal Instructions?
13:47 General Tips That Help With Scalp Psoriasis?
15:28 When To Seek Medical Attention?
16:05 Conclusion on Scalp Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a long term skin condition which causes flaky, crusty, thickened skin covered by silvery scales. Scalp psoriasis is what it is called when those patches are on your head. It’s not something that you can catch, so don’t worry about passing it on to anyone.

It’s caused by a malfunction in skin cell production. Normally, skin cells take 3 to 4 weeks to be produced, however in psoriasis, it only takes 3 to 7 days. This speed causes a build-up of skin and leads to the patches known as psoriasis.

Whilst we don’t really understand why it happens, we know that in people with psoriasis, their immune system attacks healthy skin cells by mistake. This can be triggered by skin injury, by throat infections or even by using certain medicines - and I'll drop links to some information on this in the description box.

The psoriasis patches could appear anywhere on the body, but it tends to be on the elbows, the knees, the lower back and the scalp. Although this video focuses on the scalp, you’ll find my advice is useful for managing psoriasis on the rest of the body.

Sometimes, the symptoms will completely disappear, or be milder, and at other times, they could be more severe. You could have one patch, lots of patches, or it could cover your entire scalp. It can also spread to the back of the neck, the forehead or even behind and inside your ears.

If you’re experiencing a flare up, you could also be affected by hair loss, and if that’s the case, the hair will usually grow back. It can be itchy, cause tightness and soreness, even more so when there are cracks in the skin.

Here are the links to the videos mentioned in this weeks video,

All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and it’s author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health.

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About this video: Suffering with Scalp Psoriasis? In this video, Advanced Medical Practitioner Abraham Khodadi, MPharm(Hons)IPresc MScACP shares the best Scalp Psoriasis Removal and best Scalp Psoriasis Treatment At Home!
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I started cancer immunotherapy treatments for cancer in March. Started noticing some psoriasis on my head and behind my ears in May. It’s gotten worse now in summer.. I perspire a lot on my head and that seems to make it more itchy. The dermatologist recommended a shampoo. I guess it helps. Although It hasn’t gone away.
I’m hoping after 6 more months of treatments this will be gone away with the cancer. 🙏🙏🙏😊


Only treatment which worked for me - cortisone lotion. Tried everything else since the age of 12 (I'm now 58). Moisteuriing it makes no difference. Flare-ups often occur on holiday and I have observed over the years that stress seems to make no difference. I'm a very healthy eater. No processed foods. Vegetarian. Don't scratch - big issue. I got this at puberty. UV light seems to make a difference. Lie in sun exposing that part of scalp. Identify shampoos which don't irritate it.


What up my fellow crone dome flakers! 😭😩😭😩😑


This has honestly helped me so much! I mostly have it on the hairline by my ears and it's annoying af! I'm on a Coal tar treatment which is helping


I have this SO bad right now! I just pick at my head all night long and wake up with so much pain


I suffered for decades with this. But now, I brush my hair/head 200 times every evening. I use a brush with wide plastic combs. Not "bristles" nothing that pulls or breaks hairs. I do it gently but I DO brush the scalp, not just the hair…
And yes, vitamin D helps too! But brushing the scalp gently every night really does wonders for me. It exfoliates, aerates, oxygenates (by increasing blood supply) and soothes.
And no chemicals…


Thank you for your great advice. You covered each concern.❤


My psoriasis started on my lower scalp and has now extended over my neck and shoulders. Over 20+ years I have tried many different shampoos/steroid creams etc, without much success, and the condition was starting to spread to my ears and onto my face where I cannot use a steroid cream. However have recently had 20 sessions of UV phototherapy which has made a big difference in the crustiness and the colour of my skin is much improved. I also use a therapeutic shampoo (Capasal) which contains salicylic acid, coconut oil and distilled coal tar. I was also advised to moisturise my skin frequently with "Epimax" oatmeal cream moisturiser which improves the condition of my skin, but is difficult to apply to the skin on my scalp. I was told to use coconut oil and to cover the area with plastic film (kitchen film) to lock in the oil. I must also try a Vit D supplement to help in the fight! PS One of the heart meds I have to take is known to affect psoriasis.


I haven’t had a flare up for about 20 years… I have no idea why it’s happening now but it’s rather painful and I can’t get in to see a dermatologist until September. (Thanks US medical system) I’m hopeful that these tips help


Mine is constant, it never leaves my scalp.


When my dad was an alcoholic he had psoriasis all over his body. It reduced a lot when he finally got sober. I have psoriasis so far only on my scalp. I rarely drink, but when I do I do notice the next day or so the psoriasis is worse. I have mixed feelings ab out scalp psoriasis. I do like that it is easy to hide since my hair hides it as long as I don't scratch and cause flakes. But it is so much harder to moisturize and debride it than it would be elsewhere on the body. Sure I could shave my head but I like my hair and then I couldn't hide it. But man it takes so much time to take care of.
I have a theory that hard water and/or water softeners triggered my psoriasis. It started when I moved to a new city with some of the hardest water in the country. I used to live in an area with hard water but it wasn't as bad as where I moved to and my previous home did not have a water softener. The water had a lot of iron ore actually. But I lived in this city for a summer, got my first patch. Went back to college in another city, still had that patch but it didn't get worse. After graduation I was living in another city for 3 months, then moved back to the original city that I got psoriasis in and it spread to my whole head. I have really dense hair too that takes forever to dry, I have low porosity, so I wonder if the hard water sitting on my scalp so long make sit worse. However if I blowdry my hair it makes the psoriasis even worse because the heat dries it out, and I have also found sweating makes it worse as well.
Coconut oil makes my hair feel like straw due to my low porosity so I can't use it.
I admit I ahve a bad habit of scratching the scales off. They itch if I don't.
The dollar tree in the black hair care section has a scalp massager/scrubber that I find really helps to gently exfoliate in the shower.


I have suffered with Scalp psoriasis for years, it’s very upsetting. I’ve tried coal tar shampoos, diprosalic acid, coconut oil and it always comes back


I get it in small patches. It started when I was a teenager and it went away for awhile. I'm going bald now which gives me anxiety because hair use to cover it up. I have notice sunlight helps clear it up.


Brilliant video many thanks 😊 have not used coconut oil before so good advice. Have been taking vit D supplements since covid but was unaware that this would also be of benefit in relation to scalp. Many thanks again.


I'm only 17 and I have it I feel so hopeless that it will never get better why did I have to get cursed with this


I think I have scalp psoriasis but I’m not 100% sure, my mom thinks it’s dandruff but I’m not sure, pus comes from my scalp when I press unto it, today I went to get a hair cut and when dye touched my hair, my hair was burning like it was on fire.


I have suffered with this for the longest time. And my scalp is very very itchy and uncomfortable. Hope these tips help. Thanks Abraham


I don’t know if it is a coincidence but after washing my hair with warm water I found that if I end my shower with cold water and scrub my scalp a little it reduces the psoriasis


Hi Doc 😢 I have dark spots all over my body duo to psoriasis... Can u help me with the removal of that ?😢


I've had severely itchy scalp for two years. Only thing which works is Ivermectin lotion applied to scalp every other day. I think itching began a few months after I received dental abutments to attach snap on denture. Maybe there was tiny bit of gold alloy in abutment which I wasl allergic to.
