The Life And Tragic Ending Of Jimmy Swaggart

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The Life and Tragic Ending of Jimmy Swaggart. Jimmy Swaggart was the essence of a modern day evangelical powerhouse: charismatic, influential, and unafraid to proclaim the gospel. From the pulpit to the recording studio, his presence was felt in the world of televangelism, attracting listeners with his fiery sermons and soul-stirring songs. However, under the veneer of spiritual enthusiasm and fame was a story as complex as it was tragic, one of the successes overshadowed by personal hardships and moral issues. Let's see where it all went wrong..


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The Life and Tragic Ending of Jimmy Swaggart

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The Sad Case of Jimmy Swaggart

Jimmy Swaggart Scandal | 02/26/88 | Vintage LSWI
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God used this man to touch my life in Australia back in 1984. Since then I thank God for the two years of Bible College in Australia and time spent helping in orphanages in Mexico and Guatemala. Also being used by God to work with indigenous pastors in Panama, by showing the 'Jesus Movie, .
Yes, Swaggart had problems but those who point the finger at him need to remember that there are three fingers pointing back. Thank you God and thank you Swaggart for being used by God. Blessings from Australia.


My husband and I are in our 80’s. We watched the news then and he was humiliated before the world. We also thank God that he was delivered, restored and did not quit. We love him and all his family and appreciate the way they stayed together and defeated the enemy. We watch and have recently began to give to the ministry. So glad to see that so many out there feel the same way we do.


Jimmy Swaggert like all of us made mistakes. He asked forgiveness from God and his followers and God blessed him abundantly in his progress in preaching the Gospel. I loved his worship of the Lord . The Lord knows we are all human .


All the preachers, jimmy swaggart captured my heart, very sincere human being. I don't care what he did, we all come short of the glory of God, that's why we're on repentance ground. The lord will forgive, if we asked for forgiveness.


No one is righteous, but through Christ Jesus who died on the cross we are saved. I still respect Jimmy Swaggart for swallowing the pride and asked for forgiveness. May the Lord keep blessing him.


At moments of loss in my life, his music inspired and helped me heal. Upto today his worship music has a gentle spirit of comfort. He was forgiven when he repented. He has impacted many of us. I thank God for his faithfulness even when he has stumbled. May God continue to use his family in Jesus' name.


Praise God for the time and life of Jimmy Swaggart. I listened to his soul / spirit inspiring songs and sermons every Sunday while I was in secondary school( 1981 to 1983). Jimmy Swaggart, you are loved and cherised. God bless you in Jesus Mighty name. AAAMEN


Jimmy swaggart's booklets on various bible doctrines were of immense help to my spiritual life when I newly gave my life to Christ.
His bible teachings and songs are unique and have been a blessing to me.
I am grateful to God that he got restored to the Lord.

I am happy he is not a drop out from Christianity.


I thank God that Jimmy didn't quit after his failure. By the grace of God, he picked himself back up, overcame his weakness, overcame the devil, overcame his haters, overcame the godless media, and got back into God's service. He has taught every Christian some great lessons. God bless Jimmy, his family, and his ministry!!❤❤❤


Jimmy Swaggart did not have a tragic ending. He inspired millions with the Gospel for years. He made mistakes like all humans. His fall demonstrated the power of sin in our lives, and how none are immune. He remained active as a pastor, and his life only demonstrated the power of the Cross. Those who are critical should be cautious. The Cross was not for the perfect and sinless. It was for the sinners like you and me, and Jimmy Swaggart.


As Christians/church we need to pray for spiritual leaders.The enemy is fighting to tarnish their name.May God protect His messengers, prophets 🙏


I love to listen him sing and preach. He is truly a man of God
Everyone has sins. His weakness is not mine and mine is not his. Keep on spreading the Gospel message. Good luck to you


I have more respect for Jimmy Swaggart after listening to this presentation. What was even more touching was his ministry to the Mozambique liberation army and the discovery of his booklet on the Holy Spirit. May God continue to bless his ministry.


Jimmy Swaggart was always a favorite of mine. He earned a new level of respect from me when I saw him stand before the world and ask for forgiveness for his failure. None of us are perfect, we all make mistakes. Thank God he forgives. God bless Brother Swaggart


Make no mistakes about it, Jimmy Swaggart's preaching style was so captivating that I took Sundays off from my job just to watch him on tv & anytino he cried while preaching, I cried too.
While playing piano singing & crying in his church, I cried with him.
Swaggart's compelling music was so heart & soul embracing that my brother in Africa asked me to buy all ever released cds of Jimmy's gospel songs because they put him at peace in his soul with the Lord anytime he was listening to his songs.
Swaggart was the only emotional preacher who would make any normal human being emotional as well.
He was blessed with his style of dynamic preaching which separated him from the others.
May God bless him.


The Bible says "put no confidence in the flesh. and we all have it man fails and fell from the beginning. I'm not upholding s i n but there's a reason for it when we're not where we need to be in the Lord. Thank God, God Made A Way in true repentance, if there wasn't any repentance, none of us would make it❤...


Jesus has forgiven Jimmy. He has repented of what he has done. He is an inspiration to me. Jesus doesn't hold our sins against us when we truly repent and turn away from our sins. Everyone has done wrong and will do wrong. We are not perfect. We need to point those fingers back at ourselves. God bless you Jimmy. We are all going to stand before Jesus one day and give an account of our lives. I look up to him. He turned his life around


Jimmy Swaggart leave a great legacy in Africa Zimbabwe. Thank you for your strong dedication to the work of the cross.


He made a mistake. Who hasn't? He sinned. Who hasn't? God forgave him and the Lord declared him clean. That's good enough for me.


If any one of you has not sinned, you may cast the first stone (judge)...
