100+ Samsung Galaxy S8 Tips, Tricks & Hidden Features

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Enjoy over 100+ Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ Plus Tips, Tricks and Hidden Features and master the Galaxy S8.

Galaxy S8 is a smartphone full of deep and rich features and it is essential that you master every tip, trick, hidden feature and everything else when you own a smartphone this great.

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I sold my iphone7 and brought the s8 before switching over I was a bit hesitant but let me tell you, it was the best decision I have made .. this is the ultimate phone and it's not open for debate


This video blew me away. Samsung should license this and put it on their website. I switched from the iPhone 7 Plus to the S8 Plus because of the terrible Intel modem that Apple put in the AT&T and T-Mobile variants...where signal strength/reception and downloads were pathetic.

The S8 and S8+ are a revelation. I can't begin to tell you how much I learned from this video. You could sell a million devices.


I’m getting the Samsung Galaxy S8 soon and this was so incredibly helpful! I honestly can’t believe how much customisation android offers! Really excited to try all of these tips :)


This is the best tutorial on the S-8 by far. I just upgraded to the Galaxy S-8+. In a lot of the videos I watched they talked so fast & moved through the settings so fast I could not focus on what they were actually doing. Sakitech takes his time speaks clearly & recaps the steps on the subject again. For us old guys (I am 74) This is super helpful. I watched this twice & now know everything about my new (awesome) S8+.


I was gonna watch a movie but I found your video, and I watched it entirely. Thank you very much, I have a galaxy s8 and didn't know all the things that I could do with it. You are a professional making videos, keep it up


Had my s8+ for two weeks now && I'm still watching vids about this phone. Buying this phone was the best decision I ever made in my life


Rename this Video "why android is better than ios" lol. Awesome video. I am getting the s8.


WOW. Epic video. The more you watch, the better it gets!


Just picked my Samsung Galaxy S8 a couple of days ago. There's a lot there to learn. You video was fabulous. I think you touch on everything. Thanks for a great video.


i had the iphone and i always hated androids felt like they were cheap ass phones but i bought the s8 plus and i dont miss the iphone at all. only thing the iphone has on the android is the camera new mode the potrait mode it looks more like if a photographer took it but if your a real photographer i dont think it matters what phone you're using. GREAT VID!!


O my God, I don't usually write reviews but this guy did an excellent job, he is a born teacher. I learnt a lot from him, more of a tutorial than tips and tricks.Thank you. Good Job.


You are the best ever! Very much appreciated. Happy Saturday!


best tutorial video for this device currently on YouTube! Thank you.


Man...I watched the houl video. My brain was in sleep but i just didn't stop watching the video. Now i know every single thing about my phone. S8+.


This was a great video. I got my phone today and I have moved from an iPhone to Samsung and this video was unbelievably helpful. Thank you!


Awesome! Thank you for the great tips 😉🇨🇦👌


Just bought this phone and this video is a godsend for myself 👍👍


Congrats' fort this big effort! Thank you.


Thanks Sakitech for the extreme in-depth review of the S8+ or S8, this helped me and a couple of friends with my new flagship!
What a herculean effort on your part. The best I've seen on YouTube so far. Please keep up the good work. I would however like to know more in-depth about the unlock features, Iris, face, pin, trusted location, trusted devices and fingerprint. I tried to set up all of them and now the phone hardly ever tries to use the iris scanner. Too much/many? Thanks a bunch. I just moved from the Note-5


AWESOME Video!, it was looong (watched across several nights), but worth it! Was not aware I could do so much with my S8. The s8 is a BEAUTIFUL MOBILE to the touch both back and front, upgraded from the S6 2yr contract to the S8.... Gracias y saludos de Mexico (Thanks and cheers from Mexico)
