How to be a miracle worker: Gabrielle Bernstein at TEDxFiDiWomen

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"So long, Carrie Bradshaw—there's a new role model for go-getting thirty-somethings. Gabrielle Bernstein is doling out inner peace and self-love for the post-modern spiritual set."
—Elle magazine

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Expect miracles and wait without anxiety..Universe has our back...these lines are the main context of this video and attracted my attention most..thank you.


10 years ago and I still go back to this every year.


"A miracle is a shift in perception." That, to me, is a meaningful insight. I believe it would help for ACIM to become more mainstream, so I applaud this lovely woman for boldly sharing her story and offering her help to those who need it.


For those who think she is just playing a part or selling something...I really don't think it is just about selling her brand.  You can go on her site, watch free videos and I've seen where she does free live web chats.  Sure, she is trying to support herself and create a successful business, so what?  The point is that she is a positive voice with positive messages.  She does this whole "real talk" thing that helps people get their head out of their asses to reach their true potential.  If you are willing to do the self work, that is.  :)  I like her. 


She’s beautiful. Towards the end, I did giggle as she burst forth with passionate commands, it reminded me of those preaching ministers... I was waiting for the audience to repeat her words, chanting “Yes forgiveness” “Oh yes...Praise ACIM”!

It’s lovely and very refreshing to see an unscripted delivery; that takes courage... or genuine faith!


This is one of the better speeches I have heard in a long time.  Then disappointed to see the comments where people seem to be so offended by anyone who is "selling" something.  This talk was not even asking for anyone to buy anything.  And truth be told, we are all in "sales".  If we aren't promoting an idea or a service or our own worth to a prospective employer or client, we are probably recommending a product or restaurant to someone else.  We all promote ideas and things we like and believe can benefit others.  What is wrong with that?  If we aren't doing this, what are we doing then?  Living for ourselves?  I am sure none of these comments really bothers Gabrielle though because she knows the only way to avoid criticism is to done nothing, and that is no way to live.  We live to serve others.  This is a great speech.  For those who didn't like this for some reason, I challenge you to listen to it at a different time in your life when perhaps you are ready for its message.  Think with love...  :)    Remember the four steps to becoming a miracle worker are 1) willingness/openness to make change, 2) surrender... let go of your plans, time limits, listen..., 3)  practice forgiveness, 4) expect miracles.


I've been off heroine for ten years. It was tough coming off my script because I went cold turkey when I was on 8mg of Subutex and boy did I suffer. I was determined tho and that experience has taught me that I can do anything that I commit to.


Yes. Most of the time we get in our own way. Forgiveness truly makes you light.
And Miracles do happen. Thank you.


You're so Great! My awakening started a year ago and my fear and extreme faith caused me to create some chaos my world. Honest, Beautiful Souls like you, help me get through it. Your purpose is Divine. Thank you.


When the messages begin coming through and there are only synchronicities and manifestations coming to fruition time and time again, whoaaa!!! Hold onto your hat! It’s exciting, it’s happiness, it’s the feeling of being the champagne bursting out and overflowing the bottle! Gratitude, service to others and all love to and feel all the above, then wash, rinse, repeat, wash, rinse, repeat, over and over! Blessings and love to all.🙏🏻


Gabrielle is not talking but this is Truth talking through her- God bless her. With Courage and defenselessness she let her heart connect with the One Source and let blessings and miracles extend to us all. Thank you.


I want to thank you Gabrielle for helping me to feel a real connection to God. I understand the importance of finding this relationship and how serving the universal energy empowers your individual life as well as the lives of everyone around you. You have been the spark that has breathed life into my spiritual practice.


After 20 years of being clean, I messed up again. NA is helping massively and starting to follow this young lady. Hope the universe has put me in the right direction


Gabby you made me cry thank you for your message, the fact that most people are not (yet) able to listen to and understand your message shows how the world needs more people like you... BIG love from Europe!


Sri, I agree with you. To spin it the other way, all of the negative comments here are actually lovely examples of how our minds run amuck. Learning to control our negative thinking and attacking others is an extremely hard task. The work Gabrielle is talking about is de-programming the ego-mind which loves keeping itself separated from others by means of attack. You have to be really ready to do this kind of work, it is not for wimps!


This was the kind of message that inspires a certain kind of motivation, not everyone will understand, or be entertained by this speech. But those who are moved will take from it a genuine level of hope that she received in her darkest moment. She however, in my opinion, is an excellent and unique speaker to have done this talk without an outline.


She has it all, intelligence, spirituality, compassion, courage and beauty. The presence of someone with a higher vibration will trigger unresolved egoic issues to surface. Remember that as u are judging and criticizing others.


Wow reading these comments is unbelievable disheartening! What a beautiful message, and the judgement and critic of some is the true reason the world is in the mess it is in!! I loved this talk, it is truth and thank you for this feed. What a postive reflection of a persons lessons in life, one that inspires others to find and live their truths.
Blessings <3


This was incredible and powerful. I can't believe there are negative comments. Some people just don't allow themselves to get it.


Excellent, this proves that if you work at it hard enough, diligently and optimistically, repeatedly over time, no matter how troubled your life has become you can totally believe in fully, any lies you set your mind to are absolute truths.

Now anything should be easy.
