Evan Patterson: Double-categorical databases and knowledge representation
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Title: Double-categorical databases and knowledge representation
Speaker: Evan Patterson
Abstract: Category theory yields efficient mathematical formalisms for relational databases and, relatedly, for knowledge representation systems. The most direct approach is based on the category of sets and functions and is therefore functional in nature. In a more overtly relational approach, it has also been proposed to use the bicategory of sets, relations, and implications. The functional and relational views have their pros and cons, as we will explain. We will then argue that working with the double category of sets, functions, relations, and implications, and its abstraction in cartesian equipments and "double categories of relations," is a unification that captures many of the benefits of both approaches.
This talk is based on joint work with Michael Lambert.
Topos Institute Berkeley Seminar
September 6, 2022
Speaker: Evan Patterson
Abstract: Category theory yields efficient mathematical formalisms for relational databases and, relatedly, for knowledge representation systems. The most direct approach is based on the category of sets and functions and is therefore functional in nature. In a more overtly relational approach, it has also been proposed to use the bicategory of sets, relations, and implications. The functional and relational views have their pros and cons, as we will explain. We will then argue that working with the double category of sets, functions, relations, and implications, and its abstraction in cartesian equipments and "double categories of relations," is a unification that captures many of the benefits of both approaches.
This talk is based on joint work with Michael Lambert.
Topos Institute Berkeley Seminar
September 6, 2022