Paul Wallis: 'Jesus Was An Alien And I Brought Proof...'

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my kingdom is not of this world "Jesus Christ" 🙏🙏


I had an out of this world experience. It was with Jesus. I was going through the worst time of my life. I only found comfort in reading the Bible. One day Jesus revealed Himself to me. I've never been the same since. I found myself hungry for the Bible and read and read it and felt it was written just for me. The Holy Spirit revealed such awesome things to me while reading. I don't know why God revealed Himself to me but I'm so grateful. Jesus is the only way to the one true God. The one true, holy God. When you know. You know. Nothing can change it.


I feel we homosapiens got more of a downgrade than an upgrade by ETs. Why do we only have 8% of our whole DNA functional? Did we get clipped somewhere along the lines and why? Or why would God design a circuit board but only 8 wires work? Great video! 👁


Jesus is the Creator of everything. Humans animals planets suns moons aliens. He made everything. Jesus was there in the beginning before anything was created. I can just laugh at you guys everything is Aliens to you. Now suddenly Jesus is a alien😂. Grow up and read your bible as you suppose to do


This is why I pray to the one who created the heavens and the earth. I don't end with amen, but rather silence and wait. Just seeking....


I think the discovery of the Nazcar mummies pretty much proves this theory of our genetic origins.


Yes, your on the right track, many people have been questioning who/what this god is, who does not come over as a compasionate loving being, this is a jealous, demon god, keep up the good work, truth is needed in these times of massive deciet


No one named him We Christians call him Father . When the Holy Spirit comes to you and guides your Dailey life. Jesus came to me pure white light .


An alien from heaven... yes.. that's Jesus, Son of God .


What about the birth of Jesus mother Mary
She too is an immaculate conception
As she was to be the very special vessel for the Christ
So she was conceived in order to do this conception??


There is always someone who wants to make a name for themselves but not in the way this guy is doing and the Bible warned us of these people


I listened to Gerald Clark for many years before he left us. I take his findings seriously and still base what I teach to others from him, most of this stuff. What Gerald said was Nigiszidda, Enki's 2nd son was Jesus. When I had a client under hypnosis, The One spoke through her. He said, "I sent my son down, people knew him as Jesus, but that was not his real name. Yashwa isn't his real name either. Some of the stone tablets mention Nigiszdda helping with the 'Genesis'. He was like his father Enki. I believe they were close unlike Marduk Enki's first son.
Enki was a royal prince, his kids were royal too. So Nigiszdda/Jesus was a royal prince along with his Uncle Enlil the Satan/Conmander Chief and Adversary. After all this mess here, when that Judgement comes, the Higher Self beings told me through that hypnosis that I would only see The One/Enki after The Judgement. It is not what people think.
I will be doing a channel and talk more about interesting subjects that Mir Mortals are afraid to speak about.


The light shall become you, fall upon you, ask of you to approach. Light is he, and he is a star in the heavens. There is a planet between Earth and our Moon, not always seen. The sun effects our ability to see it. God has a masculine, very large hand and that hand can magical things to open heaven but the hand appears from 25000 ft. God's hand saved me from hell once. Years later, it appeared. 2024 has become the year that I met Jesus, several times as he changes how he appears to me. He came upon a horse to me a few days ago as an angel parted the clouds for him. God, just emerged from the sky, not clouds. If a hand unseen touches you, it does not speak, neither when it shows itself to you. It is God and his way. For me, God drew a circle to open heaven, a bit flamboyant which made it more remarkable.

For those of you who love archeology, in heaven there are 12 large square stones which have writing on each. It is not a known text, but to me, it lights from within to pass me between parts of heaven. My vision has become more powerful in the past 3 years as the world becomes chaotic.


He´s right: Jesus was not only extra-terrestrial but also extra-temporal and extra-dimensional being in eternal existence


If you'd like to read about a logically convincing explanation to all this, I recommend that you Google an extraordinary bio titled 'Saved by the Light of the Buddha Within'


Noah was also miraculously conceived and was glowing in the radiated light. like we all photons but someone more than the other


I think the hybrid nature, could be expressed as Part Divine, and part Earthly Human- as I don't think the Fully Divine Nature could really identify much with the way the Earthly nature has evolved on/ in our planetary Sphere of conscious understanding. e.g you cannot have a successful or True connection of 'That which is connected to God/Theos' and that which is 'away from being connected to God/Theos?" at the same instance as they are two different polarities/forces of the one equation- and I think they would annihilate, extinguish or repulse eachother.We just have to evolve grow in understnading thru the opposing forces with Love, Compassion and Forgiveness ? Easy to say in words isn't it.... Just keep on washing out the crap...until our garment is clean enough to take on the power.


It may not be a definitive explanation but at least a partial one… Yes, we may all be hybrids but, in Jesus’ case he also had mastered the various dharmas of his age: the Jewish teachings, and in his travels to the East, the Vedic Indian ones and the Vajrayana Buddhist ones. His mastery of these teachings was exhibited in his own brilliant teachings, miracles and healings back in Palestine. It was the combination of ET upgrading and his own self-realization which made him unique.


I will be praying for you Paul. I hope you give your heart to Jesus. If you read this and when your conscience is alive and feeling the hot of hell when you died. Still cry out to Jesus because of your ignorance denying Jesus is your savior and the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ as your savior


Every time I hear Paul talk about this I get so excited because I came to almost exactly the same conclusions that he has, many years ago, by doing my own research. I too was a devout Christian when I began my research. I was so floored by what I found that I made videos about it at my channel (which are now very old). I simply didn't have the time anymore to continue the research, but Paul has taken it much further than I ever did and is much better at communicating these controversial concepts better than I (having been a minister). It is so refreshing to know that I am not the only one to see these things. Jesus a hybrid? Jesus is reported in the gospels as being both a son of God and a son of Man. Remember, the "sons of God" in Gen. 6 were allegedly "fallen angels". The Sumerian texts reveal that they were the Igigi, who were giants. They "took wives" among the "daughters of men", i.e., THE WOMEN WERE ABDUCTED. Abductions by extraterrestrials for the purpose of producing hybrids have continued to this very day.
